Bragging, the strength of the swordsman is something that people like you can know?

However, Ji Yan’s cold, flowing appearance, and outstanding temperament all made Tan Ling feel that Ji Yan’s strength was very strong.

I’m sorry for this temperament if it’s not strong.

After thinking about it, Tan Ling decided to accept the deal.

Moreover, she thinks more.

If, as Lu Shaoqing said, they came to the Holy Land for the first time, it means that their family background is innocent, maybe they can become the people on her master’s side, help her, and even give her master more help.


Lu Shaoqing laughed, there is no need to worry about the unfamiliarity of life in this holy place, and there is no place to live.

Lu Shaoqing took two steps closer, confronted the conversation, and went straight to the topic, “Holy Land, is the strongest Saint Lord?”

Tan Ling nodded, “Of course, the Holy Lord is not only the strongest in the Holy Land, but also the strongest existence in the entire Cold Star.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, grandma’s, “How strong?” Fit or Mahayana?

“If the Holy Lord was a fit, he would have already led someone to counterattack the Ancestral Star…”

Tanling’s words made Lu Shaoqing barely relieved, it was only the refining period, but it was also enough to give Lu Shaoqing a headache.

Refining the Void Realm, maybe incarnating tens of millions, when the time comes, it will appear together, and it is scary to think about.

Lu Shaoqing asked tentatively again, “The refining period is already very powerful, why don’t you take someone to counterattack the ancestral star earlier?” ”

Tan Ling has no doubt about him, such a problem, in fact, there are many saints who do not understand.

Tan Ling shook his head and said, “Master said that there will only be more masters on the ancestral star side, and our Saint Clan cannot be their opponent.

“The Holy Lord also knows this, plus the barrier between the Cold Star and the Ancestral Star is too strong, even if the Holy Lord is proficient in the laws of space, it is difficult to easily penetrate.”

“You can only build a teleportation array and spend a huge amount of materials to teleport some people over.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, according to this statement, it is difficult for the demon side to mobilize the army to kill the past, and it can only send a small group of people to infiltrate.

However, the next moment, Tan Ling continued, “However, according to Master, the barrier between the Cold Star and the Ancestral Star seems to be weakening, and two years ago, the Holy Lord sent a large number of people over through the teleportation array.

“In the next hundred years, or even less, the barrier between the cold star and the ancestral star will no longer be a heavenly graben.”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart jumped, is this why the Zhongzhou gang wants to form Zhongzhou College?

Do they also perceive a weakening of the barrier?

Even Ji Yan looked sideways slightly.

According to Tan Ling’s words, within a hundred years, there will be a great war between the Terrans and the Demon Race.

Lu Shaoqing echoed Tanling’s words, deliberately showing surprise, “Is it true?” That’s great, when the time comes, I will follow to the Terrans and rob them of the spirit stones of the Terrans.

Tan Ling’s expression was strange, and he glanced at Lu Shaoqing, “Do you also agree with the Holy Race and the Terran Race going to war?”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, this question should not be asked from a demon population.

“Why? Do you disagree?

Tan Ling said lightly, “My master and some elders do not approve of fighting the Terrans to the death, and think that through negotiation, the two races can put aside their grudges. ”

Ouch, got it.

Lu Shaoqing understood why Tan Ling was chased and killed.

It turns out that the master who talks about Ling is a dove.

It seems that there are still people in the demon race who remain awake.

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So, he immediately changed his words, patted his chest and said, “I like peace the most, and I don’t like to fight and kill at all.”

Then he took out the Mojun sword, flicked it, and said to the conversation, “See this sword?” The sword of kindness, has not cut people. Mo

Junjian couldn’t help but buzz, expressing disbelief.

I’ve cut a lot of people.

Talk about it or not, just kidding, your sword is hairy in people’s hearts just because of its appearance, and it is definitely not a kind sword.

Tanling couldn’t help but pout, this guy also likes to talk big.

Along the way, Lu Shaoqing gradually learned more about the holy place of the Demon Race through the mouth of Tanling.

The strongest and highest being of the Holy Land is the Holy Lord.

Under the Holy Lord are the first, second, and third elders.

These three elders were responsible for handling the affairs of the Holy Land and were high-ranking people.

As for the other elders, they followed the orders of the three elders.

In secular terms, the Holy Lord is the emperor and supreme, and the three elders are the prime ministers and assist the Holy Lord.

The first elder, the ancestor of the sword family, the sword wanshan, the late stage of the god of transformation, no one knows the specifics, there are rumors that he is already at the peak of the late stage, and he only needs a suitable opportunity to break through.

The second elder is Tan Ling’s master, Elder Rui, whose real name no one knows, and is also in the late stage of Transformation God.

The third elder, the ancestor of the Cui family, in the late stage of the Transformation God, his strength is not as good as the first and second elders, but he is also an existence that is proud of the Holy Land.

However, over the years, the ancestor of the Cui family has not appeared, and according to rumors, he has broken through in retreat and has not moved.

As a result, the power of the Cui family was sidelined, and the people of the Cui family had to make more efforts for this.

The Holy Lord’s Luan family, sword family, and Cui family are the most powerful families in the Holy Land.

Next are the district clans who are good at formations, the torturers with strong physical cultivation, and so on.

There are three holy sons in the Holy Land.

The first holy son, Kou 㭯, the eighth layer of the yuan baby.

The second holy son, Yushan, the eighth layer of the Yuan baby.

The third holy son, the Yuan, the seventh layer.

Speaking of the three holy sons, even Tan Ling couldn’t help but show admiration, and his tone was full of respect, “The three holy sons are the most outstanding geniuses in the entire cold star, even the most outstanding sword one of the swordsmen can’t compare to them.

Lu Shaoqing pouted in his heart, genius or something, tired of hearing it.

It is estimated that the people of the Demon Race have no insight and have not seen real geniuses.

“Is it powerful?”

Tan Ling nodded, “Of course, after they became holy sons, they were accepted as disciples by the holy lord, worshiped under the holy lord’s door, and were personally taught by the holy lord.

“Their weakest third holy son is also the seventh layer realm of the Yuan Infant, and the first and second Holy Son is already the eighth layer realm of the Yuan Infant.”

“The people of the Holy Land are speculating whether they can step into the realm of Avatar God before the age of forty.”

Lu Shaoqing became curious, “How old are they?”

“It should be over thirty.” Tan Ling was not very clear, and then she saw Lu Shaoqing pouting, very disdainful.

Tan Ling frowned, the three holy sons were her idols and the people she worshiped.

What do you mean by a look like this guy?

Tan Ling was a little angry, “What do you mean by this, are you looking down on the Holy Son?”

“No, no, I worship the three Sons very much.” Lu Shaoqing was inconsistent, casually perfunctory, and then changed the topic, “By the way, if there is a holy son, there should be a holy daughter, right?” ”

Can you tell me about the Virgin…”

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