“Are you crippled or dumb?” Tan Ling despised, “Won’t you ask when you go out yourself?” ”

Mainly, Tan Ling doesn’t want to see Lu Shaoqing, and when he sees this guy, he is inexplicably angry.

In the long run, I am afraid that my Shouyuan will be reduced by anger.

For this bastard guy, it’s better to stay away from it a little.

“The main thing is that I don’t want to queue up,” Lu Shaoqing said sincerely, “As Elder Rui’s apprentice, there shouldn’t be any problem cutting in line, right?” ”

Talk about being angry, what is this taking me for?

As the second generation of the Holy Land without learning without learning?

Will I be the kind of person who uses privileges casually?

The disciples of the Holy Land, especially the disciples of the elders, were proud and disdainful of such small actions.

“You have to sign up, you go yourself.”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, “There is still half a day to go, I guess the queue must be smelly and long.” ”

How many people are in the Holy Land?

Even if there are multiple registration points, it is crowded.

Lu Shaoqing could guess the grandeur of the registration point.

Let him go to the queue and don’t even think about it.

There is a cheater around you that you don’t use, it will thunder and slash.

“Let’s go, at most I’ll treat you to a meal.” Lu Shaoqing smiled, as if calling an acquaintance, “It’s not interesting to practice here all day.” Tan

Ling didn’t want to deal with Lu Shaoqing, but his mind turned, and his face couldn’t help but show a little smile, “Are you sure you want to invite me to dinner?”

Tanling’s tone was very dragging, revealing a bit of pride, “I don’t eat ordinary things.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he smiled even more happily, “Coincidentally, I am too, ordinary things, dogs don’t eat.”

“You help my senior brother to sign up, it’s normal for me to invite you to a meal, this is called a courtesy exchange.”

“Let’s go then.” Tan Ling smiled, and there was a secret pride hidden in his eyes.

Then took the lead in taking Lu Shaoqing out.

The Holy Land is large here and there are many people.

On the road, Tanling’s attitude towards Lu Shaoqing has improved a lot, and the tone of his speech is soft, unlike when he spoke before, his mouth seemed to have chili peppers in his mouth, and every word was full of anger.

“This time the Holy Mountain has issued a will, and this time there are only fifty places that can enter the Holy Mountain.”

“And the cultivation time has also been extended, and you can stay on it for three years.”

This was a bit abnormal, and Lu Shaoqing asked cautiously, “Did something happen on the sacred mountain?”

She shook her head, “I don’t know, but this time the competition is very fierce.”

“There are also a lot of applicants, so you better be careful when you go to the competition.”

For this, Lu Shaoqing was not worried at all, “Don’t worry, I won’t participate, I’ll just follow you to the Holy Mountain when the time comes.”

Tanling snorted, “I didn’t say yes.”

Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “What does it matter, bring me, you won’t lose a piece of meat.” ”

There won’t be less meat, but why do you guy want?”

Tan Ling turned her face away, not wanting to look at Lu Shaoqing’s smile, she was afraid that she would not be able to help but hit someone when she looked at it.

Soon, Tan Ling took Lu Shaoqing to the nearest registration point.

The situation was also just as Lu Shaoqing thought, the queue for registration was long, and a street was full of people, extending to the distance.

Next to him stood a few black-armored cultivators.

These are the teams directly under the Holy Lord.

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Although there were many people, they were very quiet and did not dare to make noise.

Many people at the back of the line had anxious looks on their faces, but no one dared to cut in.

Lu Shaoqing was very strange, when did these demon races become so qualified?

Don’t cut the queue?

Could it be that the Holy Land has always focused on moral quality education?

Tan Ling took Lu Shaoqing to the front of the registration point, and Lu Shaoqing suddenly felt the cold gazes of several black-armored cultivators around him fall on the two of them, and some of them even had weapons on their waists in their hands, bursting out at any time, giving a thunderous blow.

Lu Shaoqing thought thoughtfully, it seemed that it was not the improvement of the quality of the demon people, but the fact that someone next to them helped them talk about quality.

Oops, cut the queue or something, what’s so embarrassing?

Lu Shaoqing straightened his chest and strode forward.

Tan Ling came to the registration point and showed a token to the black-armored friar at the head.

When the black-armored friar saw it, he hurriedly saluted, “I’ve seen an adult.” The

other black-armored cultivators also saluted from afar, as for the people in line, many people originally had complaints, and after seeing this scene, they all closed their mouths and did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

The adults on the sacred mountain are not something that these little monks can offend.

Ordinary people are not allowed to cut the queue, but the big guys of the Holy Mountain cut the queue, which can be regarded as giving them face.

There is a talker who comes forward, everything is very smooth, register the name, collect the token, and then hold the token to the competition.

Lu Shaoqing held a token, very satisfied, and praised, “If you have a relationship, you are cool.” ”

Let him come to the line, look at the line, absolutely no drama.

“Let’s go, relationship dog, I’ll invite you to dinner.”

Tan Ling wanted to hit someone, “Can you be polite when you speak?” ”

I helped you cut the queue, in exchange for not a sister, but a relationship dog?

Sure enough, a big bastard.

But thinking of what happened next, she held back her anger and asked, “You said to invite me to dinner, is it true?” Talking

about Lu Shaoqing not admitting it, Tan Ling did not feel strange at all.

This guy can definitely do it.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not turn his face and did not recognize people, he nodded, “Of course it’s true, what the big man said is still false?”

“Lead the way, I’ll invite you to eat at the best restaurant here in the Holy Land.”

A smile appeared on Tan Ling’s face, and his eyes flashed with a sly light, “Okay.”

She then took Lu Shaoqing to a five-story restaurant.

This restaurant is located at the foot of the sacred mountain, very close to the sacred mountain, looking at its location, it is enough to see the ability of the owner behind it.

The decoration of the restaurant is extremely luxurious, and the materials of the second and third grades can be seen everywhere.

Under the feet is a wooden board of second-grade falling frost purple wood, and the third-grade spirit beads on the top of the head are inlaid on the wall one by one, even at night, making this place as bright as day.

The stair handrail is made of three-pin material, and the material is soft and comfortable.

There are no materials below the first product here, all of them are materials of the second product and the third product.

Walking here, every step is like stepping on a spirit stone, and every touch is like touching a spirit stone.

On the top floor, there is also a private room made of materials of four products.

The guys in the restaurant are above the foundation building period, and those in the refining period are not qualified to serve the guests.

Lu Shaoqing drooled, “Whose restaurant is this?” ”

How many spirit stones does this building cost?


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