A voice in Jian Lan’s heart told her that Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were not simple.

So she smiled and sold well, trying to figure out the identities of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

If it is valuable, you can also find a way to snatch it from Tanling.

Moreover, she also raised her identity, “Jian Lan, I have seen two.

Ji Yan’s gaze fell in the distance, looking indifferently into the distance, as if he did not see Jian Lan.

He was too lazy to respond to gladioli.

Gladioli has heavy makeup, and the ugliness is even uglier, making it difficult for him to have a good impression.

What’s more, from the fluctuations of the aura on Jian Lan’s body, he knew that the Jian Lan was just a period of settling.

This kind of weak chicken, he is even more lazy to bother.

Lu Shaoqing looked Jian Lan up and down, and the gaze in his eyes made Jian Lan feel a little panicked.

How is it like looking at the gaze of prey?

Then furious, rude fellow.

Just as she was about to get angry, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and her voice had a trill, “Yes, is it the sword family?” Jian

Lan felt a lot better in her heart, and she still looked comfortable with such a face.

Although I have seen many such faces before, but now I look at it, it is still so comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

That guy in white is so annoying.

Actually ignored me, damn it.

Is my charm so bad?

I really want to throw the monkey on his shoulder to death.

Jian Lan continued to hold his head high and said proudly, “That’s right, it’s the Holy Land Swordsman. ”

Sword Cultivation Holy Land!”

“My younger brother Jianyi is the most powerful sword cultivation genius in Hanxing.”

Deliberately bit the four big characters of the Sword Cultivation Holy Land very hard, and even, she also said her identity with Jian Yi.

Then his gaze still secretly drifted to Ji Yan next to him.

Ji Yan was carrying a long sword, and Jian Lan felt that Ji Yan should be a sword cultivator.

Since it was a sword cultivator, the sword family was the place he yearned for.

You should also know how powerful her brother is.

She still wanted to let Ji Yan respond to her, preferably licking her.

However, to her disappointment, Ji Yan still ignored her and did not glance at her.

This made her very annoyed.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands next to him and asked, “Since it is a sword cultivation holy place, there must be a lot of spirit stones, right?” ”

Who is Jian Yi, a genius of sword cultivation? I have fought all the real sword cultivation geniuses.

Lu Shaoqing cared about the spirit stone.

Speechless, what are you going to do?

Jian Lan was also stunned and asked what did this mean?

In your eyes, my brother is not as good as the spirit stone to make you care?

However, with Qinggao in front of him, Lu Shaoqing’s appearance made Jian Lan look down on him.

She laughed disdainfully, despising Lu Shaoqing’s look of being a fan of wealth, “Vulgar, it’s just a spirit stone, and the sword family wants as much as you want.” ”

Sure enough, it’s the Holy Land Swordsman.

Lu Shaoqing was extremely envious in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to rob the sword family.

Unfortunately, this can only be thought of.

Robbing a swordsman in the Holy Land is the same as picking a lamp in the toilet.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing sighed sadly.

Jian Lan didn’t bother to talk to someone like Lu Shaoqing, she looked down on this kind of guy.

It’s a pity that the white-clothed boy didn’t speak, otherwise she was still a little interested.

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She hadn’t forgotten the purpose of coming here, and since she had met Tan Ling, of course she had to find trouble with her.

“Hehe, Tanling, where did you find the person? Thin and thin, a gust of wind can blow away.

“Could it be that you are moved by spring?”

Tan Ling frowned, extremely disgusted with Jian Lan, this woman was not a little self-aware, and hated to die.

Isn’t it just a good brother?

Arrogant what?

But he was also used to it, and said lightly, “It’s better than you, it’s almost fifty years old, and no one wants it.” ”

Dress yourself up like a bogey all day, and you’re not too shy.”

A woman’s age is the biggest secret and a taboo.

Tan Ling said the age of the gladioli here, and almost exploded the gladioli.

Lu Shaoqing said deliberately next to him, “Hey, are you fifty years old?” I thought I was fifteen.

These words also sounded mocking to Jian Lan.

Jian Lan was furious, and just when she was about to curse angrily, the man next to her spoke first.

“Rude guy, dare to be rude to the Jianlan girl?”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he reached out and buttoned his ears, and finally flicked it in front of him.

Half dead of anger with the man.

Where did you find such an impolite guy?

Jian Lan aimed her spearhead at Tanling again and sneered, “Where did you find the little white face?” The indigenous savages are more polite than they are.

“Find these two people to be your guests, and you are not afraid of losing Elder Rui’s face?”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy anymore, and shouted, “Hey, things can be eaten indiscriminately, and words cannot be said indiscriminately.”

He pointed to Tanling and said, “Her appearance is not my favorite dish, don’t talk nonsense, it will ruin my reputation.” ”

Tanling is also angry, this bastard, which side are you?

Also, a skinny guy like you is not my thing.

When Jian Lan heard this, he laughed out loud, this guy is a little interesting.

She even felt that Lu Shaoqing was a lot more pleasing to the eye.

She asked Lu Shaoqing, “What is your relationship with Tan Ling?”

“Friends,” Lu Shaoqing stood beside Tan Ling, like a very familiar friend, “I like making friends the most.” This time I met gladioli Xiao, girl, we can also be considered fate. When

Jianglan heard this, he became interested, “Friend? I rarely see her having friends.

“From which ravine did you come from?”

Between words, there was no slightest respect for Lu Shaoqing, which showed his arrogance.

Lu Shaoqing was not only not angry, but agreed with Jian Lan’s words, “Yes, we are dirt buns, just came to the Holy Land, there is no place to live, Jian Lan girl, can you find us a place to live?” ”

What are you?” Jian Lan was not polite at all, showing an expression of disgust.

Turned to despise Tanling, “Tanling, this is your friend?” I really don’t know how to be evil.

Lu Shaoqing showed a distressed look, “This is troublesome, she doesn’t want to…” Tan

Ling immediately interrupted Lu Shaoqing’s words, “Less nonsense here, isn’t it just looking for a place to live?” Did I say not to arrange? ”

What an abominable fellow, to say this here.

Jian Lan and her did not deal with it, and when the time came, the news would spread, and she could not raise her head among the younger generation of the Holy Land.

“Then let’s go, after rushing for so long, tired and tired, hurry up and go to your house to have a good rest.” Lu Shaoqing hit the snake on the stick, and said with a smile, “Otherwise, she will definitely laugh at you for being petty.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Tan Ling understood in his heart.

This guy, on purpose.

Taking advantage of the conflict between himself and Jian Lan, he forced himself to agree to take the two of them in.

It’s really abominable that I was calculated.

Tan Ling was very unhappy in his heart, but he couldn’t refuse Lu Shaoqing.

She didn’t want to give Jian Lan a chance to laugh at her and smear her.

“Slowly,” the man next to Jian Lan shouted, “Just want to leave like this?

“Maybe it’s too simple…”

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