When Bow Zishuang and Gou Su left, Miao Hongjun also noticed.

He frowned.

When did the chick of the Bow family and the son of the Gou family get together?

He knew that the bow family’s Bow Purple Frost liked Gosu.

However, the Gong family is powerful, and the Gou family does not dare to marry the daughter of the Gong family to be a daughter-in-law.

The Gou family is also afraid that the Bow family will devour the interests of the Gou family.

Now that the Gou family is with the people of the Gou family, he can’t help but mutter.

He couldn’t help but ask Gou Qian, “Brother Gou, when did your son become so familiar with the little girl of the Gong family?” ”

He had to worry about that.

The two sides only discussed it three days ago, and today it depends on the situation to do things.

If the Gou family does not cooperate, the Miao family will die.

Gou Qian’s smile was cute, giving people a full of good feelings, and he gave Miao Hongjun a reassuring look, “Brother Miao, don’t worry, you won’t delay things.”

“And,” he paused, revealing a mysterious smile, “follow that little girl, maybe we will be able to keep the little girl on our side then.”

Miao Hongjun understood and laughed.

But after thinking about it, I felt that it was still not safe enough.

After all, Gou Su was beaten by someone, and no one knows how his strength is restored now.

He called his daughter, “Xiaoya, go and see if Young Master Su needs help there.”

Miao Ya was stunned, and then showed an extremely reluctant expression, “Dad, I don’t want it.” ”

Gou Su this guy, as Zhang Zheng that guy said, a little white face.

My Saint Clan people hate little white faces the most.

There is no manhood at all.

Moreover, the strength is still so weak, how can it be worthy of me?

Miao Hongjun snorted and sank his face, “Let you go, less grinding here, when the time comes, you have to help Su Gongzi.”

Miao Jingqian also echoed, “Yes, Xiaoya, you don’t listen to the words of the second uncle, don’t you even listen to your father’s words?”

Miao Ya was even more reluctant in her heart, but in front of outsiders, she could only obey orders.

However, when Miao Ya found out that Gou Su and Gong Zishuang were going to trouble Lu Shaoqing, she became interested.

She quietly followed, “Hmph, no matter which of you suffers, it is a good thing for me…”

Lu Shaoqing lay on the tree, looking very leisurely.

Through the fight between Ji Yan and Gong Jue just now, Lu Shaoqing knew how strong Gong Jue was.

It’s a little stronger than Ji Yan, but that’s just that.

It is impossible to overdo it in a short time.

And keep fighting, the longer you fight….

Lu Shaoqing chuckled, and his tone was very relaxed, “The Vietnam War is getting stronger, and it’s him.” ”

At that time, it will definitely surprise Gong Jue.

The little ape squeaked twice, indicating that he did not understand Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Lu Shaoqing patted its head, “Don’t eat it naked, what about mine?” The

little ape obediently offered the spirit beans.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s expression moved, and the little ape was also clever, and immediately grabbed a handful of spirit beans and ran away with a swoop.

“Silly monkey, no righteousness!”

Lu Shaoqing cursed. Then he sat up straight, not forgetting to put away the remaining spirit beans.

Then, without saying a word, he fled into the distance.

“Want to go? Late! The

three figures of Bow Zishuang appeared, chasing after them.

Lu Shaoqing ran until he was almost there before stopping.

“Hmph!” Bow Purple Frost’s cold voice sounded, “Don’t you continue to run?” ”

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Lu Shaoqing is strange, what is this cautious arch chick going to do?

Bring someone to him for trouble?

Just three people, do you look down on yourself?

Did that old guy ambush and try to sneak up on me?


Lu Shaoqing sat on the tree, and the trees around him were blown by the wind from time to time, and the branches and leaves were rattling.

At this time, the aftermath of the battle between Ji Yan and Bow Jue had turned into a gust of wind here, without any power.

Lu Shaoqing’s long hair was tied casually, flowing in the wind, dashing and handsome.

Gong Zishuang felt for a moment that Lu Shaoqing was also quite handsome, at least much more handsome than Gou Su beside him.

However, the smile on Lu Shaoqing’s face made Gong Zishuang feel that this was a hairy handsome, a rogue look of a riffraff.

“Little chick,” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “You came with your good looks, are you proving to me that you are not blind?”

“If that’s the case, I’ll take back my words, and you’re not blind, provided you have eyes.”

This is even more infuriating.

Bow Zishuang immediately took out a bow and arrow and shot a sword at Lu Shaoqing.

“Boom!” With a bang, a violent explosion, fire splashed everywhere.

The big tree where Lu Shaoqing was located instantly fell apart, and the surrounding trees also suffered.

Under this arrow of the bow purple frost, the location where Lu Shaoqing was located was razed to the ground within a radius of tens of meters.

You can see the power of this arrow.

And Lu Shaoqing also disappeared at the moment of the explosion and disappeared.

It seems to have been shot into slag by this arrow.

“What about people?”

Gou Su scanned the circle and found no trace of Lu Shaoqing.

He hesitated for a moment, then said to Bow Zishuang, “Shouldn’t you shoot him to death?” Bow

Zishuang was also a little skeptical.

I felt that I had accidentally shot Lu Shaoqing into slag in the sky.

Bow Siam, who was ambushed in the shadows, did not find Lu Shaoqing’s figure, and could not detect Lu Shaoqing’s breath.

He relaxed his grip on the bow and arrow in his hand.

Shaking his head secretly, he whispered to himself, “Could it be that the purple frost girl accidentally shot him to death?”

“If that’s the case, it’s a bit of a hassle.”

Gong Xian came here mainly to create some trouble for Ji Yan by dealing with Lu Shaoqing and distract Ji Yan.

Now that an arrow shoots a person to death, things will not be easy.

Maybe it will stimulate Ji Yan and make him furious.

“What’s the trouble?” Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded above his head.

Bow Siam was startled, and a sense of danger came to his heart.

Before he could react, the powerful divine consciousness was like Mount Tai pressing down, like a giant hammer smashing down fiercely, instantly devouring the bow.

The demon people pay attention to the body and do not pay enough attention to the cultivation of divine consciousness.

Even the second layer of the Yuan Infant like Bow Siam could not withstand Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense attack.

In just an instant, Bow Siam’s sea was hit hard.

The powerful Divine Sense and the Bow Siam fight in the Sea of Knowledge, destroying the Sea of Bow Siam.

Gong Siam wanted to scream out loud, but was controlled by Lu Shaoqing for the first time.

The existence of the second layer of a Yuan Infant in the hall, a few breaths became Lu Shaoqing’s prisoner.

Bow Zishuang and Gou Su did not realize that Bow Siam, who was several miles away, had been cleaned up by Lu Shaoqing.

Their side of the search did not find a trace of Lu Shaoqing, bow Zishuang had not seen Lu Shaoqing’s power, couldn’t help but sneer, “Waste, can’t help but fight!”

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Are you talking about him?” Lu

Shaoqing slowly appeared in front of the two with a bow…

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