Yu Ling was puzzled by Ji Yan’s words, she had a resentment in her heart, and her tone was very unhappy, “What about the others? Is he taking advantage of me? ”

Now that you’re actually leaving, don’t you even dare to see each other?

Ji Yan shook his head, if some things are not said, the misunderstanding will come.

However, he also knows Lu Shaoqing’s character, and he is too lazy to say, anyway, he can do things right to his conscience.

As a senior brother, Ji Yan naturally would not let Yu Ling have a misunderstanding of Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan said the reason why Lu Shaoqing made Yu Ling the city lord, and finally said to Yu Ling, “My junior brother is very lazy, and the life and death of ordinary people, he is too lazy to care.”

“The reason why he pays so much is because he already treats you as his own.”

When Yu Ling heard this, the resentment in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he was moved.

She felt her eyes a little moist.

She looked away and snorted, “What about the others?” Don’t dare to come out and meet people?

Ji Yan smiled slightly, under the moonlight, flowing like a fairy, turned to leave, “Don’t pass it by.” See you soon! ”


Yu Meng watched Ji Yan leave, tears flowing.

Yu Ling also felt a little sour in his nose.

And at this moment, her heart moved, and the city lord Yuxi gave feedback on the information.

Yu Ling took Yu Meng straight to the teleportation array in the city.

When she arrived, she happened to see the white light of the teleportation array flickering, and the figures of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing disappeared.

Leaving Lu Shaoqing’s words echoing in the air, “As a senior brother, you still want your junior brother to take out the spirit stone and teleport?” Yu

Ling’s heart completely felt empty, and even greater sadness welled up in his heart.

Although he already knew that Lu Shaoqing would leave sooner or later, he didn’t expect it to be so soon.

And before running, without even seeing each other, Yu Ling gritted his teeth, “What a big bastard.” ”


Yu Meng cried sadly.

Yu Ling comforted his sister, looked at the teleportation array, his gaze firm, “Let’s cultivate hard, one day we will catch up with their footsteps…”

On the cold star, many cities are far apart, and the traffic between cities is mainly teleportation arrays.

After arriving in Dongji, you don’t have to use the teleportation array all the time.

Dongji is the best place in the cold star.

Different from the northern desert, western pole and southern wilderness, the environment is harsh.

The area of Dongji is the smallest, only one-third of the northern desert.

The environment here is suitable, close to that of the thirteen states.

In addition, the Holy Land is located here in Dongji, so there are the most demon cultivators here.

The distance between the city and the city is not far, and you can rush even without using a teleportation array.

After Ji Yan and Lü Shaoqing arrived at the first city in Dongji near the Southern Wilderness, they discovered a problem.

Lu Shaoqing threw the compass to Ji Yan, “Is there something wrong with the compass?” Ji

Yan took a look and found that the pointer on it was like a convulsion, constantly spinning.

Sometimes pointing east, sometimes west, sometimes simply stopping.

This is a gadget that Master made up.

Tracking apprentices is especially useful.

Lu Shaoqing has not used it, and Ji Yan has had it a few times.

However, Ji Yan did not know why this happened.

The two of you looked at me for a while, and I looked at you, speechless.

“What? Do you want to go home? Lu Shaoqing suggested, “How about burning more ingots candles for her then?”

Ji Yan’s face was expressionless, “Yes, when the time comes, you will tell Master and Master Xiao to yourself.” ”

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Elm pimples, can’t you make a joke?” Lu Shaoqing despised the senior brother who did not understand humor.

“You say, what to do?”

There is no good way to do it.

The only thing that is certain now is that Xiao Yi is here in Dongji, but where it is, it is unknown.

Even though Dongji is the smallest of the four major regions of Hanxing, there are thousands of cities and a population of more than 10 billion.

One city after another came to find it, and the two of them were exhausted and could not find Xiao Yi.

What’s more, Xiao Yi has hands and feet and can run.

Finding her here in Dongji is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “You have a lot of ghost ideas, hurry up and find a way.” ”

Find a way or something, Lu Shaoqing is stronger than him.

“No way.” Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to think, think of a way, his head would hurt, “We might as well wait here, let the junior sister come to us herself.”

“After all, Junior Sister is also eighteen years old, almost nineteen years old, and has grown up.” When she gets tired of playing, she will come to us. Ji

Yan’s expression moved, “Good way.” ”

Huh?” Lu Shaoqing didn’t react, “What good way?” Do you have a good way? Ji

Yan nodded, “There is a way.”

“What way?” Lu Shaoqing humbly asked, “Say it, let me see your bad idea.” Ji

Yan did not speak, but smiled slightly, and then turned around and flew straight to the center of the city.

“Hey, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly followed, with a bad premonition in his heart.

“Bastard, talk, don’t pretend to be dumb for me.”

Ji Yan came directly to the center of the city, and this was the city, the city lord’s mansion of Sanwu City.

“What for?”

Lu Shaoqing’s premonition in his heart was even stronger.

Ji Yan smiled slightly, and suddenly drew out the Wuqiu sword, and a sword intent rushed straight into the sky.

The people of Sanwu City suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, as if they had been pricked by countless needles, and goosebumps all came out.

Lu Shaoqing now knew what Ji Yan was going to do.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and he couldn’t wait to knock Ji Yan to death here.

“me off.”

Seeing that someone rushed out of the city lord’s mansion, Lu Shaoqing ran to the side with a cigarette.

The little ape was also very smart, almost pulling Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and following Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing ran to a restaurant below and hit the pillar with his head.

How did I end up with such a master brother?

If you want to do this kind of thing, you tell me, can you die?

When I got here, nothing was clearly inquired.

You don’t even know if the city lord here is male or female, so you come to the door to ask for trouble.

It’s not like that if you want to die.

Lu Shaoqing hit the pillar very depressed.

Although it was said that the realm of the Avatar God was concentrated in the Holy Land, it was now able to threaten both of them in the late Yuan Infant period.

If ten eight-eighth infant babies suddenly appeared, the two of them would not be able to escape if they wanted to.

Ji Yan’s action caused a commotion in Sanwu City.

“Hey, I don’t know if I’m dead or alive, dare to show my sword here in Sanwu City.”

Lu Shaoqing, who was bumping against the pillar at the door, suddenly heard someone on the second floor sneering.

Rolled his eyes, and hurriedly ran into the upper second floor…

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