Lu Shaoqing circled around the hill, and the trees around the trees were damaged, and under the sharp sword light, they were cut into pieces, setting off smoke and dust in the sky.

“Okay, okay,” Lu Shaoqing tried to appease Wuqiu Jian, “It’s not a big deal to be pregnant out of wedlock, my senior brother and I are very open-minded and don’t care about this kind of thing. ”

The Wuqiu Sword has become even more violent, and the sword radiance has skyrocketed to more than a hundred zhang.

From a distance, it was like a pillar of light raging, bursting out bursts of sword qi and setting off billowing smoke.

As soon as Tan Ling left and returned to where he was, before he entered the door, he noticed a fluctuation of sword qi in the distance.

Looking up, even if you are far away, you can see that there is a sword light raging in the distance.

The sharp breath made her feel her scalp tingle.

What happened?

Anyone dares to make trouble here?

Tired of living, don’t you know that this is my master’s place?

Tanling’s face showed anger, looking for something here, so bold.

Without saying a word, the figure flashed and teleported to Lu Shaoqing.

After coming, he froze.

What did she see?

As soon as she came here, she saw a sword chasing and slashing Lu Shaoqing.

The surrounding land was in shambles, destroyed to the point of extinction.

It’s like a battle going on here.

Tan Ling shouted angrily, “What are you doing?” ”

That anger in my heart, give you a place to live, not for you to destroy here.”

“Don’t make trouble,” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly ran to Tan Ling’s side and said to Wuqiu Jiandao, “Hurry back to raise a fetus, it’s not good if you move the fetal gas.”

“Well, obedient, don’t be punish.”

The sword radiance on the surface of the Wuqiu sword skyrocketed again, but this time it was beckoned back by Ji Yan.

Tan Ling was also very speechless when she looked at it, she kind of knew why she cut Lu Shaoqing.

Listen, is this what people say?

A sword pregnant?

Only you would say such things.

In other words, she is going to cut this guy too.

The mouth is unobstructed, and the mouth is too annoying.

Tan Ling stared at Lu Shaoqing with an unkind face.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to the conversation, “I’m sorry, the little chick in the family is not sensible, so you laughed.”

Then he said to Ji Yan, “Take care of your chick, don’t cause trouble to others.” Tan

Ling grinded his teeth, wanting to bite the guy in front of him.

Who is causing me trouble, don’t you have a point in your own heart?

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s embarrassed face, Tan Ling really had no face, gritted his teeth, disappeared in place, and left a sentence, “If you do this again, you will get out for me.”

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing sighed, very melancholy, “It’s obviously none of my business.”

He came back slowly, and Ji Yan stared at him, “What’s going on?”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands and said with a bad smile, “All said Huai…” Ji

Yan glared at him with the Wuqiu sword, and the Wuqiu sword made a buzzing sound, as if shouting, cut him.

Lu Shaoqing’s face then paled, “Well, I should want to give birth to a sword spirit.” ”

Sword Spirit?”

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A stunned expression appeared on Ji Yan’s calm face.

Although Wuqiu Sword is now full of spirituality, Ji Yan did not think about the birth of the sword spirit.

Sword spirits are not so easy to be born.

Moreover, his sword is now only a fourth grade, and it is still close to the fifth rank.

Generally speaking, the magic weapon will not be born until the fifth grade at the earliest.

“How?” Ji Yan was in high spirits and a little urgent.

The power of a long sword with a sword spirit and a long sword without a sword spirit is heaven and earth.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and said tentatively, “Take good care and raise the fetus with peace of mind?” Even

though he knew that his junior brother could sometimes be angry, at this moment, Ji Yan still wanted to slash down with a sword.

Still talking nonsense here?

Ji Yan raised the Wuqiu sword, “I haven’t had a discussion for a while.”

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Bastard, what’s the hurry?”

Lu Shaoqing’s right hand wiped on the storage ring, and a stone as black as jade appeared.

And after this stone appeared, Wuqiu Jian seemed to be very excited, constantly trembling in Ji Yan’s hand, as if to break free from Ji Yan’s hand.

Ji Yan sensed Wuqiu Sword’s desire for stone, and became more and more curious, “What is this thing?”

“I don’t know what kind of stone it is, but my broken sword tells me that this stone is useful for it.”

Mo Junjian, who didn’t know where to run just now, appeared, buzzing, and seemed to be nodding repeatedly.

“Take it!”

Throwing it casually, he threw it to Wuqiu Jian, “Give me a little fat girl out.”

Wuqiu Jian was no longer too lazy to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing, and with a flash of white light, he broke free from Ji Yan’s hand and plunged into the black stone like a flying arrow.

An urgent breath pervaded, as if he wanted to swallow the black stone into his stomach.

Lu Shaoqing said with disdain, “Be careful, don’t choke to death.”

Such a situation, Ji Yan also encountered for the first time, looking at the Wuqiu Sword suspended in the air, he looked at Lu Shaoqing.

“What are you looking at me for? I am not a midwife, absorb this stone, and I don’t know what will happen. My broken sword has been like this for a long time, and there has been no movement until now,” Lu Shaoqing turned around and continued to go about his affairs, “Wait, let’s see how it is created next.” ”

It’s the truth, he doesn’t know where the stone came from.

The appearance is as hard as iron, and ordinary swords can’t even leave a white spot on it.

Fire burns and water immersion, heavy pressure and lightning can not help it.

But it can be easily submerged by the Mojun Sword and the Wuqiu Sword, and it can also be absorbed.

Mojun sword is after absorption, the spirit is more sufficient, as if there is an embryo in the body, as long as the opportunity is right, it can be born into a sword spirit.

It is similar to what the current Wuqiu sword looks like.

The origin of the black stone is unknown, but I think it is an absolutely high-grade product, and after letting the Wuqiu Sword absorb it, can it really give birth to a sword spirit.

When Ji Yan heard this, he could only calm down and wait.

The surface of the Wuqiu sword has always emitted a faint white light, inserted on the stone, absorbing and devouring, and the stone is shrinking at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Mo Junjian floated beside it, sometimes shining with white light on the surface, sometimes shining with black light, alternating back and forth, seemingly very excited.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t pay much attention, and he began to arrange formations and prohibitions around him.

This is a sacred place, just a stone’s throw from the sacred mountain.

If you don’t do a little defense, you don’t know how to die.

After a few busy days, he came back with a tired face, and saw that the Wuqiu sword was still absorbing, and there was a little bit of black stone left, and it seemed that he might be able to absorb it today.

“Marder, I’m tired.” Lu Shaoqing landed on the floor of the house and said to Ji Yan in the distance, “Come and help me beat my feet?” ”


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