After Lu Shaoqing returned to Miao’s house, he threw the album in his hand into the house.

When Ji Yan was about to slash off with a sword, Lu Shaoqing said, “Junior sister is on it.” When

Ji Yan heard this, he put away his sword intent and caught the album.

After reading a few pages, he frowned, “Where?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came in slowly, with pride, “What’s the hurry, look slowly, by the way, see if there is anything you like.”

“Maybe you’ll be able to find a Taoist couple you like here.”

“From now on, amphibious and double-flying, white-headed to old.”

Lu Shaoqing also did not expect that by chance, he would be able to find the clues of his junior sister.

I actually went to participate in the selection of the Holy Daughter.

However, looking at the expression of the junior sister, it should not be voluntary.

Listening to what Luan Rui said, the so-called Absolute Rift Abyss is not a good place, and the mortality rate is extremely high.

Until now, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have any good way.

“The face of the stupid junior sister is not like a short-lived ghost, I hope she has her own natural appearance.”

The plan in the room automatically ignored the nonsense without nutrition, and soon found the page where Xiao Yi was.

On the portrait, Xiao Yi pouted, holding Xiaobai, and his big eyes showed a depressed gaze.

Ji Yan closed the album and threw it back to Lu Shaoqing, “Where did it come from?” What does fork mean? The

tone was a little more harsh, whoever dared to bully Junior Sister was an enemy of him.

Lu Shaoqing said the information he got from Luan Rui.

After Ji Yan listened, he pondered for a moment and said, “Let’s go.” ”

Sanwu City is located in the southwest corner of Dongji, a month or two away from where the Holy Land is.

Without the teleportation array, it only takes a lot more time.

And it just so happens that here in Dongji, there are many cities that will not open the teleportation array.

Ji Yan does not like to drag mud and water, and decides to do things immediately.

Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, “What’s the hurry, it will take more than half a year to come out of the meeting, and it is not urgent in these few days.” ”

I haven’t received the spirit stone yet, wait a few more days…” The

next day, Miao Ya woke up from meditation.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to look at the house where Lu Shaoqing was.

She was curious about where Lu Shaoqing ran yesterday, and what was worth his solemnity.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Lu Shaoqing lying on the roof, holding Erlang’s legs, lazily basking in the sun.

The sun of Cold Star is very vicious, the temperature is high, and the ultraviolet rays are very high.

Outside for a while, even if it is a monk, the skin will react.

But Lu Shaoqing had no problems at all, her skin was still fair, and Miao Ya was deeply envious.

If she were so white, she would be more beautiful and confident.

Miao Ya walked over, she was very curious about yesterday’s events, and wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing what she went to do yesterday.

Even if you can’t ask, talk and get closer.

However, as soon as she walked over, Lu Shaoqing turned his head and said to her, “Go outside and bring a guest in.” ”



Miao Ya opened her mouth and subconsciously asked, “Who?”

“Don’t you know when you go?”

Miao Ya couldn’t, she could only come out and come to the gate, but found that it was an old acquaintance.


Gou Su was coming to the Miao family from a distance, and before he could say anything, Miao Ya appeared in front of him.

“Sister Miao Ya!” Gou Su was overjoyed, “Great, trouble you to take me to meet Lord Zhang Zheng.”

“What are you doing here?” Miao Ya was a hundred reluctant, her tone was stiff and cold, and her attitude was very resistant.

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Gou Su’s tone was pleading, very polite, and his gaze looking at Miao Ya did not have that kind of fiery, “I came here to send something to Lord Zhang Zheng, and I hope that Miao Ya’s sister will report on her behalf.” ”

Is he the guest that guy said he was?

Miao Ya glanced around and found no other figures.

Finally, he brought Gou Su to Lu Shaoqing.

“Master Zhang Zheng!” Gou Su was very polite and respectful, and almost knelt down.

Miao Ya looked even more curious about what happened yesterday.

So that this guy Gosu will become like this.

Lu Shaoqing sat up, rubbed his hands, and asked, “Brought?”

Gou Su nodded repeatedly, “Brought, two million spirit stones.”

After speaking, he took out a storage ring, and the little ape jumped up from a distance and took it and handed it to Lu Shaoqing.

“Sensible,” Lu Shaoqing touched the little ape’s head with satisfaction, “next time I will take you to eat fragrant and spicy food.” ”

Remembering what I ate yesterday, the little ape’s saliva flowed.

Lu Shaoqing took the storage ring, swept his senses, and was very satisfied.

Gou Su said, “Not bad, well done, this time the matter will be settled.” ”

The Gou family is taking this guy Luan Rui to trouble him, is this worth it?

If you don’t destroy the Gou family, you can’t make the Gou family have a good time.

A million spirit stones must be taken to calm his wounded heart.

Yesterday I put down the cruel words, and today I sent them obediently.

Such an attitude also says one thing.

Luan Rui died.

This is also something to celebrate.

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, joyfully from the heart.

“Okay, go back and tell your dad, you can sleep peacefully at night.”

Gou Su breathed a sigh of relief and wanted this sentence.

Luan Rui was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent, and the thighs from the Holy Land were all broken by Lu Shaoqing.

Even the Great Elder was beaten into a pig’s head, and the Gou family was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent, and if Lu Shaoqing took revenge on the Gou family, no one would save the Gou family.

Moreover, they also killed Luan Rui, and there is no way back.

He could only obediently obey Lu Shaoqing’s words and offer protection money.

Relieved, Gou Su stated his second purpose for coming here.

“Sir, do you think you can mediate the conflict between the three of us?”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he directly refused, “No time.” ”

Just kidding, what did I do with so many things before?

Isn’t it to make the three of you hostile to each other, when the time comes, you hit me, I will beat you, beat all the brain pulp out, and then there is no time to go to my trouble?


Isn’t this pumping your own face?

I’m full of food, so I don’t want to be cheap.

Gou Su was not surprised, he knew that it was not so easy to convince Lu Shaoqing, he did not talk nonsense, and took out a killer weapon.

“Five hundred thousand spirit stones, I still hope that the adults will mediate.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he became interested and raised his finger, “One million spirit stones.” ”

For a million spirit stones, your own face, smoking it yourself, it’s very reasonable, right?

Alas, I like to commit slutty the most.

Gou Su immediately agreed, which was even lower than his father expected, “In a word.” ”

Huh? Looks like my asking price is a bit low?

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and asked tentatively, “Can I still add it?” Gou

Su looked at Lu Shaoqing constipatedly, my lord, don’t play like this.

“Well, who makes me good-hearted?” Lu Shaoqing sighed sadly and said to Miao Ya, “Little chick go and call your father and the head of the Bow family, for the sake of world peace, I want to talk to them…”

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