The old man’s white hair fluttered in the wind, and the loose robe he wore casually could not hide his strong muscles.

The body is burly and strong, more than two meters tall, like a big black bear, the whole body exudes a fierce aura, full of strong power.

He appeared quietly, and the moment he appeared, Lu Shaoqing felt a strong sense of oppression.

Lu Shaoqing’s sense was very keen, and he smelled a dangerous aura in the old man.

If you do it, he is not an opponent of the old man.

The old man suddenly appeared like a ghost, so startled that he almost fled here.

Still, he tried to calm down.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was full of deep jealousy, and the old man was definitely an existence in the realm of the Transformation God.

Lu Shaoqing pressed his breath to the minimum, making himself the most inconspicuous existence, and letting the people here ignore him as much as possible.

After the old man appeared, Tan Ling saluted the old man, “Help the elder!”

Shi Ji also exclaimed happily, “Master! ”

This person is the Holy Land Elder, Fu Yun.

Fu Yun’s face showed a look of relief, looked at Shi Liao in the sky, and said in a loud voice, “Good, good, good.” ”

I know about my own apprentice.

These days, breakthroughs have plagued Shi Liao.

The broken mind had already begun to affect Shi Liao, causing Shi Liao to be unable to continue cultivating at ease.

Fu Yun also has no good way to do this, so he can only let Shi Liao come out and scatter his mind, hoping to find an opportunity to break through.

And now it seems to be working well.

He smiled and said to the conversation, “Not bad, Lingya, long and patient, let this kid Shiliao follow you, and break through in less than a month.”

“Good, good, I will definitely tell your master when I go back, so that your master will reward you well when the time comes.”

Tan Ling’s face turned red and she was very embarrassed.

If only she had the ability to do that.

She didn’t dare to take credit, she pointed to Lu Shaoqing, who was trying to be a transparent person next to her, and said to Fu Yun, “Elder Fu, this is his credit.” ”

I’ll go, chick, what are you going to do?

Lu Shaoqing was sad and indignant.

Lu Shaoqing was very jealous of Fu Yun.

This is the elder of the Holy Land, and his strength is unfathomable.

Once his identity is exposed, here in the Holy Land, it is called every day should not be shouted, and the earth is not working.

And he had a feeling that the Fu Yun in front of him was not as simple as it seemed.

Fu Yun gave him a feeling that was more dangerous than the Avatar cultivator he had encountered before.

The big fist of the casserole, the kind of punch of a child, is very terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing even secretly regretted in his heart, knowing that Fu Yun felt so dangerous to him, he would not earn spirit stones from Shi Ji Shiliao.

Fu Yun’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, and under the white eyebrows, Fu Yun’s eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people’s hearts.


After Fu Yun saw Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t help but be startled, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

Then the smile on his face widened, “Little fellow, it’s very raw, I don’t know how to call it?” Without

waiting for Lu Shaoqing to say his identity, Shi Ji had already mentioned Lu Shaoqing’s identity first.

And he also said what Lu Shaoqing asked the two siblings to do.

Lu Shaoqing really wanted to seal Shi Ji’s mouth, can this kind of thing not say that he can die?

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If your master can’t understand, won’t I be finished?”

Sure enough, after Fu Yun listened, his face became gloomy, “Little fellow, you did this kind of thing a little too much. ”

Look, it’s really a demon race, a brainless guy.

There is no idea why I did this.

Alas, forget it, it doesn’t make sense with this kind of old man, Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to explain, directly straightened his chest, and said without fear, “Elder Fu, don’t you understand either?” ”

I thought you understood this kind of thing, alas…”

After speaking, he shook his head in disappointment.

Fu Yun was stunned, but he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to answer like this.

“Okay, you guys are watching here, I left first, it’s too disappointing…”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and took advantage of the moment when Fu Yun was stunned, and immediately left here.

As fast as it wanted, with just a blink of an eye, Lu Shaoqing disappeared here in an instant.

Leaving the three in place, the three were stunned.

Even Fu Yun didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be like this, and he ran away all of a sudden, so fast that he didn’t have time to react.

This kid, interesting.

Fu Yun looked at the direction where Lu Shaoqing disappeared, and his gaze was meaningful.

The talker next to him was speechless for a long time, this bastard is really not afraid of death.

Elder Fu Yun was also an elder of the Holy Land, and he ran away without saying a word.

In the eyes of the saints, this was a very disrespectful act, and the words were also disrespectful.

With such behavior, Fu Yun killed Lu Shaoqing and no one would say anything.

However, Tan Ling felt that it was better to help Lu Shaoqing say a few good words.

Although Lu Shaoqing was hateful, he at least saved her and was her guest.

She said to Fu Yun, “I also hope that Elder Fu will forgive him, he is like this, and he acts rashly.” ”

Being rude is said to be rash by himself, and Tanling feels his conscience ache.

Fu Yun smiled, “I’m not angry, this little guy is very interesting.”

Shi Ji saw the master laughing, and she also relaxed her heart, she was afraid that Fu Yun would find trouble with Lu Shaoqing.

Shi Ji laughed and said happily to Fu Yun, “Yes, Master, Master Zhang Zheng is really powerful, just letting my younger brother plant trees here can make my younger brother break through.” ”

Tanling is helpless, this girl is convinced of that bastard.

Tan Ling glanced at Fu Yun and said to Shi Ji, “Silly girl, he lied to you, how could he break through like this?”

“It was Shi Liao who broke through with his own efforts, and it has nothing to do with him.”

Unexpectedly, Fu Yun seemed to be very interested in this, and he asked Shi Ji, “What did he say?”

Shi Ji patted his chest with his hand, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face, “Lord Zhang Zheng said, as long as we get through here, we can break through.”

Tan Ling became worried, and even hoped that Shi Ji would not say so.

She felt that after Fu Yun listened, he might slap Lu Shaoqing to death.

This is obviously an unreliable statement.

But after Fu Yun listened, his eyes burst with light, like a jewel in the night, and suddenly burst into light.

He looked up again at the direction Lu Shaoqing left, and finally said slowly, “The young man now is really unfathomable. ”

I am younger than my two apprentices, but I have seen something deeper.

Fun, really fun!

Tan Ling was stunned, shouldn’t you be shooting him to death? How many meanings are full of emotion and even appreciation?

“Elder Fu, this, this…”

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