Thousands of miles away, the silhouette of the holy place looms, like a needle pointing directly at the sky, connecting heaven and earth.

According to Tan Ling, that is the sacred mountain of the Holy Land, the center of the Holy Land.

The Holy Lord dwells on the top of the sacred mountain, and no one knows what it looks like on it, and no one can go up to it.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, there is the residence of the elders and major families of the Holy Land.

They are like faithful guards, guarding the holy mountain and guarding the holy lord.

Lu Shaoqing, when they arrived here, they had to lower the height of the flying boat.

Here, everyone cannot fly more than 100 meters in the air, and once they exceed the prescribed height, they will be regarded as defiant and provocative holy places.

The end is a dead word.

After Lu Shaoqing came here, he had to sigh.

The Holy Land is truly worthy of being the ruling center of Cold Star, and the population of the demon race gathered here is counted in the hundreds of millions.

The Holy Land has no walls, and according to Tanling, the Holy Land expands every day, and countless people come here every day.

Above the sky, at a glance, the buildings below are densely packed with no end in sight.

The demon people below are busy like ants.

With a sweep of divine sense, countless voices converged.

Lu Shaoqing just swept it, and the following information surged like a tide.

Thanks to his strong divine sense, he was able to accept and process so many sources of information, otherwise he would have to spit blood.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly took back his divine sense.

Tan Ling kept looking at Lu Shaoqing on the side.

Growing up in the Holy Land as a child, she knew that the cultivators who came here for the first time, especially the Yuan Ying, liked to scan with their divine sense to see how big it was.

And because the Holy Land is too big, there are too many people, and the information mixed together is very large.

The average monk can’t bear it, at least he will eat a little stuffy and make a clown.

She deliberately did not tell Lu Shaoqing because she wanted to see Lu Shaoqing make an ugly appearance.

However, he didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing only changed his face slightly, and there was nothing at all.

This shocked her heart, and once again deeply understood how terrifying Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense was.

This guy, really scary.

Lu Shaoqing stood at the bow of the boat and looked down with a serious expression.

Tan Ling secretly guessed in his heart, knowing how powerful the Holy Land was, right?

So many people, have you seen it?

Still, she couldn’t help but ask, “What are you thinking?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t look back, with a bit of yearning in his tone, “I was thinking, if everyone here in the Holy Land gave me a spirit stone, how many would there be?” ”

There should be tens of billions of people here, right?

Putting aside mortals, even cultivators have millions, tens of millions, right?

Each person gave himself a spirit stone, and Lu Shaoqing drooled when he thought about it.

Talking about death, I thought that you had never seen the world, and I was stunned by the prosperity of the Holy Land.

Unexpectedly, you are thinking about this unrealistic idea.

Tan Ling had seen people who liked spirit stones, but he had never seen people like spirit stones like Lu Shaoqing.

When he thought that he was going to give this guy five million spirit stones, Tanling instantly lost interest in speaking.

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Retracted into the flying boat, there is nothing to say to the wealth fan.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing and they came to the foot of the sacred mountain.

Only after walking inside did you discover the majesty of the sacred mountain.

Tens of thousands of meters high peaks, towering into the clouds, from the halfway up the mountain, there are clouds and mist entangled, as if hidden in the sky, you can’t see the slightest point above.

Looking up, the whole mountain is emitting a faint white light, full of holy breath.

In this respect, it fits the title of the sacred mountain.

The rich spiritual power spread out to the surroundings with the sacred mountain as the center, and it was comfortable to take a deep breath.

Lu Shaoqing just glanced at it and knew that there was a formation arranged on it, covering it up.

The Holy Land is the center of the Cold Star, and the Holy Mountain is the center of the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were both sighing around the majesty of the sacred mountain, and both of them had the urge to go up and take a look.

Ji Yan asked Tanling, “Can I go up from above?”

Tan Ling shook his head, “No, without the call of the Holy Lord or the elders, no one can step on the sacred mountain casually.

“Violators, die!”

Tan Ling already believed that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were countrymen who had come to the Holy Land for the first time.

She explained to the two, “The Holy Lord and the elders of the Holy Land can retreat on the Holy Mountain, and others, even if the Holy Lord’s clan are not summoned, cannot step into the Holy Mountain. ”

The Holy Land emphasizes humility here, the Holy Lord and the elders are the absolute upper echelons, and the people below, no matter how strong their strength, their status cannot surpass them.

However, if the strength is reached, it is not impossible to become an elder of the Holy Land, or even an elder with real power.

Lu Shaoqing asked, “Your master is also on it?” Tan

Ling nodded, “If there is nothing to do, Master will not go down the mountain easily.”

Lu Shaoqing was curious, “Are you going to see your master?” ”

Pass the message,” Tan Ling did not hide it, “I can only go to see her after I have Master’s permission.”

After listening to Ji Yan, he said lightly next to him, “It’s boring.”

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply and despised this way of meeting, “That is, you have to make an appointment to even see the master, how boring.” ”

These demon races are just a lot of things, and it’s not interesting to do this between master and apprentice.

Tanling was unhappy, “Hmph, Master has every opportunity to take care of every day, and he still has to cultivate, how can a disciple easily disturb Master?”

“What about you? Is it easy for you to meet Master? ”

What Tan Ling said is also the truth, the most important thing for a cultivator is to practice in retreat, and even a close apprentice cannot see the master often.

Elder Rui is the second elder of the Holy Land, holding a high position, managing such a large Holy Land, and there are many things to deal with every day.

Even a mortal emperor does not have as many affairs to deal with as her.

Coupled with the fact that he still has to cultivate, it is reasonable that this apprentice of Tan Ling really needs to make an appointment if he wants to see her.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Of course, we are all tired of seeing each other, we sometimes don’t want to see Master, and Master has to come to see us with a thick skin.”

After speaking, he deliberately shook his head and sighed, “Even sometimes, when we go out, Master also follows behind with a cheeky face. ”

Talk about a hundred unbeliefs, how does it sound, your master is like a child.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the Holy Mountain for a while, then suddenly asked, “Haven’t you tried to sneak into the Holy Mountain to see your master?”

Tan Ling gave Lu Shaoqing a roll of his eyes, “To put it lightly, there are many Saint Clan warriors guarding around, and even a fly is difficult to fly up.”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at the black armor in the distance, and he could feel their fierce color even from afar.

Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, “I thought that when I came here, I could climb the sacred mountain and fulfill my heart’s wishes.”

Tan Ling said with a strange face, “You really come from the countryside, don’t you know that the sacred mountain will be open regularly?” ”

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