Although Tan Ling was so angry that Lu Shaoqing itched her teeth, she finally took Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan to her house to settle down.

As a second elder apprentice, he can also have a small world in a place like the Holy Land.

The place is not too big, it is a hundred miles around, there are mountains and waters, and it is a mountain forest with an elegant environment.

But this was enough to make Lu Shaoqing drool with envy.

This is not as simple as owning a house in the center of the imperial capital, but owning a small city in the center of the imperial capital.

How many spirit stones must this be worth.

“What a luxury,” Lu Shaoqing wiped her mouth and looked at Tanling in disbelief, “You can live in such a big place for a chick?” ”

I want you five million spirit stones or less, fifty million is not excessive.”

Sure enough, it’s a real rich woman.

At the mention of five million spirit stones, Tanling’s heart was dripping blood.

He is a tiger falling Pingyang was bullied by dogs and blackmailed.

Tan Ling warned coldly, “This is my master’s place, don’t destroy every grass and tree inside.” ”

Elder Rui hasn’t gone down the mountain for a long time, and with her identity, it can’t be said that she doesn’t own such a place in the Holy Land.

As Elder Rui’s apprentice, this can also be regarded as Tan Ling’s home.

According to Tan Ling’s words, this is the place of the second elder, and no eye-opening thief dares to come here to steal things.

At the same time, there are also patrolling Saint Clan soldiers in the Holy Land, and this is also the place where they focus on patrolling, and it is difficult for ordinary people to even get close.

Ordinary Holy Land Elders are all heaven-topping existences in the eyes of the Holy Family, and they are absolute big

people, not to mention the masters like Tanling, the real power elders of the Holy Land, and the real hundreds of millions of people.

No one has the guts to come here and offend.

In the mountains and forests, among the dense trees, houses are scattered among them.

This is a private territory where you can walk around in the air.

Tan Ling levitated above the sky, casually pointed to a small mountain, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “You guys live there.”

Lu Shaoqing asked Tanling curiously, “What about you?” Where do you live?

“What do you care about this?” Tanling’s face was expressionless, “Where do I live, what does it matter to you?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “It’s not sometimes to go to your place for a meal or something.”

“Not welcome!”

After Tan Ling finished speaking, she left, and the distance from where she lived was the farthest distance from here, east and west, in a straight line.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing, she was not in a good mood.

“Stingy!” Lu Shaoqing shouted behind his back, so angry that Tanling’s body shook, and finally simply teleported out of here.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan came to Xiaoshan, and the environment was similar to that of the Miao family in Sanwu City.

All are built on the top of the mountain to build a few houses, beautiful environment, pleasant air.

However, the Miao family’s place is not as rich as the aura here.

There are basic formations such as the Gathering Spirit Array around here, so that the white mist of the small mountain lingers, and coming here is like being in a fairyland.

The breeze blows, the leaves of the trees sway gently, and the hot sunlight casts down and reflects the colorful light through the white mist, which is pleasant for the body and mind.

After Lu Shaoqing looked at it, he was very satisfied, “Not bad.”

Then, while checking the surroundings, he criticized, “Corruption, luxury…” Ji

Yan found a tree, sat down, the little ape had already slipped off his shoulder, and the white figure shuttled through the white mist, faintly appearing from time to time, having fun.

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The Wuqiu sword behind Ji Yan gently came out of its sheath and fell into Ji Yan’s hands.

Ji Yan spread the Wuqiu sword flat on his knees, and the slender fingers that made the women envious gently brush the surface of the Wuqiu sword.


Wuqiu Jian felt a joyful emotion, and seemed to enjoy this touch very much.

Like a small pet pet petted by its owner.

After the inspection, Lu Shaoqing suddenly came over and asked curiously, “How?” Is there a problem with the mound chick?

Ji Yan glanced at him and corrected, “Man.”

Then he said, “It feels a little wrong, but I can’t say it.” Ji

Yan’s brows frowned slightly, this is his Origin Sword, the fourth grade level, with spirituality.

It is usually convenient to use and doubles its power.

Since the last time a sword split three Yuan babies, Ji Yan always felt that something was wrong with the Wuqiu Sword.

However, even if the Wuqiu Sword was his original long sword and had the same heart, he could not know what was wrong with the Wuqiu Sword.

“What about your sword?” Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing.

His long sword had been with Lu Shaoqing’s long sword for a while before, and then his spirituality increased greatly.

The white light in Lu Shaoqing’s hand flashed, and the Mojun sword appeared.

After appearing, the Mo Jun sword buzzed twice, and he didn’t take it out to blow the wind after protesting for so long.

Lu Shaoqing flicked it, “Don’t shout for me here, see how your chick is.”

Then the two swords communicated, and the sword body trembled slightly, as if a human was saying this, and then it lit up with a slight white light.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing both stared at them, and after a while, the two swords returned to calm.

Ji Yan’s brows, Wuqiu Jian gave him an uncomfortable emotion, as if he was pressed by something and couldn’t break free.

No way, he couldn’t understand it, he couldn’t comprehend the meaning of Wuqiu Jian, and finally he could only move his gaze to his junior brother.


Lu Shaoqing also felt Wuqiu Jian’s emotions, he pinched his chin, and his expression became serious, “I think it should be Wuqiu chick.” ”

Ji Yan: .

. “It should be by someone, no, I was made big by a certain sword, congratulations, you can be a grandfather.”

After speaking, he began to rummage through his pockets, muttering, “Alas, I also want to be an uncle, what gift to give…”

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged.

Quickly retreated, cursing at Ji Yan, “Sick, right? Killing people and silencing people cannot hide the facts.

However, as soon as he raised his head, he found that Ji Yan’s figure was motionless, still sitting on the tree, and in front of Lu Shaoqing was the Wuqiu Sword.

It was Wuqiu Jian himself who was going to come and cut him.

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Have you become refined?” ”

Don’t be angry, be careful if you move the fetal gas…” The

sword on the surface of the Wuqiu sword swallowed, it seemed to be very angry, and it couldn’t stand it.

After Lu Shaoqing dodged a few times, he shouted angrily at Ji Yan, “Is anyone else in charge?”

“What are you doing as a daddy?” Watching a play? Ji

Yan said lightly, “Hack him to death!” ”

The Wuqiu sword slashed harder, slicing sword light in the air…

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