Tan Ling felt powerless, and she suddenly felt a little sorry for Elder Fuyun.

Accepting such an apprentice should usually be a headache, right?

The silly white and sweet look made it hard to believe that she would be the apprentice of the Holy Land Elder.

This kind of thing, but everyone with a little intelligence does not believe it, right?

All these years have been eaten for nothing.


Think of eating and drinking?

Plant some trees here and peel some spirit beans to be able to break through?

If you can break through in this way, then what are you doing with hard cultivation?

Plant trees and peel spirit beans every day.

“You, you girl…” Tan Ling didn’t know what to say at this moment.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was too lazy to pay attention to the conversation, went to the side, put the umbrella in, and continued to lie down, swimming gracefully.

Shi Ji immediately leaned over, “Master Zhang Zheng, do you still need me to peel the spirit beans?” Lu

Shaoqing originally wanted to say yes, but sensing Tan Ling’s gaze that wanted to kill, forget it, let’s rest.

He said to Shi Ji, “You also go to help, strive to plant the tree well, and persuade your brother to be happy and not bitter, lest anyone think that I am bullying him.”

“Okay!” Shi Ji happily led the order.

Tanling even complained.

It’s really helpless.

Tan Ling believes that Lu Shaoqing will now take Shi Ji to the street to sell, and Shi Ji will also help Lu Shaoqing count the spirit stones.

Tan Ling came to Lu Shaoqing, condescending, looking at Lu Shaoqing, who seemed to be lame when standing, and could only die while sitting, and said fiercely to him, “You’d better not fight any bad ideas, otherwise I’ll let my master clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “How boring it is to threaten to call an adult every time.”

“Does my appearance still reassure you?” At first glance, he is a peerless good person, honest Xiaolangjun, and will definitely not do bad things. ”

Tanling’s expression is fierce, just like you, people can’t rest assured.”

At first glance, he is not a good person, but also a peerless good person, a peerless big bastard.

Tan Ling was not in a hurry to leave, she wanted to see what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s beautiful appearance, Tanling was angry in his heart, and asked viciously, “Are you lying like this?” ”

Your senior brother is cultivating, Shi Ji and Shi Liao are working, and even that monkey is working.

What about you? Lie here and sleep in?

Tan Ling has never seen such a guy.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out and asked rhetorically, “Otherwise?”

“Don’t bother me, I’m busy…”

Then he really closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, so angry that he wanted to stomp on Lu Shaoqing’s face and trample him all over his face.

Time gradually passed, the sun set in the sky, the red moon appeared, and the blood-red moonlight once again covered the earth.

When the red moonlight fell, Shi Liao was watering the last tree, and when the last drop of water fell, Shi Liao put the barrel down, looked at everything around him, and felt a burst of relaxation in his body.

He jumped up and looked at the trees below, the trees on this mountain, all planted by him and the little ape together, are the fruits of the labor of one person and one monkey.

The trees sway in the wind and blend perfectly into the forest.

The mountain breeze blew, the branches and leaves rattled, listening to it in his ears, Shi Liao actually gave birth to a sense of satisfaction and pride.

The little ape stood on a tree, pounding his chest at the moon and whimpering.

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It is also very proud, and at the same time it is celebrating, after planting the tree, it can be liberated.

Shi Liao slowly fell, his eyes shining in the dark night, and the whole person seemed to be different.

“Huh?” Shi Ji came over and noticed his brother’s appearance, his eyes lit up, and his brother had changed a lot compared to before.

Although this feeling is indescribable, the two siblings are twins, they have a common heart, and they have always stayed together and are very familiar with each other.

Shi Liao’s changes could not be concealed from her.

It’s much better than when I wasn’t confident before.

“It seems that Master Zhang Zheng is right.” Shi Ji laughed happily.

The previous time Liao made her very worried, lest she drill the tip of the bull’s horn and accidentally go crazy.

If Shi Liao can maintain this state, there will definitely be no going crazy.

Hearing his sister mention Lu Shaoqing, Shi Liao’s good mood suddenly disappeared, and he was still angry.

I worked here for most of the month, dirty and tired, and I died badly.

Shi Liao snorted coldly, “Hmph, now it’s up to him to give me an explanation.”

After speaking, he rose up into the sky and soon came to Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing lying down and sleeping, with a leisurely appearance, Shi Liao’s anger was even stronger.

I’m doing coolies, and you’re still sleeping.

Fortunately, Shi Liao was still a little sane, otherwise he would have to make a move against Lu Shaoqing.

“Lord!” Shi Liao bit the two words of adult very hard, and said loudly, “Work, I’m done, it’s your turn.”

After speaking, his eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

He was aggrieved and worked here, and after doing it, Lu Shaoqing did not give him what he wanted, and he had to settle accounts with Lu Shaoqing.

Even if Lu Shaoqing is strong, he is not afraid, and if he can’t beat it, he will call the master to come.

Lu Shaoqing did not respond, seemed to be asleep, did not hear.

Tan Ling couldn’t see it, and kicked Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing jumped up and glared angrily, “What for?” Still let people not sleep? Shi

Liao’s foot twitched, and he had the urge to kick someone.

Really sleeping?

“Lord…” Shi Liao gritted his teeth, the anger in his body was already accumulating, “I’ve finished what you explained, it’s your turn.”

“It’s not done yet.” Lu Shaoqing pointed to several houses, “These houses don’t have doors, go and make the doors.”

When Shi Liao heard this, he couldn’t bear it anymore, “My lord…”

Lu Shaoqing’s expression suddenly turned cold, and his gaze came over, “Are you going to not listen?” The

cold gaze made Shi Liao feel like he was in an ice cave for a moment, unable to move, and even his soul seemed to be frozen.

In Shi Liao’s eyes, Lu Shaoqing’s figure became infinitely tall, like the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor, standing above the Nine Heavens, looking down on his ant.

With the touch of a finger, you can crush him.

The anger in Shi Liao’s heart was suddenly extinguished, and he couldn’t give birth to any intention of resistance, and subconsciously agreed, “Yes, yes…” After

reacting, Shi Liao dared to be angry in his heart and did not dare to speak.

Just now, Lu Shaoqing gave him a feeling of being too terrifying, and it also made him really feel Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying strength.

Unfathomable and terrifying.

Shi Liao did not dare to fight with Lu Shaoqing, so he could only obediently follow Lu Shaoqing’s wishes.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded behind him, “Calm down and think about what you have done in the past half a month…”

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