Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, revealing an expression of adoration and yearning.

“The Holy Son is so powerful, the Holy Daughter must also be very powerful, right? It would be beautiful too, right?

Tan Ling was curious and looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, “Everyone in the Holy Clan should know, it hasn’t been long since the selection of the Holy Daughter, you don’t know at all?”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, “They all said that we are countrymen, dedicated to cultivation, and do not listen to things outside the window.” ”

Where the hell is the countryside where the news is so lagging?

Although Tan Ling was strange, he didn’t care, Han Xing was so big, it was not surprising that there was such a place.

The matter of the selection of the Holy Lady is not a secret, there is nothing to hide.

Tan Ling then told Lu Shaoqing about the Holy Girl, “A hundred talented girls selected from Cold Star, they will enter the Forbidden Abyss of the Holy Land…”

He interrupted Ling’s words, “Absolute Split? It sounds dangerous. ”

This is what Lu Shaoqing wants to know, no way, junior sister is inside.

If necessary, he had to go in and take a look.

Listening to Luan Rui, this is not a kind place.

Tanling Liu’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his tone hesitated, “I don’t know, I just heard Master say that there are countless dangers inside.”

“You haven’t been in?” Lu Shaoqing asked.

Tan Ling shook his head, “No.

Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, “Since it is so dangerous, why do you let them in?”

“Aren’t you afraid they’ll all die inside?”

Tan Ling shrugged, without any fluctuations in his tone, and said, “Dead, it can only mean that their luck is not good, their luck is not enough, and it is for nothing to become a saint.”

“If the luck is enough, you will encounter a big opportunity inside, and your strength will grow by leaps and bounds.”

The way to raise a holy woman.

Ji Yan suddenly spoke, “How can I enter?” ”

Xiao Yi has entered the Absolute Abyss, as a senior brother, it is necessary to go in and take a look.

Tan Ling was stunned, turned his head to look at Ji Yan who was facing away from him, and was surprised, “You, what are you asking this for?” At

the same time, deep doubts arose.

Do these two guys have any purpose?

Shouldn’t you think of destroying the Holy Land and choosing a saint?

Lu Shaoqing said, “Curious, can’t you ask.”

Tan Ling shook his head, his tone became serious, with a bit of warning, “If you want to do any sabotage, I advise you not to come around.” ”

The selection of the Holy Lady is presided over by the Holy Lord himself, whoever dares to intervene to interfere with the destruction, the Holy Lord will personally take action, even if you are powerful, you will not be the opponent of the Holy Lord.”

Tan Ling was a little worried, in case these two guys acted arbitrarily, it would affect her and her master at that time.

Thinking of this, she looked solemn, with a thick suspicion in her eyes, and warned again, “Don’t think about doing stupid things.” ”

If the two want to do such a stupid thing, she doesn’t dare to take the two of them with her, and she must dissociate herself from the two.”

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Seeing that Tan Ling wanted to turn his face, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, rest assured, we won’t do this kind of thing, we are not so stupid, dare to provoke the Holy Lord.”


Tan Ling didn’t believe it very much, and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help, he raised his hand and vowed, “I can swear to assure you that the two of us have absolutely no intention of destroying the selection of the Holy Daughter.”

“My senior brother has no brains, his only interest is to challenge himself, the more difficult and powerful he is, he likes challenges.”

“He heard that the Absolute Abyss was dangerous, and he wanted to explore it…”

Then secretly transmitted a voice to Ji Yan, cursing, “Your sister, can you shut up for me?”

“Be your beautiful man.”

Tan Ling snorted again, “It’s better to be like this, I don’t want your wanton behavior to affect us.”

“Of course, of course.” Lu Shaoqing nodded repeatedly, very well-behaved, “You can rest assured that it will definitely not cause you trouble.”

“Besides, such a dangerous place as the Peerless Abyss, dog, ah, who will go?”

“Presumably, even if you want to go, it’s not that easy, right?”

Ji Yan smiled slightly, then closed his eyes and ignored it anymore.

With his junior brother here, he doesn’t have to worry about these things.

He only needs to be responsible for cutting people.

Tan Ling did not notice the inappropriateness of Lu Shaoqing’s words, and she subconsciously said, “Of course, how else can it be said that it is a forbidden place of the Holy Land?”

“The Holy Lord has laid down a dense formation and prohibition in it, and the entrance is on the sacred mountain, and no one can enter without permission.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded thoughtfully, and followed these words, “The Holy Lord is mighty, that is, only if you break the Holy Lord’s formation and prohibition, can you enter?”

“Oh my God, it shouldn’t have been possible, right?”

Lu Shaoqing remembered the teleportation array he encountered in Yanzhou, if it weren’t for his outstanding formation attainments, he would definitely not be able to do this.

Cross-border teleportation, he couldn’t do it at that time, now he is a little sure, but compared to the Holy Lord, it should be a little worse.

Now that he knew that the Peerless Abyss was protected by formations, he was confident a lot.

“Of course, no one dares to disobey the Holy Lord.” Tanling’s tone was full of pride, and he seemed to have full confidence in the Holy Lord, “You can’t crack the formation laid out by the Holy Lord, even if you have ideas, you can’t enter.”

“Master said that the Holy Lord left many warning formations in it, and no one can do it without alerting the Holy Lord to sneak in.”

Lu Shaoqing secretly remembered this in his heart.

When the time comes, find the location of the abyss, and take a look first.

If there is really no way, you can only wait for Junior Sister to come out in the Holy Land.

If the junior sister is gone, you can only find a way to avenge the holy land to the junior sister.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly in his heart and inquired about other information about the Holy Land again.

All the way down, under Lu Shaoqing’s conversation, he knew many things about the Holy Land from the mouth of Tanling, which gave him more confidence in his heart.

It’s not like before, I don’t know anything, and I feel uneasy.

I am afraid that after arriving at the Holy Land, I will be slapped to death by the Holy Lord if I spit on the ground, and my soul will not be able to return to the world of the thirty states.

In this way, after more than half a month, Lu Shaoqing and they finally arrived, and in the distance, the silhouette of the holy place appeared in the sky….

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