Drink tea?

Who wants to have tea with you guy?

Neither Gong Zishuang nor Miao Ya wanted to stay here.

Especially Bow Zishuang, said that Gong Siam came here, originally thinking that three people could deal with Lu Shaoqing.

I never expected that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was so strong, and he quietly controlled Bow Siam.

Bow Siam was as powerless as a mortal in front of him.

It also made her extinguish the idea of finding trouble with Lu Shaoqing.

I came here to hook my head and now it doesn’t seem worth it.

Might as well get out of here.

Faced with such a guy, she was afraid that she would collapse.

She snorted, and the bow was put back, and she didn’t have to speak with a clear conscience.

“I remember today’s events.”

After saying that, he wanted to leave with Bow Siam.

Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “I didn’t say I let you leave. Bow

Zishuang’s face changed slightly, holding Bow Siam, “What the hell are you going to do?”

“Well, let’s stay and have a cup of tea and watch the play.”

“My senior brother is fighting, and he will be very sad without an audience.”

“Besides, I can’t bear to see the conflict between the three of you, and I want to help you resolve it.”

Miao Ya snorted, “No need, leave!” Miao

Ya sensed that something was wrong with Miao and wanted to slip away.

She came here to see Gou Su and Bow Zishuang ugly, but now that she saw it, she should go back if there was nothing to do.

Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “If you dare to go, I will kill you.”

Miao Ya’s heart jumped, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s calm gaze, she wanted to refute a word of disbelief.

However, she couldn’t say this sentence, and subconsciously told her that Lu Shaoqing was not joking.

Lu Shaoqing also said to Gou Su, “You too, dare to leave, I will kill you.”

“Whoever goes, I kill.”

In a word, it made the faces of several people present ugly.

Gong Zishuang was not convinced, and said coldly, “A few of us go together, can you kill them all?”

Lu Shaoqing jumped on a tree and sat down, condescendingly, and said in a relaxed tone, “That’s right, I can’t kill all of you, but I can kill one or two.”

“You can try it and see if you have a chance to escape from here.”

This sentence was full of threat, and Bow Zishuang’s expression was gloomy, and he was in a dilemma.

Miao Ya and Gou Su did not dare to act rashly.

They couldn’t guess Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts.

Seeing that they did not dare to move, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and said to them, “Watch it here, I can guarantee it, absolutely wonderful.” ”

There is no way, Miao Ya, Gou Su, and Gong Zishuang are all in the Yuan infancy stage and have strength.

Joining forces has the power to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for the three of them to join forces.

Nor can it be done to sacrifice yourself and let others flee.

Under this circumstance, they could only listen to Lu Shaoqing’s words, stay for the time being, and wait and see.

Lu Shaoqing also turned his attention back to the battlefield above the sky.

The battle between Ji Yan and Gong Jue continued.

The two sides have been fighting for two or three hundred rounds, and the fighting is so fierce that it seems to pierce the sky.

Thousands of sword lights, sky-shattering giant arrows.

Each collision can cause a strong explosion and the sky shakes.

The land beneath their feet was shattered, and mountain peaks were broken and razed to the ground.

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The scope of the battle between the two was very large, and the onlookers even retreated again and again.

The faces of the three families were extremely solemn.

Ji Yan was so powerful that it was unexpected for all of them.

Looking at the battle in the sky, Miao Hongjun hesitated, “It seems that that kid has the upper hand?”

Miao Hongjun’s voice was hoarse, and he was frightened by his own opinion.

With the five-layer realm of the Yuan Baby, it was already outrageous enough to compete with the seven-layer realm of the Yuan Baby.

I thought that Ji Yan was powerful and could fight on a par with Gong Jue, but in the end, Ji Yan would definitely lose.

However, until now, Ji Yan not only did not show defeat, but became more and more courageous, and it seemed that he was already pressing the bow and fighting.

That’s outrageous.

Gou Qian also frowned, and his tone was also thick with uncertainty.

“Yes, should it?”

He even subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

In the metainfancy stage, there is no myopia.

But at this moment, Gou Qian couldn’t help but wonder if his eyes were wrong.

This is Gong Jue, the only late Yuan Infant in Sanwu City, and with his existence, the Gong family has been pressing the Gong family and the Miao family and can’t raise their heads.

Could it be that the cultivation of the seventh layer of Gong Jue, the Yuan Infant, is illusory?

Not as good as the Yuan Infant Five-Layer Realm?

The crowd of onlookers couldn’t even help but guess.

As for the Bow family’s side, they were even more worried.

Gong Chu saw that his ancestor seemed to be pressed and beaten, and his palms were covered with sweat.

He couldn’t believe the consequences of Bow Chu’s loss.

Lao Zu, give it a little more power.

Gong Chu could only silently cheer for his ancestor in his heart.

The people watching the battle were shocked, and Gong Jue’s heart was already full of shock.

At the beginning, he was still able to press Ji Yan, after all, the realm of strength was there.

Even at the beginning, he was confident that he would soon be able to defeat Ji Yan.

However, gradually, as time passed, I don’t know when it started, he was already pressed and beaten by Ji Yan.

Right now!

He just felt that the Ji Yan in front of him exuded a light that made people unable to see directly, like a sunrise, releasing his own light without scruples.

The boiling battle intent in the body made people tremble, and the whole person was like a divine weapon, bursting out with a strong sword intent, making people dare not frustrate its edge.

Gong Jue was sure that if it was someone else, the momentum of Ji Yan alone had already made people lose their fighting spirit and dare not fight again.

Gong Jue had no choice in the face of such a plan, he had encountered many enemies in his life.

But an opponent like Ji Yan, who is getting stronger and braver in the war, is still the first time he has encountered it.

No matter how you attack, Ji Yan can handle it.

It can’t go on like this.

Gong Jue can see very clearly, and if it goes on like this, Ji Yan will become more and more courageous, and his combat effectiveness will become stronger and stronger.

In the end, there is only one ending for his bow.

Gong Jue looked at the plan like a god of war, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

He must show some hole cards, otherwise his fame will be ruined here.

After Kan Kan avoided Ji Yan’s sword, an arrow appeared in Bow Jue’s hand.

The arrow is black throughout, the arrow is triangular, and the arrow shaft is carved with the pattern of a serpentine fierce beast, exuding a gloomy and cold aura.

“It’s a demon snake arrow!”

When the people of the Bow family saw this arrow, they were shocked.

“He’s dead!”

As Bow Jue shot out an arrow, a huge black python soared into the air, showing its fangs…

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