Seeing that Lu Shaoqing actually swore with a Dao heart.

Luan Rui was impressed by Lu Shaoqing, not everyone was so courageous.

At the same time, he also wondered, why did Lu Shaoqing pay so much attention to this album?

This is just a prop that he used to bet with many brothers and sons.

Luan Rui subconsciously asked, “You, there are your acquaintances on it?”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, and without saying a word, he slapped and waited again.


Lu Shaoqing said fiercely, “Still dare to ask questions?

“Say it quickly, or I’ll kill you.”

Looking at the fierce Lu Shaoqing, Luan Rui’s eyes spewed fire, and he had to bow his head.

Since he swore an oath, it was a chance for him to live.

He gritted his teeth and said, “The hundred girls above are candidates for the Holy Daughter.

“The Holy Land will select the first, second, and third saints from among them, and in the future, together with the three holy sons, lead the holy family to counterattack the ancestral star.”

“The circle and the cross above, it is me and others who are betting to see who will become a saint and who will be eliminated.”

Lu Shaoqing asked, “What will happen to elimination?”

Luan Rui did not hesitate and answered honestly, “Those who are eliminated, those who are lucky can survive, and those who are unlucky will naturally die.” ”

There are many dangers in the abyss, and it is normal to die if you fail the test.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he couldn’t help but scold, “Ma De.”

“They all went in? How long will you stay inside?

Luan Rui was more sure in his heart, there must be someone Lu Shaoqing knew above.

Hmph, maybe it’s still good.

I wish your people to die inside.

Luan Rui cursed viciously in his heart.

At the same time, he obediently replied, “They all go in, they need to stay in it for two years, seize the opportunity, and fight each other, and the first three people to come out will become the saints of the Holy Land.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face became even more gloomy, and his gaze staring at Luan Rui was full of killing intent.

Even Luan Rui was frightened by Lu Shaoqing’s gaze.

Lu Shaoqing asked a few more questions, knowing that these girls had been in for more than a year, and there were still seven or eight months left to come out.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and stared at Luan Rui unkindly.

Luan Rui also struggled hard to get up and face Lu Shaoqing.

He was not afraid that Lu Shaoqing would make a move on him, and swore with a Dao heart, no one dared to joke about this.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly smiled, “Count you far.” Seeing

this, Luan Rui’s heart was more relaxed, and the arrogance in his personality once again emerged.

If you don’t dare to kill me, then I’ll beep you.

“Hmph, I remember today’s things, and there will be a thick report in the future.”

“The Holy Land and the Luan family remember you.”

Having lost so much face, it is necessary to put down a few cruel words.

I can’t kill you now, but that doesn’t mean the power behind me can’t.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze turned cold, “Are you threatening me?”

Luan Rui smiled coldly, becoming more and more proud, “Yes, so what?

“Don’t forget, you’ve sworn it.”

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“yes!” Lu Shaoqing nodded and swore that of course he couldn’t kill you.


Lu Shaoqing slapped him again with his backhand and pumped him away, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t hit you.” ”

You…” Luan Rui’s newly emerged arrogance was slapped back by this slap, he swallowed the blood, and he hated it in his heart, but he didn’t dare to say anything anymore.

Luan Rui was fierce in his heart, you wait for me, one day, I will make you regret it.

At the same time, I will definitely find out who is your person and kill her when the time comes.

Looking at Luan Rui’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly and glanced at Gou Qian and Gou Su next to him.

Transmit to the two.

After that, it disappeared here.

“Damn, you haven’t lifted the ban for me yet!” After Luan Rui saw Lu Shaoqing leave, he could no longer hold back his anger and roared.

The voice echoed here like a wounded wolf.

Then he saw the father and son of Gou Qian and Gou Su next to him, and remembered that his appearance just now was all seen by these two people.

His gaze became cold, revealing Senran’s killing intent.

The guy who witnessed his embarrassed appearance did not need humane destruction and disappeared from this world completely.

However, he quickly retracted his killing intent, and now he was injured and did not have much combat power.

When he is well, he will kill all the people of the Gou family.

Although he knew that he could not show killing intent at this time, he did not plan to change the attitude of Gou Qian and Gou Su’s father and son at all.

He hated Gou Qian’s father and son in his heart.

If it weren’t for these two people, he wouldn’t have provoked Lu Shaoqing at all and ended up where he is today.

And just now he was still watching the play on the side, and he didn’t say anything, he didn’t even put a fart, and watched him be humiliated.

These two men must die.

He shouted at Gou Qian Gou Su, “What are you still stunned for? Come and help me unlock the ban.

Gou Qian and Gou Su looked at each other.

After walking over, Gou Qian did not rush to unlock the ban for Luan Rui, but asked, “Sir, what should I do this time?”

“What else can I do? When I return to the Holy Land, I must have people come and kill him, crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces, and extract his soul and burn it for ten thousand years.

Luan Rui’s face was distorted, and his resentful tone was like a devil, which made the father and son of Gou Qian and Gou Su shiver deeply.

Gou Qian tentatively asked, “My lord, what about me, what about us?” ”

You guys?” Luan Rui looked at the two of them, coldness flashed in his eyes, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and said lightly, “I know that you are not his opponent, and this incident has nothing to do with you.”

“Send me to the Holy Land, and then I will thank you, and you can do whatever you want.”

Now stabilize them first, wait until you get to the Holy Land, hum!

However, Gou Qian is not vegetarian either.

The coldness in Luan Rui’s eyes, he was confident that he was not wrong.

Gou Qian suddenly asked, “Sir, didn’t you come with your companions?” You can send them a message to avenge the adults.

“Hmph, if I had helpers, I would have crushed his corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

Gou Qian’s heart relaxed, he rolled his eyes, seemed to make up his mind, suddenly walked two steps closer, and said in a low voice, “Sir, there is something I forgot to tell you.” ”

What’s going on?” Luan Rui subconsciously asked, but he suddenly reacted, he has been plagued like this today.

He kept retreating, but Gou Qian had already slapped a palm on his body.

Powerful spiritual power roared up, destroying everything in the house.

“You, damn it…”

“Instead of waiting for you to come back and liquidate us, it is better to kill you now.” Gou Qian’s killing intent is hideous, and there is no mercy in his hands….

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