When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his spirit was shocked, and even Ji Yan couldn’t help but look sideways.

“Open? How to open the law?

Tan Ling slowly spoke and explained for the two.

The sacred mountain opens every once in a while, and those who qualify can climb the sacred mountain and stay on it for half a year.

If nothing else, the spiritual power of the holy mountain is rich and almost substantial, and a month of cultivation on it is worth cultivating in other places for a year or two, or even a few years.

You can also enter the cultivation place on the sacred mountain and understand the experience and understanding left by the ancestors.

There was even the opportunity to listen to the Lord’s preaching.

It can be said that being able to go up the sacred mountain, even if it is a pig, can really improve the strength.

As for how to obtain the qualification, Tan Ling’s answer was only one sentence, “Competition, death or life.” ”

Well, Lu Shaoqing guessed that this is the case.

Raising the moth mode.

The number of places to go up the mountain is not limited, sometimes thousands, sometimes dozens.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan looked at each other, and Ji Yan’s eyes were full of war.

The benefits of going up to the sacred mountain are so great, the competition must be fierce.

At that time, there will definitely be many masters participating in the battle, he is not interested in going up the mountain, he just wants to be a demon master.

Lu Shaoqing was different, he had a headache.

There is actually a fight.

Lu Shaoqing sighed and asked Tan Ling, “As an elder apprentice, don’t you have any privileges?” Do you want to compete with those people to grab places?

Tan Ling said lightly, “If you want to cultivate in the Holy Mountain and understand the experiences and perceptions of the predecessors, you naturally have to participate in the competition.”

“But if I just want to go up the mountain, I can go up directly when the time comes.”

The villain is also the apprentice of the elder, and there are no other privileges, but this little privilege is still there.

Lu Shaoqing’s spirit was shocked, full of expectation, “Can you bring someone?”

Tanling took the lead, “Naturally, you can, but why take you?”

“Besides, if you don’t go up to the Holy Mountain to cultivate, what are you going up for?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Can’t you go up and see the scenery?” I am a traveller. ”

The entrance to the Peerless Rift Abyss is also in the Holy Land, and Lu Shaoqing has to go up to take a look.

Tan Ling said angrily, “No, you want to go up, you can participate in the competition yourself.” ”

Petty!” Lu Shaoqing despised, “What are you doing so stingy?” Bring me and I won’t drop a pound of your meat.

“I’m also your bodyguard, and I want to protect you closely.”

Tan Ling snorted, avoided the topic, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “You guys go and find a place to live by yourself, and I will inform you again if necessary.” ”

Here, I am not afraid that the other party will kill her, at most, she will be targeted and embarrassed, and she really can’t handle it, and then find Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan to help.”

Other times, Tan Ling didn’t want to see Lu Shaoqing, this guy, he would be angry if he said a few more words.

“No,” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief, “You want us to find a place to live by ourselves?” If you are not familiar with life, don’t be a scumbag.

“We are your bodyguards, and you have to be responsible for us.”

Tan Ling suspected that she had misheard, she couldn’t believe her ears, and her eyes widened as well, “What did you say?” You say it again? ”

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Dare you ask me to give you two a bag to eat?

“Let’s go to live in your house, bodyguard, naturally we must follow you and protect you at any time.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Tan Ling refused, “where do you like to live.” ”

Really, I’m not your father, so why should I find a place to live.”

“Don’t,” Lu Shaoqing was reluctant, “we don’t have high requirements for where to live, just have a place to stay.” ”

Why do you have to go to live with me?” What should you do?

Tan Ling had to suspect that although she was not the most beautiful in the Holy Land, she was not bad.

Among them, there are many suitors

Lu Shaoqing disgusted, “Think too much, your kind of dish is not rare for the two of us.” The main thing is to find a place to live and ask for flower spirit stones. ”

Find a place to live, you have to spend spirit stones, and Lu Shaoqing is reluctant to live for a day or two, not to mention that they will stay here for a long time in the future.”

Dozens and hundreds of spirit stones a day, after a few months, that number, Lu Shaoqing felt difficult to breathe when he thought about it.

Although there is a little spirit stone on the body, it can’t stand such a squander, but it is still a little bit of use.

The bitter days have not yet passed, they cannot be wasted, and they are resolutely unjust.

Tan Ling reacted, and was immediately angry half to death.

This bastard guy, is it distressed spirit stone?

I’ve never seen a guy like you who sees spirit stones as his life.

Spend some spirit stones to find a place to live, can you die?

When Tan Ling was about to fiercely reject Lu Shaoqing, someone suddenly laughed.

“Tanling, where did you find two little white faces?”

Lu Shaoqing followed the prestige and saw a woman with a single ponytail and a cyan skirt walking over with a man.

Before anyone arrived, a strong smell of rouge powder arrived first.

The woman’s head was slightly raised, her eyes were full of contempt, her face was painted with a layer of white rouge powder, and her lips were painted purple, looking not half beautiful.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan couldn’t help but frown.

Female monks generally seldom wear as much makeup as the woman in front of them.

Tan Ling looked at Ao this person, his face showed a smoke bomb expression, there was no way to hide it, and even took two steps back, and said to the woman who came in front of him, “Jian Lan, you are not afraid that you will kill people with this very smell?” ”

The surname Jian is naturally a person from the Holy Land Sword Family.

The Sword Family is one of the most powerful families in the Holy Land, and it can even be said that if it were not for the Holy Lord, the Luan Family would not be comparable to the Sword Family.

The strength of the sword family also made the disciples of the sword family full of confidence and arrogance.

Except for certain existences, the people of the sword family did not put others in their eyes.

The ancestor of the sword family is the first elder of the Holy Land, while the master of the sword talk is the second elder of the Holy Land.

The contradiction is already there.

The woman known as Jian Lan looked at Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing with a condescending posture, and her eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of a different color.

Her intuition told her that these two people with figures similar in size to the Sword Family were not easy to mess with.

Especially the young man in white, facing him, Jian Lan felt as if she was facing a long sword that would be unsheathed at any time, which made her heart stunned.

She steadied her mind, licked her lips, and said to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “The two of you are very raw, and they have never seen them before.” ”

I don’t know what the two are called…”

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