After Lu Shaoqing and all the Xun Demon Stones, including the colorful Xun Demon Stones, were injected with spiritual power and formed into bomb mode, he realized that more than two years had passed.

There are less than three years left.

Lu Shaoqing exhaled a long breath and felt a sense of exhaustion.

Injecting spiritual power into the Xun Demon Stone is not an easy and simple matter.

Even if he was a Yuan Baby, the endless vitality of spiritual power could not keep up with the speed at which he injected spiritual power.

During this period, you have to rest for a while, slow down.

Among them, the multicolored Xun Demon Stones took more time and injected more spiritual power than all the other Xun Demon Stones combined.

However, the result was also very satisfactory to Lu Shaoqing.

The Xun Demon Stone has turned into a bomb, and when the time comes, it can blow up the sacred mountain.

Lu Shaoqing estimated that the power should not be too bad, and if the holy mountain did not collapse completely, it would have to collapse by half.

“Well, it’s time to think about what to do,” Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and thought, and gradually his eyes lit up, “I don’t know if this can work?”

Then, after checking his condition, Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, “I should be able to break through after cultivating for a year or two.” ”

This time the spiritual power is constantly consumed, the use is more skillful, and it is further purified, which has improved the strength a lot.


Lu Shaoqing glanced back at the coffin on the jade table.

He always felt like a pair of eyes were staring at him.

It seems that the big guy seems to be a little unhappy and very unconvinced.

Forget it, let’s not practice for the time being.

Wait until the big guy’s anger subsides.

Really, I’ve never seen such a stingy guy.

No, it’s my dead little brother.

This kind of stingy little brother, if you really want to, it’s a shame to take it out.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and sighed in his heart, very sorry.

Bai lived so long.

No wonder he was beaten to death, it turned out to be stingy.

You can’t be like it, you definitely can’t be too arrogant, and finally be beaten to death.

Such a small coffin does not know if it can hold its ashes.

After complaining in his heart, Lu Shaoqing took out the jade Jane.

A sword move that I just got from the little brother of the dead ghost.

After Lu Shaoqing took it out, he smiled proudly, “Do you think you comprehended that sword?”

“You have it, I have it too, and I’ll surprise you when the time comes.”

Subsequently, Lu Shaoqing began to comprehend.

However, this is not a simple sword move, and being able to be taken out by the dead ghost junior brother alone to him is enough to show that it is extraordinary.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed.

He originally set aside a part of his attention to guard behind him, in case the dead ghost little brother took the opportunity to him.

But as the time of enlightenment passed, Lu Shaoqing’s mind was fully engaged, and he had no time to take care of things outside.

He was preoccupied with his newly acquired sword moves.

The silhouette reappeared.

She was a little more real this time, standing on the coffin, her black hair was windless, her face was like frost, and as soon as she appeared, the temperature around her seemed to drop a lot, and she came to an extremely cold winter.

With anger in her eyes, she stared at Lu Shaoqing, her body trembling slightly.

Although it wasn’t the first time, it made her angry every time.

She clenched her fists, very impulsive to teach Lu Shaoqing another lesson.

When was it sprayed like this?

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The saliva can make her take a bath.


“You actually say I’m old?” The woman’s voice echoed, ethereal, but containing monstrous anger.

Her eyes spewed fire, and she couldn’t wait to burn Lu Shaoqing.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s body moved slightly.

The woman’s figure disappeared instantly, and Lu Shaoqing turned around, glanced at it, and muttered, “Strange!”

Then said to the coffin, “Big guy, don’t engage in tricks, sneak attacks are not heroes and good men, don’t let me look down on you.” After

speaking, he continued to go to the sword move.

For a long time, when Lu Shaoqing’s mind was immersed in the sword move again, the woman’s voice of gritting her teeth echoed around, “Bastard…” Lu Shaoqing’s

figure appeared in the room, the time outside actually did not change like this, and it was only a while before he entered.

But he stayed in it for five years.

Lu Shaoqing, who came out, looked tired and weak, like a person who had not slept for ten days and ten nights, and was also dragged to do heavy work for ten days and ten nights.

The rooms here are newly built and there is not even a single piece of decent furniture in the room.

After Lu Shaoqing came out, he didn’t care if there was a bed or not, and without saying a word, he directly fell to the ground and slept.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know how long he slept, and suddenly a sword intent erupted outside.

The Hillless Sword descended from the sky.

In front of the sharp Wuqiu Sword, the formations arranged by Lu Shaoqing burst and shattered one after another.

Then, the whole room was twisted into wood chips.

Lu Shaoqing jumped up from the ground and roared angrily, “Are you sick, and you still don’t let people sleep?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is so angry, is it so difficult to sleep?

Getting up was very angry, if it was someone else, Lu Shaoqing would have to carry a sword to teach a good lesson how evil it is to disturb people’s dreams.

However, the other party was Ji Yan, he thought about it, but he endured it.

Of course, not afraid of him, but afraid of trouble.

Ji Yan’s voice came over, “It’s the fifth day, today on the last day to sign up, if you can’t apply, you will accompany me to negotiate for a month.” ”

I’ll go!”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Have I slept for so long?” ”

But think about it, it’s not surprising that you slept so long.

In the Time House, those Xun Demon Stones alone took him more than two years.

For the rest of the time, he comprehended the newly acquired sword move.

Unexpectedly, the difficulty of destroying the Star Sword was beyond his imagination.

Three and a half years have consumed a huge amount of energy for him, and he has only realized a little bit of skin.

Although it is said to be a sword move, it contains thousands of changes, far from being able to eat all of his realm.

But comprehending a little fur is enough to make his strength go further.

Ji Yan urged Lu Shaoqing to sign him up, and Wuqiu Jian buzzed in the air, and the threat was self-evident.

Lu Shaoqing was impatient, “I’m bored, isn’t there one more day?” ”


“Half a day!” Ji Yan corrected Lu Shaoqing’s mistake.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and left, and drank, “Silly monkey, go eat?” ”

The little ape was originally hiding, and Lu Shaoqing, who had just woken up, was afraid of getting up.

But when he heard that there was food, without saying a word, he immediately jumped out and crawled onto Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder.

Lu Shaoqing took the little ape to the place where Tan Ling lived, and shouted outside, “Little chick, are you interested in going shopping?” ”

Shopping?” Tan Ling walked out and stared at him suspiciously, “What are you going to do?” ”

Take me to sign up, I don’t know the way….”

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