The man who followed Jian Lan had a face full of flesh and fierceness, and his eyes like copper bells stared coldly at Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Lan also sneered, “Just saw each other and left?”

“Are you so afraid of me?”

It’s not easy to talk, I just came back, I haven’t gone back home, you want to come to me for trouble?

“Jian Lan, what do you want to do?”

“I miss you a few months ago,” Jian Lan said, pointing to the man next to her, “By the way, introduce a new friend to you.” Speaking

, introducing the identity of the man, “This is Rong Lou from the Northern Rong Clan, and his strength is similar to yours.”

“How’s that, let’s make a gesture?”

Rong Lou also raised his head, full of conceit.

Tan Ling frowned, the person who can be found by Jian Lan must have a good strength, and even has special skills, otherwise he will not be treated equally by Jian Lan.

Although she is also the second layer of the Yuan Baby, she is taught by a famous teacher and comes from a famous family.

But my head still hurts, and I really don’t have much confidence.

If you lose, there is no face here in the Holy Land.

Thinking of this, her gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing beside her.

At this time, it is time for the bodyguards to come out.

But he found that Lu Shaoqing’s face was full of anger, and he was very angry.

Tan Ling was slightly startled, did he think that Jianglan was angry with me?

The heart is a little complicated, this guy, this guy seems to be a little conscientious.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Rong Lou angrily, where is the guy, don’t make trouble for me.

Finally, this chick agreed to settle us, there is no free place to live, do you find me a house for Lingshi?

But this is a holy place, so it’s better to keep a low profile, he laughed and said, “Peace, don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble.”

“Everyone is a holy lander, they should be united, and making conflicts with their own families will only make outsiders laugh.”

Jian Lan and Rong Lou were stunned, is this guy a bag?

Tanling was speechless and wanted to hit someone.

If you can’t speak, don’t say it, what’s the difference between you saying this and throwing in the towel?

Do I still want to face?

If you are like this, I might as well fight fiercely, even if I lose, it will not be too shameful.

This is the so-called bodyguard? Don’t.

Jian Lan laughed out loud, seizing the opportunity to despise Tanling, “Tanling, this is the friend you made?” ”

Laughing dead, haha…” Jian

Lan laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out.

Tan Ling’s face was red with ridicule by Jian Lan, and he couldn’t wait to slap Lu Shaoqing, a guy who couldn’t speak, to death.

Rong Lou also shook his head, very disdainful, “Shame, shame on the people of the Holy Clan.”

“Forget it, since you admit defeat, I’m too lazy to bully you.”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “Hey, can you speak?” It should be that I don’t want to bully you, I’m afraid that when the time comes, I will fight and slap you to death. ”

Haha, arrogant, come on,” Rong Lou begged, and challenged, “I would like to see how good you are.”

Lu Shaoqing scoffed, his tone was arrogant, “All said, I don’t want to bully you, I’m afraid that I will kill you if I don’t make a heavy move.” The

words were arrogant, but the meaning made everyone feel that Lu Shaoqing still did not dare to fight.

Tan Ling couldn’t calm down, she stood up and whispered to Lu Shaoqing, “Shut up for me.” ”

Besides, her face was lost.

Tan Ling said to Rong Lou coldly, “Come on, if you want to fight me, then fight.” The

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tone suppressed a thick anger, and even had a bit of killing intent.

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “What are you doing?” Didn’t it say that I would handle it?

“You’re not the right way to handle things like this.”

“Come, back off, let me pretend, bah, let me deal with it.”

Talk about being angry and dead, let you come, I will simply wipe my neck.

The saints would rather die than lose face.

Jian Lan wiped her eyes, laughing so that tears flowed out, the friend that Tan Ling found turned out to be so timid, it was so good that he could laugh at her fiercely.

When Jian Lan thought of this, she was very happy in her heart, and she couldn’t stop the smile on her face.

“Haha, Tanling, you just listen to your friend, let him deal with it, haha…” Lu

Shaoqing frowned, this woman, laughing so ugly, scared to death.

“Okay, don’t laugh, laugh again that the lime on your face has fallen.”

Jian Lan’s smile stopped abruptly.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made her tremble all over her body.

Bastard, bastard, who will put lime on the face?

This is rouge, this is superior rouge, do you understand?

This is a rouge worth thousands of spirit stones, which female monks flock to, you know a fart.

Seeing Jian Lan trembling with anger, Tanling felt relieved, and at the same time his fighting spirit was stronger.

Facing Rong Lou, he said, “Come, shoot, let me teach you a good lesson, and let you know what is called the sky is high and the earth is thick.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is helpless, what is this chick doing?

Do you have to fight and kill?

Rong Lou smiled, “Okay, then I’ll come to learn your strength.”

“You’re much better than that kid, and that kid is a.”

Lu Shaoqing asked Tan Ling, “Really want to fight?” With

an innocent look, Tanling had the urge to beat him.

Tan Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, “If you don’t make a move, just retreat to the side.” ”

What bodyguard, the key moment is not reliable, I am really too young and deceived by someone.

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, and said to Rong Lou, “Before fighting, I will say two words, and after you listen, you will decide whether to fight or not.”

Rong Lou sneered, “I’d rather see what you say.”

He folded his hands and was full of confidence, he didn’t think Lu Shaoqing could interfere with his determination to strike.

Jian Lan also sneered, “Even if what you said is a mess, it is useless.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Tan Ling and said to Rong Lou, “Do you know her identity?” ”

The only apprentice of the Second Elder, you dare to unite with the people of the Sword Family to bully her, you said that the Second Elder found out, what will happen to you and your clan?”

In a word, Rong Lou’s face turned white.

The Rong tribe is just a small clan, not to mention the second elder of the Holy Land, even if it is any elder in the Holy Land, let the Rong tribe disappear in this world.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made him react.

He had just come to the Holy Land, and he had provoked the second elder, and the Rong clan did not have to live.

After Jian Lan was stunned for a while, he laughed again, “Haha, Tanling, don’t you dare to fight, just move your master out?” Tan

Ling didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to have such an idea, and he was even more angry.

Using the master as a shield is a sign of incompetence and will also be laughed at.

“Bastard, you shut up for me.” Tan Ling couldn’t help it, and shouted at Lu Shaoqing, “You retreat to the side for me, and you are not allowed to speak.”

Then, he said to Rong Lou, “Come on, let’s shoot.” However

, Rong Lou was already prodded, his eyes flickered, he did not dare to look at Tanling, and he had no intention of making a move….

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