Lu Shaoqing pressed Miao Wu and Gou Di to the ground and rubbed them and beat them fiercely.

Beat the two to a scream.

With each punch, the ground will tremble slightly, and you can imagine how strong its strength is.

Gong Jue shivered as he watched from a distance.

It’s so ferocious.

What’s going on?

The divine sense is powerful, the sword intent is amazing, even the physical body is so strong.

Is there any heavenly reason?

There is a plan that one demon is already outrageous, and if there is another Lu Shaoqing, this is even more outrageous.

By the time Lu Shaoqing listened to his hand, Miao Wu and Gou Di were already seriously injured, scarred, and looked very miserable.

The faces of the two were beaten into pigs’ heads, and the bones on their bodies were broken in many places.

It’s as miserable as it gets.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not kill the two of them, but only seriously injured the two of them.

It’s the kind of state where you can’t die, but you can’t play your strength.

“Whew, tired!”

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, and suddenly found that the paralysis in his left hand had subsided a lot.

It seems that beating people can move their muscles and bones and speed up recovery.

Do you want to beat them up again?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes roamed Gou Di and Miao Wu, and the two were so scared that they almost fainted.

It’s so brutal, where the hell did this guy come from?

So terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and led the two to Gong Jue, after dropping the two on the ground.

Lu Shaoqing said to the three, “Okay, don’t fight, fight and kill all day, what kind of system?”

The three of them were flushed and had the urge to vomit blood.

Big brother, do you know what you are talking about?

Are you embarrassed to say this?

Gong Jue stood up in horror and politely saluted Lu Shaoqing, “Thank you Gongzi for saving your life.” Gong

Jue did not dare to put up a shelf in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Now he is injured, and his strength cannot be played by two percent, and he is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

If he was beaten violently by Lu Shaoqing, he might be sent away.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand at him, “You’re welcome, you should.” With

a face full of justice, he said in a heavy tone, “I can’t see such a thing as brother Yan Wall, the ancestors of your three families are like brothers, and when I come to you, I don’t want you to meet each other.” Forcing your ancestors to crawl out of the ground. ”

Three people are speechless, will you speak?

Did you talk like that?

Gong Jue complained in his heart, and at the same time asked cautiously, “Gongzi, do you mean that we should stop here and leave separately?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Of course, I said it, I don’t want you to continue to fight, how dangerous it is to fight and kill.”

Gong Jue was very crisp, he nodded, “According to what Gongzi said.” Then

he wanted to leave.

He did not intend to persuade Lu Shaoqing to kill Gou Di and Miao Wu.

When he recovers from his injuries, he will personally find these two guys to settle the score.

Revenge does not have to be done to others.

Miao Wu and Gou Di were anxious, but they were helpless.

The two of them regretted it incomparably, and they knew that they would not make a move.

Now it’s okay, completely offend the Bow family, and the two of them will be in big trouble in the future.

However, Lu Shaoqing stopped Gong Jue, “Hey, are you going to leave like this?”

Gong Jue was stunned, Miao Wu and Gou Di were also stunned, and at the same time, the two couldn’t help but worry in their hearts.

Could it be that you want Gong Jue to slaughter the two of them?

Gong Jue also had this guess in his heart.

He couldn’t help but show joy on his face.

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He doesn’t mind if he can.

Now he is seriously injured, but it is still okay to kill someone.

“Gongzi, do you want to…” His gaze fell on Miao Wu and Gou Di.

Lu Shaoqing interrupted his fantasy, “What do you think?”

“I saved you, and you’re going to leave just like that?”

What’s going on?

Did this guy live so long in vain?

Not on the road at all?

Gong Jue seemed to understand, and he once again surrendered his hand to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi is very kind, and there will be a repayment in the future.” ”

Who wants you these vain things?

Lu Shaoqing suddenly said, “Alas, I don’t think I should have saved you, if I saved you, the Bow family will also be destroyed in the future.” ”

Bow Jue: ???

You fart.

Gong Jue complained in his heart, with me, the Gong family can’t die.

Facing the current Lu Shaoqing, he did not dare to scold, but his eyes were very unconvinced.

“Not convinced?” Lu Shaoqing despised it even more and lived in vain.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t go around in circles anymore, and directly stretched out his hand to ask for benefits, “I saved you, didn’t you say anything?” At

this point, Gong Jue no longer understood, he was killed by a head.


Gong Jue felt very uncomfortable, and the breath in his chest seemed to be breathless.

Big brother, can you behave a little backbone?

Are you so strong, can you have a bit of a superior demeanor?

In this case, it is generally my rescued person who took the initiative, and you have to disagree with the Wind Highlight Festival.

You directly reach out and ask for it, this, not according to common sense.

Gong Jue was very uncomfortable, and after a while, the breath in his heart finally came over

, he looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, he had lived for so long, and it was the first time he had encountered such a guy.

“Gongzi, you might as well go to the Gong family and let me thank Gongzi well, how?”

Although it was uncomfortable, Gong Jue was worthy of being an old fox, a ghostly spirit.

In an instant, I thought of a way to maximize the benefits of the Bow family.

Invite Lu Shaoqing to the Bow family as a guest and sit in the Bow family.

At that time, even if the Miao family joins forces to attack, the Gong family can be as stable as an old dog.

As soon as these words came out, Miao Wu and Gou Di felt that their injuries were even worse.

If Lu Shaoqing went to the Gong family, or joined the Gong family, the Miao family and the Gou family would face destruction.

The two were so nervous that they couldn’t wait to tear their mouths.

However, Lu Shaoqing was not interested in going to the Bow house, he said, “There is already a place to live.”

Then he became suspicious, staring at Gong Jue, “Don’t you want to thank me?”

“Give me a million spirit stones and you can leave.”

Gong Jue couldn’t breathe again.

A million spirit stones?

You are naked robbery.

Gong Jue hesitated, “Gongzi, this…” ”

Give me a million spirit stones, during my time in Sanwu City, keep your Gong family unharmed.”

As soon as Gong Jue heard it, he didn’t say a word, and immediately agreed.

“Okay, I’ll let people prepare for Gongzi when I go back.”

What he lacks most now is time, and Lu Shaoqing’s words are undoubtedly buying him time.

It is not sensible to bargain again.

“That’s right, let’s go, hurry back to heal your injuries.”

“Oh, first swear with Dao Heart, I’m afraid you’ll regret it…” After

Gong Jue left, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Miao Wu and Gou Di, with a smile on his face and a kind tone, “What about you?” Do you have spirit stones at home?

“Give me a million spirit stones and I can let you go…”

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