“Is it really still a little difficult?”

Lu Shaoqing appeared, his face was very regretful, and the Mo Jun sword slowly fell in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing held the Mojun sword, with a smile on his face, and faced the three people, “Give me face, how about not fighting?”

“Everyone neighbors, what is there to say.”

All three were stunned.

Who are you?

Give you face?

How much money does your face count?

You say if you don’t fight, you won’t fight?

Gou Di was almost successfully attacked by a sneak attack, and he was angry in his heart.

A little guy also dares to sneak up on him and look for death.

Gou Di roared angrily, “What are you? Then he

slapped a palm at Lu Shaoqing, and a whistling sound sounded.

The surrounding spiritual power was compressed and crushed towards Lu Shaoqing like a wave.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to hide, but found that the space around him was blocked.

No way.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze became cold in an instant, and the whole person revealed an aura of slaughter.

Mo Jun’s sword slashed down fiercely.

Air fire!

The compressed space suddenly burst out of thin air with countless flames.

Black and white flames are intertwined and fluttering in the wind.

Gou Di’s eyes were terrified.

These flames were actually streams of sword intent, turning into black and white flames.


Not only broke Goudi’s attack, but also forced Goudi to retreat one after another.

Gou Di is just the six-layer realm of the Yuan Baby, although it is a small realm higher than Lu Shaoqing.

However, it was not enough to see in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Just a one-move collision, Gou Di felt a powerful and powerful force surging, shaking the blood and qi in his body.


Gou Di looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, and Lu Shaoqing forced him back with a sword.

This was something he never expected, and his face was full of shock, anger, resentment and other expressions.

Gong Jue and Miao Wu couldn’t believe their gaze.

Where did this demon come from?

Lu Shaoqing did not talk nonsense with Gou Di, and went up with a sword.

With a wave of the long sword, the light of the hundred zhang sword lit up, cutting through the air, and even the clouds in the sky were split in half.

Extremely fierce, the violent sword intent frantically tore through everything in front of him, slashing fiercely towards Goudi.

Gou Di was furious, angry that Lu Shaoqing dared to take the initiative to attack him, which was despising him.

Shockingly, Lu Shaoqing was too strong, giving him a feeling of extreme danger, and every sword could make him feel threatened.

Just by looking at it, he fell into the downwind.

In order to avoid Lu Shaoqing’s edge, he had to be suppressed and beaten by Lu Shaoqing.

Miao Wu was watching from the side, did not immediately strike, he was waiting for the opportunity.

And after watching for a while, Miao Wu had to prepare to make a move.

If this continues, Gou Di will definitely lose.

Miao Wu guessed Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

This is the guy in the mouth of the owner, right?

It is difficult to deal with, and the divine sense is strong.

The divine consciousness is powerful, and the flesh is ordinary, right?

Miao Wu thought to herself secretly, and her gaze gradually became fierce.

He said to Goudi.

“Brother Gou, find a way to attract his attention.”

“And be careful with his divine sense.”

Gou Di got Miao Wu’s voice, and he was silent on the surface, but when his heart moved, he also had an idea.

He no longer resisted, but shouted, “Boy, look at the move!” ”

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Divine consciousness pervades.

Aren’t you divinely powerful?

I’ll seduce you and grab your attention.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness also permeated.

The divine consciousness of the two collided violently in the air.


Heaven and earth seemed to be shaken by this, and an invisible fluctuation burst out blatantly.

Gou Di’s originally sneering expression suddenly became painful.

He held his head and screamed.


He felt as if his head had been hammered violently, causing him to bleed.

Holding his head, the whole person lost control and fell from the sky.

And at this time, Miao Wu’s eyes flashed, and the opportunity came.

He no longer hesitated, his figure flashed, and the whole person turned into a tyrannosaurus, revealing sharp claws and teeth to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Almost teleporting, Miao Wu killed in front of Lu Shaoqing, and a strong light erupted from his fist, smashing fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing this scene, Gong Jue below couldn’t help but worry.

Miao Wu’s strength was so strong that he almost crushed his body with one punch.

Will he be able to resist?

Gong Jue was very worried that Lu Shaoqing was defeated, and he could not escape.

Lu Shaoqing is his only savior now.

However, Gong Jue saw that Lu Shaoqing showed no signs of resistance, and he was desperate in his heart.

This guy is too big.


A smile appeared in Miao Wu’s eyes.

This punch can’t be stopped.

But, the next moment!

Lu Shaoqing suddenly punched out and collided violently with his fist.


The same loud noise, the sound was like daylight thunder, rolling in all directions.

Miao Wu’s smile disappeared, and he felt an incomparably huge force coming from his arm.

The powerful force recoiled, and the blood vessels on the surface of Miao Wu’s arm burst instantly, countless blood sprayed, and soon one arm was bloody and unconscious.


Miao Wu hurriedly retreated holding her injured arm and looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

He really couldn’t imagine that there was such a powerful power hidden under a body like Lu Shaoqing.

A few points stronger than him.

Lu Shaoqing flicked his paralyzed left hand, and he was also uncomfortable.

Miao Wu’s punch almost destroyed his arm.

But fortunately, his physical body was stronger than Miao Wu and could withstand Miao Wu’s power.

But the paralysis in the arm will not go away for a while.

“You what you!”

Lu Shaoqing hated it, what is bad, be the sixth old?

I hate people being the sixth oldest.

Since you like to bully people with strength, then I will let you know that bullying is not right.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, put away the Mojun sword, and rushed towards Miao Wu.

Miao Wu will not be able to use her strength for a while, and she wants to hide, but she can’t dodge.

In the end, don’t break a contest between men with Lu Shaoqing.

However, in this state, he was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent at all, and he was pressed and beaten by Lu Shaoqing.

In the end, he was beaten by Lu Shaoqing so that the bones on his body burst in many places, and he smashed into the ground from the sky with a scream.

As soon as Gou Di climbed out of the deep pit, Miao Wu smashed heavily into the ground, startling him.

What’s going on?

Before Gou Di could react, he suddenly felt a darkness in front of him.

Looking up, Lu Shaoqing’s figure rushed in the air, like an eagle killing its prey.

“Look at the move!”

A volley punched Gou Di back into the pit…

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