Shi Liao was stunned, he stood in place, subconsciously recalling what he had done in the past half a month.

At the beginning, follow the little apes to the mountains and forests, pull out trees, carry them back, dig pits and plant them.

Although he was not happy, his sister accompanied her, which was okay.

However, within a few days, his sister was called away and did not have to work.

At that time, I was extremely aggrieved in my heart, growing so big, the first time to do this kind of work.

Even when I was a child, I didn’t have to do this kind of thing in the clan.

When he started to do it, he broke a lot of trees, and the anger in his heart made him want to destroy the world.

You can’t walk in the air, you can’t use spells, magic weapons, and rely on your hands and feet.

Even if he was the ninth layer of Jiedan, he was very tired and his clothes were dirty.

Later, I became proficient, the speed increased, and I finished it in half a month.

During this period, there are grievances, anger, resentment, and joy.

Looking back now, Shi Liao doesn’t think it’s all bad, at least sometimes, he enjoys it.

And Tan Ling’s side, angrily said to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t go too far, what’s the use of you doing this?”

Shi Ji also came over and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Master Zhang Zheng, it’s almost the same now, what do you say can make us break through?” ”

Just those few doors, just make it.”

Talking about hating iron is not steel, why hasn’t this girl understood it yet?

Is there a way to do this kind of thing?

Tan Ling couldn’t help but shout at Shi Ji, “Shi Ji, don’t be stupid, how is it possible?”

“If Shi Liao goes on like this, sooner or later he will be angry and enchanted.”

Shi Ji remembered Shi Liao’s state just now, and said happily, “Sister Ling, don’t worry, it won’t.”

Tan Ling covered her head again, she couldn’t remember the first time she covered her head.

Suddenly, the afterglow in her eyes noticed that something was wrong with Shi Liao.

She pointed at Shi Liao and said to Shi Ji, “Look, won’t it yet?” Now there is a problem.

Shi Ji looked at it, and Shi Liao’s current state was indeed a little wrong.

The expression was slightly confused, and a pair of eyes distracted from the focus.

Then he slowly rose and flew into the sky like a kite.

“Brother…” Shi Ji worried, just wanted to go up, but was stopped by Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t move, don’t disturb him.”

Shi Ji believed in Lu Shaoqing and stopped when she heard this.

Full of expectation, “Master Zhang Zheng, is my brother going to break through?” ”

Talking about dying, this is a Mao breakthrough.

Is the breakthrough like this?

I think it’s going crazy.

Seeing Shi Liao flying into the sky, his appearance was very wrong, and he said, “Shi Ji, don’t be stupid, it’s impossible to break through like this.”

Shi Liao didn’t know how he floated up, his gaze fell on the mountains and forests below.

Looking at the trees he personally planted, Shi Liao felt a very calm feeling in his heart.

The breath in the body is also rolling unconsciously.

On the ground, Shi Ji looked at Tanling, “Sister Ling, then, what’s wrong with my brother like this?” ”

It’s not a breakthrough anyway,” Tanling said angrily, “I’m a passer-by, don’t I still know?”

“If he breaks through like this, I will…” However

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, as soon as the words fell, the breath of Shi Liao above the sky suddenly erupted, and a wave of qi instantly hit the surroundings, blowing the branches and leaves of the trees on the ground to rumble.

Then, Shi Liao’s aura began to climb step by step, and the spiritual power around him roared and gathered.

The sky was also quietly covered with dark clouds, covering the red moon, and the sky and the earth were dark.

Tan Ling froze, looking at this scene in disbelief, this scene

, as a person who came over, she was familiar with it.

“Groove!” Tan Ling finally couldn’t help it, and burst out in front of Lu Shaoqing, “This, this…”

This was too unexpected for Tan Ling.

How did it break through like that?

Just now I was stupid, and there was no breakthrough at all.

Also makes me worry that you will go crazy and break through now?

Tanling was in disbelief, looking at Shi Liao in the sky, stammering for a long time, and did not say a complete sentence.

All this, maybe only Lu Shaoqing knew, she wanted to ask to understand, turned her head and looked, and suddenly wanted to spit blood again.

Lu Shaoqing ran away with the little ape.

Even Shi Ji followed behind Lu Shaoqing.

Tan Ling felt the coercion in the sky, and also reacted, this is the scope of the heavenly calamity.

Stay here and wait to be struck by lightning.

“Damn, I don’t shout.” Talking about it was angry and dying, and he immediately left here.

After Lu Shaoqing ran to a safe range, he looked at Shi Liao in the sky, and smiled, and the 500,000 spirit stones were stable.

Shi Ji was already looking at Lu Shaoqing with great admiration.

She said excitedly, “Master Zhang Zheng, you, you are too powerful.

Shi Ji’s words were vibrato, excited.

The time that her two siblings were stuck in the ninth layer of Jiedan without breaking through was not long for ordinary cultivators, but compared to the other people who were also elders and apprentices of the Holy Land, Tianzhi Jiaozi had been for a long, long time.

She was fine, but her brother was already unstable and began to get impatient.

If it goes on like this, it may go crazy.

But breaking through this kind of thing, even her master can’t help anything, just go with the flow.

Therefore, this time I came out deliberately to disperse my mind, exercise my state of mind, and see if it can be effective.

I never thought of meeting Lu Shaoqing, in less than a month, Shi Liao was already about to break through.

That’s also awesome.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t think so, and waved his hand, “How big a thing, calm down, small things, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Shi Ji was still excited, “Sir, you, how did you do it?” The

talker who came from a distance also pricked up his ears, wondering why.

If you can learn it, won’t you want to break through in the future?

Lu Shaoqing did not say, but said to Shi Ji, “Look at it well, after reading it, you can also prepare.” ”

Me, me?” Shi Ji pointed to herself in disbelief.

She didn’t feel any signs of a breakthrough, and she didn’t do as much work as her brother, the most she could do was to help Lu Shaoqing peel some spirit beans.

“Really, really?”

Lu Shaoqing did not explain, but pointed to Shi Liao in the distance, signaling to take a good look.

In the distance, Shi Liao’s aura became more and more powerful, and the heavenly calamity in the sky was also brewing, and the lightning that flashed constantly made people palpitate.

“Are you going to break through?” Suddenly, an old man appeared beside everyone out of thin air, and Lu Shaoqing’s scalp immediately felt numb…

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