The father and son of Gou Qian and Gou Su were terrified.

Why is this guy here?

“You, you…” Lu

Shaoqing’s eyes were like electricity, full of killing intent.

Just at Shanglu Shaoqing’s gaze, Gou Qian felt a powerful coercion attack.

A surge of spiritual knowledge surged in.


Just a face, a look, and Gou Qian sprayed blood.

The blood and qi tumbled, retreating one after another, and Gou Qian was terrified.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense gave him a feeling that the sky was falling, which was too terrifying.

No wonder Luan Rui is not his opponent.

Is this the divine consciousness that can be had in the meta-infancy?

Lu Shaoqing casually slapped Gou Su to the side again, and said lightly, “You two stay obediently.”

One sentence made the father and son of Gou Qian and Gou Su tremble, and did not dare to say more.

Even if Gou Qian is the fourth layer of the Yuan baby, and Gou Su is the strength of the first layer of the Yuan baby, he does not dare to put an extra fart.

They knew the strength of their bodies, even if they joined forces, they could not defeat Lu Shaoqing.

For the parallel goods baby of Gou Qian’s father and son, Lu Shaoqing did not pay attention to it at all.

Dare to make a change, you can kill them in minutes.

He came here mainly to find Luan Rui.

Luan Rui also sensed that something was wrong around him, and he suddenly opened his eyes and saw Lu Shaoqing looking at him.

The little ape lay on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, brandishing a short blade, and grinned at him.

He trembled in his heart, and without saying a word, he wanted to take something out of the storage ring to resist, only to find that the storage ring had been picked up by Lu Shaoqing.

He endured a headache and wanted to escape.

However, Lu Shaoqing had already blocked the surrounding space, and his divine sense once again launched an attack on Luan Rui.


Luan Rui held his head and fell to the ground and rolled and screamed, embarrassed.

Luan Rui felt like he was going to die, and his head was about to explode at any time.

The intense pain made him cry.

The worst thing in my life was this one.

Lu Shaoqing squatted down and looked at him, revealing a disgusted expression, “Why are you still wearing white clothes?”

“I hate people in white the most.”

“Okay, okay,” Lu Shaoqing smiled again, “Don’t bark, doesn’t it hurt?” Endure it and pass, call at every turn, are you still not a man?

Luan Rui held his head, his eyes were red and tearful, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

He only hated himself for why he hadn’t practiced the exercises on the eyes before, and there was no way to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces with his gaze.

“Let me ask you something,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t talk nonsense, stating his purpose for coming here to find him, he took out the booklet and raised it to Luan Rui, “What are you going to do with this thing?”

At the same time, he opened the booklet, which was a picture book, and on it were pages of portraits of women, a hundred of them.

The women here have a characteristic, they are all young and beautiful women, with smart eyes, excellent appearance, and excellent temperament.

In other words, these are beautiful women.

It is also reasonable for a brother Gongzi to collect such a booklet.

Luan Rui saw the album, and more killing intent flashed in his eyes.

This shows that his storage ring was removed by Lu Shaoqing, and the contents were looted.

Coming here hurt not to mention, the old bottom has been hollowed out.

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The heart hurts.

Faced with Lu Shaoqing’s question, he was too lazy to answer, do you have to answer if you ask me?

Although I am injured, I come from the Holy Land, the same clan as the Holy Lord, and I still have to be called Uncle Holy Lord, what is my identity?

Is someone like you worthy of me answering your questions?

Even, Luan Rui snorted coldly, showing his disdain.


Seeing that Luan Rui did not cooperate, Lu Shaoqing sighed, looking very pity.

Then he slapped Luan Rui in the face.


Luan Rui was stunned.

Gou Qian and Gou Su were startled, and then they shivered together.

Wailing in my heart, what kind of guy is this?

Dare to treat the messenger of the Holy Land like this, are you tired of living?

“You…” Luan Rui angrily wanted to struggle, but he was already imprisoned by Lu Shaoqing, and he was not as good as a mortal when he was injured.

“Don’t move!” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, and then slapped Luan Rui’s other side of the face.

The faces on both sides swollen, making Luan Rui speak a little slurred, “You, do you know who I am?” You dare to do this to me?

Luan Rui roared angrily, and his white clothes were stained with dust, becoming more and more embarrassed.

“Holy Land guy, what about your relationship with the Holy Lord?” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care at all, his smile remained unchanged, “You haven’t recognized your situation yet?” If you don’t cooperate obediently, do you believe that I will kill you?

“Killing you and pumping your soul can also get the answer I want.”

Luan Rui felt a chill in his heart, and Lu Shaoqing, who was full of smiles, was like a demon in his eyes.

He regretted it incomparably in his heart, he already knew that this guy was so terrifying, he shouldn’t have mixed in.

Damn the Goujia, where the hell did you provoke such a guy.

“You, who the hell are you?” Luan Rui subconsciously asked, he wanted to know what Lu Shaoqing’s origin was, and dared to treat him like this as an envoy of the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly put away his smile and slapped it again, “Snap!”

“Gave you face? Who allowed you to ask me? The

Gou Qian father and son next to him almost cried.

This guy is really ferocious.

At the same time, Gou Qian also gave his son a reproachful look, how the hell did you provoke this terrible guy?

Gosu was very wronged, what the hell.

If I had known that this guy was so terrible, I would have been respectful and polite to worship him as a father.

It only took long for Luan Rui to eat three slaps, and everyone was numb.

Growing so big, the first time I was slapped like this, this face, I can’t ask for it.

“Hurry up, what are you painting these beauties for?”

“What do the circles and forks above mean?”

Of the hundred beautiful girls in the album, only three had a circle drawn on their portraits, and the others all had a cross.

Luan Rui is not so easy to give in, he is not stupid.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, he will definitely not let him go easily.

Instead of that, it’s better to be tougher.

“Hmph, even if I say it, you won’t let me go.” Luan Rui was very tough, “You just kill me.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned secretly, this guy, hasn’t he been beaten enough?

He raised his palm, and Luan Rui subconsciously dodged.

Lu Shaoqing was satisfied, and then said with a smile, “In this way, I promise you, you tell me the answer, I will release you.”

“I can swear with my heart…”

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