
Tan Ling didn’t believe it, she wanted to ask which country man could raise the two of you.

For Lu Shaoqing’s request, Tan Ling refused, “Can’t.” ”

Just kidding, you said let me tell you and I’ll tell you?

I’m not a tour guide.

She was the apprentice of the Third Elder, and her status in the Holy Land was also high.

Being treated like this by Lu Shaoqing here, he had already held his breath in his heart.

They all want to beat Lu Shaoqing to death, how can they obediently answer Lu Shaoqing’s questions.

Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful and disgusted, “Stingy!

“I’ve never seen a woman as stingy as you, petty.”

Talk about being angry to death, who is stingy?

If I were stingy, would I promise to give you five million spirit stones?

Tan Ling’s pair of Danfeng eyes looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, like an angry little hen, her face was as angry as the spirit armor on her body, “Who do you say is a stingy?” ”

You,” Lu Shaoqing was very direct, “let you say nothing, isn’t this a petty ghost?”

“I thought that the apprentices taught by the Second Elder would be a little different, but now it seems that, alas…”

After speaking, he shook his head very regretfully, as if it was a pity for Elder Rui’s division to be unfortunate.

“You…” Tan Ling gritted her teeth and wanted to hit someone, what is this about my master?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t wait for Ling to say anything, he changed the topic and asked, “I heard you say just now that the three people who hunted you down were sent by other elders of the Holy Land?” ”

Doesn’t it mean that the Holy Land is united? You’re not talking nonsense, are you?

After a pause, he pointed at Tanling and warned Tanling, “Don’t talk nonsense, don’t destroy the image of the Holy Land in my mind.”

Tan Ling was silent for a moment, then sneered and said, “You heard me wrong, I don’t know their identities.” ”

The origin of her identity, she really does not know.

That sentence was nothing more than her guess.

And Lu Shaoqing secretly pondered, it seems that the Holy Land is not monolithic.

That’s easy to do.

He smiled and stared at Tanling, making Tanling’s heart bristle.

In the end, he really couldn’t help it, and angrily reprimanded, “What do you see? ”

Against this guy, there is really no way to keep a calm state of mind.

Tan Ling felt that because he had said a few words to the guy in front of him, his injury showed signs of aggravation, and he was angry.

“I think that if you return to the Holy Land, it will also be very dangerous, knowing your identity, and daring to send someone to hunt you down, the identity is definitely not simple.”

“You were lucky to meet me this time, what about next time?”

Tan Ling secretly said in his heart, I don’t think I was lucky to meet you, and the bad luck was almost the same.

I met you and broke a fortune.

However, for Lu Shaoqing’s words, she could not refute it.

Indeed, this time it can be avoided, not necessarily next time.

“May I ask, does your identity in the Holy Land have any other identity besides being Elder Rui’s apprentice? Or serve in the Holy Land or something, is there?

Tan Ling shook her head and said no, because of her master, her situation in the Holy Land was quite embarrassing.

After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing clarified the positioning of Tanling and said bluntly, “Small role!”

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After Tanling listened, he had the urge to give Lu Shaoqing’s head a few strokes.

Who do you say is the small character?

Do you know my Master’s status?

In the Holy Land, when others saw me, I had to respectfully call my lord.

Lu Shaoqing said slowly, “Sending someone to deal with a small character like you should actually be dealing with your master, right?”

“It seems that your master is a little unpopular in the Holy Land, ouch, your master is very dangerous.”

After Tanling listened, his heart was shocked, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.


Tan Ling only found out at this moment that she still underestimated Lu Shaoqing.

Just by virtue of her being hunted down, and then deducing her master’s situation.

Seeing Tan Ling like this, Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, “It seems that I guessed well.” ”

It’s not bad, it’s just right.

“What do you want to do?” Tan Ling had to look squarely at Lu Shaoqing in front of him, trying to suppress the horror in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing leaned against the cabin and sat very casually, he still had that purpose, “Having said that, I want to know some things about the Holy Land, after all, I am a countryman.”

“Hmph, tell you, what’s the benefit?” Tan Ling was very upset, “Can you not want those five million spirit stones?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately sat up straight, “Don’t even think about it.”

After a pause, he said, “Your strength is so weak, it has always been a burden to your master, and if you want to deal with your master, you will naturally deal with you first, so you need bodyguards.”

Only then did Tan Ling react and look at Lu Shaoqing, “What do you mean…” Lu Shaoqing

patted his chest, “How?” We will give you as bodyguards, and in exchange, you tell me the intelligence of the Holy Land.

“Don’t worry, as long as it’s not the Avatar Period, we can keep you from dying.”

Tan Ling snorted, it turned out to be this idea, she sneered, “In the Holy Land, no one dares to attack me easily.”

“As long as I send a signal, my master will arrive as soon as possible.”

Besides, no one dares to make trouble in the Holy Land, and no one dares to challenge the authority of the Holy Land.

“Call you Master at every turn, are you a summoned beast when your Master is? To deal with some cats and dogs, you also call you master? Okay? Talking

about silence, Lu Shaoqing’s words reached her heart.

Lu Shaoqing continued to attack his heart, “Even if those people don’t dare to kill you in the Holy Land, there are always challenges and something, right?”

“You lost, does your master still have a face?”

“The worse you lose, the uglier your master’s face will be, the happier the people who target your master, and even have the opportunity to get what they want, are you willing to do this?”

Tan Ling continued to be silent, indeed, she was often targeted in the Holy Land.

Especially those holy sons.

It annoys me when I think about it.

However, the strength of the Holy Son, can these two guys in front of him resist?

“I’m afraid you’ll cry then.”

This tone was relaxed, but he was still worried about the strength of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing was full of confidence, he pointed to Ji Yan and said, “Did you see it?” The ceiling among his peers, peerless macho.

“I dare not say anything else, all those below the middle Yuan infant stage are not his opponents, and the late Yuan infant stage, if you want to fight hard, you can also die together.”

Talk Ling is stunned, is it really powerful?

Thinking of Ji Yan’s terrifying sword intent, she subconsciously asked, “What is his relationship with the sword family?” ”

Swordsman? In his eyes, he is scum….”

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