Above the firmament, the huge python snake body churned like a divine dragon descended.

The hideous triangular snake head, scarlet eyes, inky black reflective scale armor, exuding endless anger.

Not a real python viper, but more frightening than a real python viper.

The people of the Gou family and the Miao family couldn’t help but exclaim when they saw it.

“This, what is this?”

The faces of Miao Hongjun and Gou Qian became more and more gloomy.


didn’t know if the Great Elders in his clan could fight together.

And everyone in the Bow family was in high spirits and shouted one after another.

“Haha, winning.”

“This is Lao Zu’s must-kill move, he is dead.”


Gong Chu also put down his heart, it seemed that there was no problem.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the giant python that appeared above the sky and muttered, “Little snake, dare to get an axe at the banmen?” ”

Bow Purple Frost is healing Bow Siam’s injuries, pulling out the arrows in Bow Siam’s butt and feeding a few pills, Bow Siam has recovered a lot.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing say so much about her ancestor.

Can’t help but sneer, “Ignorance! ”

This is the means of our ancestors, can people like you know?

However, as soon as her words fell, a strong sword intent erupted above the sky.

A silver-white divine dragon descended from the sky.

The divine dragon composed of sword intent, with a smart gaze, is like a real nine-heavenly divine dragon, which is more real than a giant python.


It can even burst out a real dragon chant.

This arrow of the bow is menacing, and the divine dragon and the giant python collide together.

After the violent explosion, Ji Yan looked pale, and his white clothes were stained with a large amount of red.

But Ji Yan still stood upright, even if he was injured, his body did not bend down a little.

Gong Jue’s state was similar, the whole person was shaky, and his face was silent.

The two sides hit this step, seemingly tied, regardless of win or loss.

But Gong Jue knew that he had lost.

He might as well be scheming.

As a late Yuan infant, he was two small realms higher than Ji Yan, and the result was like this.

And if you continue to fight, it must be him who loses in the end.

“Let’s fight again!”

Gong Jue, who had already retreated, left a sentence and quickly disappeared.

If he continues to fight, it doesn’t matter if he loses, if he falls here, he will be in trouble.

He had a vague premonition today.

Now that he was injured, the feeling of bad foreboding was even stronger.

Gong Jue did not dare to let himself take risks here, died here, and died blindly.

Ji Yan did not catch up, or rather, he was no longer able to catch up.

The power of Bow Jue’s arrow was far beyond his imagination, he seemed to have only vomited a few mouthfuls of blood on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely injured in his body.

For the rest of the day, he had to recuperate.

The seventh layer of the Yuan Infant is really not virtual.

Ji Yan’s fighting spirit is still high, and today’s battle has made him gain a lot.

In the future, when he met a late Yuan infant like Gong Jue again, he had more confidence.

He also slowly flew towards Lu Shaoqing.

The battle ended, but the onlookers froze.

Bow Zishuang’s mouth was stunned.

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Just said that his ancestor is powerful, why did he suddenly run away?

What kind of joke, Lao Zu actually lost to that young man?

He’s younger than me, Lao Zu, are you kidding us?

When Gong Sian saw this scene, he couldn’t breathe smoothly in his heart, which was originally a little better.


After squirting out, I also fainted comfortably.

“Elder Siam…”

Miao Ya looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, and she asked again, “Who are you?” ”

What the hell is the origin of being able to defeat Gong Jue.

This is the ancestor of the Gong family, pressing the existence of the Miao family and the Gou family who dare not speak up.

As a result, he lost to Ji Yan here.

It’s just off the beaten track.

Even the Holy Son of the Holy Family may not be able to do this, right?

“We are your friends,” Lu Shaoqing said deliberately, “How about coming here to help you deal with the Gong family or even the Gou family?” Well done, right?

“You don’t talk nonsense.” Miao Ya snorted, “Your little dissociation scheme is too child’s play, do you think they will believe it?” Bow

Zishuang looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, she didn’t believe this.

If the Miao family had such a master, they would have snatched Sanwu City back a long time ago.

Why wait until now?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Gou Su and said with a smile, “Look, he believed.” Gou

Su did look at Miao Ya with skeptical eyes.

I guessed in my heart, and I felt that Lu Shaoqing’s words were very likely.

Seeing this, Miao Ya was angry.

Sure enough, it’s a little white face that I hate, no figure, not even a brain.

Marrying this kind of guy is better than letting me die.

Noticing Miao Ya’s gaze, he hurriedly squeezed out a smile, “Sister Miao Ya, don’t believe him, how can I doubt you?”

Miao Ya was too lazy to talk to this kind of person.

Anyway, there are no elders here, so there is no need to hide your attitude.

Bow Zishuang didn’t bother to pay attention to other things, she just wanted to get out of here.

“Can we leave now?”

Just at this time, Ji Yan was about to return.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand in order to avoid Ji Yan’s state being known by them, “Let’s go, the Gong family be careful with the Miao family and the Gou family.”

Everyone was too lazy to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing’s words and left one after another.

Ji Yan also floated back, and his movements slowly.

Although injured, he is still ethereal and dashing.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, “Not dead, right?”

Ji Yan shook his head, “It’s really powerful, I almost couldn’t beat it.”

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Who let you pretend, your sword?” How not to chop him to death?

“Kill him, we won’t be able to stay in Sanwu City.”

Lu Shaoqing knew the meaning of Ji Yan, defeated the people of the Bow family here, and became famous.

At that time, stay here in Sanwu City for a while, and when Xiao Yi knows, he can come to Sanwu City to find them.

Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful of Ji Yan’s plan, “Dongji is so big, when it spreads, maybe hundreds of years have passed.” ”

You fight here to make a name, it’s better to go and take the holy land, don’t talk about Dongji at that time, your great name spreads throughout the entire cold star, don’t worry about the stupid junior sister not knowing.”

“Makes sense!” After listening to Ji Yan, he pondered for a while, indicating that Lu Shaoqing was right.

He generously admitted, “I really didn’t think it through, okay, let’s stay here in Sanwu City for a while, and then go to the Holy Land when I recover from my injuries.”

“Why, what do you want to do?” Lu Shaoqing almost fell from the tree.

“Have your brains been beaten into paste? So dangerous place, do you want to die?

Lu Shaoqing pulled out the Mojun sword and brandished it and shouted, “If you want to die, I will cut you now….”

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