Seeing that Bow Siam was controlled, he became a prisoner of Lu Shaoqing.

Bow Zishuang and Gou Su’s faces changed drastically.

“You damn it!”

The angry bow Zishuang immediately raised his bow at Lu Shaoqing and shot.

With a swoosh, a feather arrow broke through the air and went straight to Lu Shaoqing’s face.

“Hey, hey…” Lu Shaoqing was unhurried, and as soon as he put the bow in front, a shield was formed.


An arrow from Bow Purple Frost hit Bow Siam’s ass.

Bow Siam couldn’t hold back any longer and screamed in pain.


Lu Shaoqing became concerned, “Oops! It must hurt.

Bow Zishuang wanted to kill, she screamed, her pretty face twisted, “Ah…” ”

I’m going to kill you, I must kill you.”

Bow Zishuang had never seen such a despicable and shameless person, who actually used the elders of his clan as a shield.

“Don’t shout nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing pointed to the bow purple frost, “If you shout nonsense, I won’t get used to you.”

Bow Zishuang was still shouting angrily, “You die, you give me death!”

Her body was trembling, and the bow and arrow in her hand were pointed at Lu Shaoqing, but she did not dare to shoot the arrow easily.

“Snap!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and slapped Gong Xiang’s face.

Bow Siam rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

Bow Siam didn’t even have the strength to shout, and his head was about to explode, leaving him in a state of fainting.


Bow Zishuang was furious, and the whole person was about to go crazy.

How can such people still exist?

“You call it again?” Lu Shaoqing pointed to Bow Zishuang and threatened, “If you shout, I will slap him, you can try.” No

matter how much anger Bow Zishuang had, she could only hold it.

Her chest rose and fell violently, and the anger in her body continued to accumulate and climb, like a volcano erupting inside her.

She didn’t dare to shout anymore, she could only stare at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

This slap not only hit Bow Siam’s face, but also hit Gou Su’s face.

Gou Su was stunned in his heart, and the “beautiful” memory once again emerged and attacked him.

He regretted it in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing was terrible.

I thought that the three of them and the three Yuan Babies joining forces could teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson and be shameful.

I didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so strong and cunning.

Shot to subdue Bow Siam, leaving only him and Bow Zishuang, two yuan babies and one layer, and there is no chance of victory.

Gou Su retreated.

Bow Zishuang took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress his anger.

Her silver teeth were about to crush, “Release Elder Siam.” ”

Don’t let go!” The categorical answer made her feel that the anger in her body was burning her soul, making her mad with hatred and wanting to kill.

“Are you really going to be an enemy of our archers?” Gong Zishuang could only move his family out and try to threaten Lu Shaoqing with his family.

Unfortunately, she met Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing did not kill all these people, it was because he didn’t completely tear his face, but it didn’t mean that he would be afraid.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Do you have anything else besides threatening me with the bow family?”

After speaking, he slapped Bow Siam in the face again.

The sudden slap made Bow Siem subconsciously scream.

Bow Zishuang couldn’t help it.

With a pop, a stream of blood welled up her throat, “You…” ”

Don’t threaten me, you threaten me, I’ll pump him too.”

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It’s not okay to scold you, it’s not okay to threaten you, what are you going to do?

Blood oozed from the corner of Bow Zishuang’s mouth, and she was internally injured by the qi.

The first time I met such a guy, I couldn’t deal with it.

“What did you have to do to release Elder Siam?”

Bow Zishuang can’t help, Bow Siam was instigated by her, there was an accident, she couldn’t escape responsibility.

If it is someone else, it is dead and dead, but Bow Siam is different.

He is not only the elder of the Bow family, but also the infant of the Bow family.

Dead, a big blow to the Bow family.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, and his gaze fell on Gou Su’s body.

Sensing that Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was ill-intentioned, Gou Su felt hairy in his heart.

Gou Su looked inwardly and shouted at Lu Shaoqing, “If you know each other, quickly release the person, otherwise…”

Lu Shaoqing slapped Bow Sian again, and then said to Bow Zishuang, “Look, this slap is counted on him.” ”

This guy is still so hateful.

“What the hell are you going to do?”

Bow Purple Frost collapsed a little.

When she met someone like Lu Shaoqing, she could only say that she was unlucky.

I regretted it in my heart, and I knew that I would not instigate Gong Sian to come to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble.

Lu Shaoqing maintained a smile that made Bow Zishuang and Gou Su annoying, and said to Bow Zishuang, “Do you know what it is like to love someone? Bow

Zishuang was stunned, and Gou Su was also stunned.

What is this guy going to do?

Do you have to confess?

What is this occasion?

Ignoring Bow Zishuang’s bewilderment, Lu Shaoqing continued, “To love someone is to dare to eat his. ”

So,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Gou Su, scared Gou Su’s scalp numb, is this to make him eat?

However, Lu Shaoqing was not so vicious, he just said, “Let him be my hostage and replace your elder.” ”

It’s good that it’s not eating.

Gou Su was relieved in his heart, but his scalp was still numb.

Killing him was not willing to be Lu Shaoqing’s hostage.

He subconsciously refused, “Dream, you, don’t even think about it!”

Gong Zishuang didn’t want to think about it, and spoke directly, “I’ll come, you released Elder Siam, and I’ll be your hostage.” ”

Don’t,” Lu Shaoqing looked at Gou Su, and the look of interest made Gou Su’s heart bristle, “I want him.”

“Boy, don’t you like her? Pay for her, rest assured, I won’t kill you.

“As soon as he comes over as a hostage, I will release your elder immediately.”

Bow Zishuang couldn’t help but look at Gosu.

Gou Su felt a hundred reluctance in his heart.

People like Lu Shaoqing are friends and foes, their minds are elusive, and they are violent maniacs who beat people at every turn.

What he said, Gou Su was not willing to say a word.

Don’t kill him?

Beat him to death and don’t believe it.

Gou Su finally disagreed, and he said to Bow Zishuang, “Sister Zishuang, don’t fall for him, he is uneasy and kind.” Bow

Zishuang was a little disappointed in his heart.

Although he knew that it was unrealistic to let Gou Su be a hostage, it was impossible to trouble Gou Su.

Gousu’s refusal was not problematic in any way.

However, there is disappointment in my heart.

Lu Shaoqing’s side continued to shout, “Look, he doesn’t like you, quickly polish your eyes, don’t be deceived by him.” ”

Bastard,” Gou Su roared, “you are too much, dare to change other conditions? ”

Okay,” Lu Shaoqing was as good as the flow, “If you cut off your own arm, I will release him…”

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