Here on the second floor, several young ladies gathered together.

A young man in white at the head with a handsome appearance, although he is a saint, he has Bai Zhe skin that makes women envious.

Standing by the window, looking proudly at the heavenly plan, he sneered contemptuously, “Find death.”

Then, he turned back and asked, “Yes, sister Miaoya.” A

flash of fire flashed in his eyes.

A girl dressed in an emerald green shirt sat on the table, her long hair coiled haphazardly and spiraled above her head.

Although the girl’s skin is wheat-complexed, it cannot hide her beauty.

Compared to the other girls present, she was the most beautiful one.

However, this girl showed a somewhat depressed expression on her face, she didn’t bother to look at the movement outside, and drank wine with her own care.

Everyone else huddled by the window, watching the words outside.

“What Gou Su Gongzi said is extremely true, coming to Sanwu City to make trouble is simply seeking his own death.”

“That is, it must be a barbarian from the Southern Wilderness, I don’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.”

“Maybe it’s from the North Desert or the West Pole.” No matter where it comes from, it’s dirt buns. ”

I want to see what this guy is capable of daring to come here to make trouble…”

When Lu Shaoqing came to the second floor, he heard this group of brothers talking about it.

The meaning revealed between the tones is that Sanwu City is very powerful, and the plan to make trouble is dead.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked when he heard it, what a terrifying look.

What to do about it?

Forget it, it’s better to ask these sons and brothers clearly, so that they can make plans.

Well, wait a minute, to put it mildly, don’t meet these guys in general.

Alas, for the sake of the brainless senior brother, I can only be wronged by this junior brother.

However, Lu Shaoqing had just taken the little ape to the second floor, and he had not had time to speak.

Someone spotted him and immediately shouted, “Where did the guy not have long eyes come from?”

“Waste and monkeys are forbidden to come up on the second floor.”

Gou Su also saw Lu Shaoqing and snorted dissatisfied, “The guy who doesn’t have long eyes, break his legs.” Someone

around him immediately slapped out a palm, and the spiritual power roared.

It was like a real palm clapping over, menacing, fierce, thinking of slapped him to death with one palm.

Gou Su and the other brothers and ladies just glanced at Lu Shaoqing.

They saw that Lu Shaoqing was very ordinary, followed by a small ape.

Where did this trickster come from?

Is this also where he can come up?

Many brothers were dissatisfied, and even regretted that they didn’t make a move.

It’s rare to meet a dirt bun, so it’s good to clean him up.

For the shot of the companion, no one opened his mouth to stop it.

And Miao Ya, who was sitting, didn’t even look at Lu Shaoqing, and was drinking depressedly.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, if these sons and brothers don’t have some identity, no strength, how dare they be so arrogant?

It seems that you have to quickly ask about Sanwu City.

Therefore, in the eyes of these brothers, Lu Shaoqing changed, from a harmless clown to a man-eating ferocious beast.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and the brother who shot at him was like a lightning strike, and with a pop, blood spurted out.

The whole person fell heavily on the ground and passed out.

The others were shocked, but before they could react, they also felt that their chests were smashed hard.

They also sprayed blood from their mouths and fell to the ground, the weaker ones passed out, and those who did not pass out languished and lost their combat effectiveness.

They looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.

I thought that this was just a clown playing tricks, and no one put Lu Shaoqing in their eyes.

But I didn’t expect this guy to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and the harmless surface of humans and animals is like hiding a fierce beast.

In an instant, seven or eight of them were brought down.

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The weakest strength of these few people is also the early stage of the Jiedan period.

What kind of strength is it to be able to put them down in a blink of an eye?

They dare not imagine.

Here on the second floor, there are still two people left, Gou Su and Miao Ya.

Gou Su looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, but he quickly became angry, “So daring, look for death!” ”

The breath on Gou Su’s body erupted, and the Yuan Infant layer was in the realm.

Don’t think I’m like them, I’m better than them.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not give him any chance, and a powerful divine consciousness surged like a tide, shrouding him.

Gou Su’s pupils contracted, and after resisting for a while, he knelt on the ground holding his head and screamed.

Lu Shaoqing smiled straightly, and even placed several prohibitions in his body, imprisoning him.

Others did the same, banning them and throwing them aside.

All are treated equally, whether male or female.

In the end, only Miao Ya was left.

Miao Ya’s eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked at this scene in disbelief,

how long had the time passed?

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone standing here fell.

The sip of wine in her mouth hadn’t been swallowed yet.


Just as Miao Ya wanted to say something, a strong sword intent suddenly erupted outside again.

But it comes and goes fast.

Then someone outside exclaimed, and the battle was over.

Miao Ya was also shocked by this sword intent, she subconsciously looked outside, but unfortunately, she was inside the house and could not see the outside.

But she could hear the exclamations outside.

That person outside, is it so powerful?

Miao Ya didn’t bother to look at it just now because she felt that the person outside was dead.

Dare to make trouble and provoke here in Sanwu City, there is definitely no good ending.

But now, the sword intent broke out, and the battle ended in an instant, making her feel that it was not simple to come.

Who is making trouble?

Miao Ya’s heart had already drifted outside.

She was even a little curious about the person outside, and knew that she would have just gone to take a look.

“Hey…..”Lu Shaoqing is not satisfied, this chick, what’s going on? Did you treat me like air?

I’m embarrassed to start.

Lu Shaoqing drank at Miao Ya and said, “Little chick!

Miao Ya’s heart jumped, and a feeling of danger struck.

A powerful divine consciousness struck, and before she could react, Zhihai was attacked with a bang.


Miao Ya couldn’t help but cover her head and scream, her head was like a heavy blow, and there was a feeling of dizziness in her head.

Her own breath couldn’t help but erupt.

Hey? Lu Shaoqing was slightly surprised, it was actually the Yuan Infant Second Layer realm, and it was the strongest one here.

It seems to be a boss.

Lu Shaoqing was not slow at all, white light flashed, and several prohibitions submerged into Miao Ya’s body.

The spiritual power in Miao Ya’s body seemed to be frozen, and she couldn’t move.

Miao Ya plopped down heavily on the floor, and the spiritual power in her body could not be mobilized, making her a mortal without the power of a chicken.


she glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, I didn’t provoke you, you actually made a move on me?

“You what you, squat well…”

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