Ignoring Lu Shaoqing’s threat, Ji Yan smiled slightly, pinching Lu Shaoqing to death, “I’m going, aren’t you going?”

“If you don’t go, kill me and don’t go.” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “If you want to go by yourself, I’d rather wait for the stupid junior sister here in Sanwu City, even if it is a hundred years.” ”

Holy land, what is that place?

The center of the cold star, the concentration of masters above the cold star god.

Go to the Holy Land, once their identity is revealed.

Maybe the minions who hunted them down were all in the realm of the gods.

Frightened to death.

Junior sister didn’t look for it, but put herself in.

“What if Junior Sister is in the Holy Land?” Ji Yan asked again, “Are you going or not?” ”

Don’t go,” Lu Shaoqing’s attitude was still resolute, “It’s a big deal to burn more ingots for her when the time comes.” Ji

Yan laughed, but did not speak.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing has seen through it.

Lu Shaoqing looked furious, “What to see?” Do you believe it again, I’ll beat you up now?

“You’re injured, you’re no match for me.”

Ji Yan very simply summoned the flying boat and boarded the ship, “Let’s go, go back to Sanwu City.” ”

Ma De,” Lu Shaoqing got on the boat impatiently, “don’t think that you can order me if you are a senior brother.”

“I shouldn’t have asked you for help in the first place, what did I do in my previous life to hurt heaven and reason?”

Nagging, Lu Shaoqing took off the boat and galloped towards Sanwu City.

But not long after flying, Lu Shaoqing’s eyebrows raised, and Ji Yan also opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth shook endlessly, constantly emitting explosion sounds, dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder.

Three powerful spiritual power fluctuations continued to spread towards the surroundings, and they could be felt even from afar.

“It seems that someone ambushed it.”

Ji Yan slowly spoke, he felt a familiar spiritual power fluctuation, it was no one else, it was Gong Jue who had just fought with Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and laughed, “It seems that the Gou family and the Miao family are hooking up.” ”

In Sanwu City, the only ones who can deal with Gong Jue in the late Yuan Infant period are the Great Elders of the Gou Family and the Miao Family.

They are the sixth layer of the Yuan Baby, and they are not Gong Jue’s opponents when they fight alone.

Now that Gong Jue is injured and his strength is not one in ten, the Great Elders of the Gou Family and the Miao Family have joined forces to attack, and Gong Jue is in danger.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “You stay here, I’ll go back.”

“You want to protect him?”

Lu Shaoqing’s figure disappeared, leaving a sentence, “Nonsense, it’s better for the three families of Sanwu City to maintain the status quo.”

“Otherwise, it will be dangerous for us to stay in Sanwu City.”

Ji Yan thought a little and understood what Lu Shaoqing meant.

If Gong Jue is killed, the Gong family will definitely be destroyed by the Miao family and the Gou family.

At that time, the two joined forces and worked together to deal with Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Even if Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing are extremely powerful, they can’t stop the other party.

Now that the Miao family and the Great Elder of the Gou family have made a move to deal with the Bow family, both sides have torn their faces.

Keeping Gong Jue, the Miao family and the Gou family could not destroy the Gong family, and Sanwu City continued to maintain the status quo.

The three families who tore their faces would fight infighting, and did not dare to provoke Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

No wonder I was willing to run to Miao’s house to live before.

Have you always had this idea?

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Ji Yan smiled slightly, and finally closed his eyes.

My junior brother personally took action, and there was nothing to worry about.

Gong Jue covered his wounds and looked at the two figures above the sky.

Two figures stood in the sky, with their backs to the sunlight, like death in the dark.

The murderous aura on his body is like substance, giving people endless fear.

Gong Jue was shocked and angry, did this mean the reason for his uneasiness?

He shouted angrily, “Miao Wu, Gou Di, you two juniors also dare to make a move against me?” ”

Are the Miao family and the Gou family tired of living?”

The Great Elder of the Miao Family was silent for a moment, and finally slowly spoke, “Master Jue, we are also forced to do so. ”

Your Bow family has gone too far over the years.”

The Bow family became more and more arrogant with the existence of Gong Jue, dominating the position of the city lord and taking most of the profits of Sanwu City for themselves.

It is precisely because the Bow family has most of the resources and makes rapid progress, leaving Miao Hongjun and Gou Qian far away.

The Miao family and the Gou family had to worry, in case Gong Chu also entered the late Yuan Infant period.

The two of them still play a fart.

Gou Di was very unceremonious, and cursed murderously, “You bow family should die.”

“I forgot the agreement of our three ancestors, since you don’t abide by the agreement, don’t blame us for turning our faces.”

The two of them were younger than Gong Jue, but cultivation also required a lot of resources.

Most of the resources were occupied by the Bow family, and they only received a little, and neither of them had enough cultivation, let alone shared it among the clansmen.

The Gong family eats meat, and the Miao family and the Gou family can only drink some soup.

It’s okay to eat some meat once in a while, but if you want to eat meat all the time, you will be angry.

“Good, good,” Bow Jue said fiercely, gritting his teeth and staring at the two deadly, “I remember, I will double my offer to you in the future.”

“Later?” Gou Di sneered, “Let’s go to the next life.” ”

Die!” ”

The hands pressed down, the invisible fluctuations spread, and the heavens and the earth shook, as if they were compressed.

Gong Jue hurriedly fled from the location, and an invisible pressure fell from the sky to press down the location where Gong Jue was, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

Everything is crushed into powder.

Miao Wu rushed towards Gong Jue, his figure exploded, and a white smoke surrounded his body, and a sharp whistling sound erupted in the air.

Carrying the sound wave to kill in front of Gong Jue, he punched Gong Jue’s body fiercely.

Gong Jue’s side avoided Gou Di’s attack and could not avoid Miao Wu’s attack.

Solid ate a punch, blood spurted wildly, chest deflated, and the whole person hit the ground heavily, smashing out a deep pit.

“Damn, damn it!”

Gong Jue felt that most of his body had lost consciousness.

Miao Wu’s punch destroyed most of his body.

The body and outside the body were scarred, covered with countless scars, bloody, and very embarrassing.

Miao Wu did not pursue, but said to him, “Master Jue, you can decide on your own, so that you can be less painful.”

“Want me to die? It’s not that easy. Gong Jue naturally refused to admit defeat easily, and struggled to get up, “When I killed the enemy, you two were still drinking milk. ”

He was armed with a longbow and his body was shaky, almost to the limit.

“I haven’t lost yet

, you…” Gou Di sneered and raised his hand again, “Stubborn, no one came to save you today, you die.”

Suddenly, his cold hair stood on end, and his body subconsciously flashed, leaving the place.

A long sword appeared in his original position….

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