Mentioning Lu Shaoqing, Tanling was angry in his heart.

Just because of that bastard, he now has a very bad reputation in the Holy Land.

Just listening to the people below to report, she knew that she had a large vote of black fans.

I don’t know if I will smash rotten eggs when I go out.

Now things are so big that the bastard doesn’t show up once.

Looking at Shi Ji who was looking at him with a worried face, Tan Ling sighed, “Don’t worry, it’s not him, it’s his senior brother.”

“Is it Lord Ji Yan?” Shi Ji’s eyes lit up.

Shi Liao had great respect for Ji Yan, and told her that Ji Yan was very powerful.

Not even losing Kenichi.

Moreover, Shi Ji felt that as a senior brother, Ji Yan should be stronger than Lu Shaoqing.

She breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, I thought it was Lord Zhang Zheng who wanted to challenge Jian Dai.” ”

The strength of Jian Yi is known to everyone in the Holy Land, especially in the minds of these disciples of the Holy Land such

as Shi Ji, Shi Ji knows that Lu Shaoqing is very powerful, but she feels that Lu Shaoqing is powerful in other aspects, and the strength may not be so powerful.

However, Shi Ji was a little worried, “Can Lord Ji Yan beat the sword master?”

“If you can’t beat it, Sister Ling, you will…”

Shi Ji was not stupid, and looked at Tanling worriedly.

Talking about Ling is also a headache.

The current situation is not good for her.

On the other hand, she had no other way.

One can only hope that words will be deededs.

It is not extravagant to be able to defeat Kenichi, as long as it is a tie with Kenichi, or it takes a while to lose before losing.

Tan Ling shook his head in distress and huffed, “It’s all to blame on that bastard.”

Shi Ji was upset for Lu Shaoqing, “I don’t think Master Zhang Zheng will harm Sister Ling.” Speaking

of this, Tan Ling was aggrieved to death in his heart.

Won’t harm me?

You don’t know, I was almost killed by him.

If she hadn’t continued to maintain her ladylike demeanor, she would have wanted to burst into a few foul words now.

“How about we go and ask Lord Zhang Zheng, by the way, I want to give him the spirit stone, how?” Shi Ji suggested with a smile, with a smug thought hidden in her eyes.

“Okay,” Tan Ling didn’t have the heart to cultivate, and the matter here in the Holy Land upset her, “I’m going to ask that bastard what he wants to do.”

“If I don’t solve this matter, I can’t spare him.”

She was panicked now, feeling that she was really leading wolves into the house.

If she got off the game, she would be finished.

At least, you can’t raise your head here in the Holy Land.

Tan Ling took Shi Ji to Lu Shaoqing’s place, and found that the place was actually shrouded in a fog.

White fog obscures the houses here on the top of the hill, making it impossible to see clearly.

At the foot of the mountain, the little ape is holding the previous 10,000-pound giant tree doing weightlifting.

The 10,000-pound giant wood that could only be dragged before can now be lifted up and down.

The little ape’s face was red, sweating like rain, and the sweat from its body soaked its white hair.

Its breathing was heavy and it showed a tired look, but it did not become lazy because of it.

Tan Ling frowned, not understanding why Lu Shaoqing did this to the little ape.

“Is this punishing it? Sure enough, enough bastards.

Shi Ji had a different opinion, and she said, “It’s cultivating, right?” ”

Previously, Liao had tested the strength of the little ape, and when the sword intent went down, the little ape did not lose a single hair.

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At that time, Shi Ji knew that the little ape was not an ordinary spirit beast.

Tanling pouted, not quite convinced, “It’s a big foodie.” ”

At the previous table, the little ape himself ate one-third of the meal, and later it also ate all the packaged food.

“Xiaobai, what about that guy?”

The little ape stopped, pointed to the top of the mountain, and barked twice.

I’m sleeping.

Tanling was furious when he heard this, and he was sleeping again?

She came to the outside of the top of the mountain, “Zhang Zheng, come out for me.” There

was no movement, and the ethereal fog slowly moved with the wind, which looked a little fairy.

But in Tanling’s eyes, this is something that makes her angry.

This bastard, sleep like this?

Is it afraid of people coming to disturb, or afraid of death?

Tan Ling shouted a few more times, but there was still no movement.

When Tan Ling was angry, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the 10,000-pound giant tree under the mountain in the air, high in the sky and ready to smash it down.

No matter what formation you have, smash it down, no matter how much you have to suffer.

However, when Tan Ling was about to fall down, there was movement in the fog.

The white fog slowly dispersed, Tan Ling and Shi Ji fell, and Lu Shaoqing came out of the room.

His eyes were full of worries and yawning, and he looked like he hadn’t woken up.

“What for? Don’t you know that disturbing people’s dreams is a natural thing? If you do this kind of thing, you are not afraid of being struck by lightning? ”

Lu Shaoqing is full of resentment, after coming to the Demon Clan, it is difficult to sleep well.

“If you have something to say quickly, let it go if you have a fart, if you don’t, don’t disturb my sleep, I’ve been tired lately.”

Talking about Ling is a hundred unbelievers, tired?

I see that the most comfortable person in the entire Holy Land is you.

Here day by day, you know to sleep, sleep can also sleep tired?

Tan Ling gritted his teeth, glared, and glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Less pretend for me here, you will solve the problem for me immediately.”

“What problem?” Lu Shaoqing blinked, very puzzled, “Has anything big happened recently?” ”

The holy mountain collapsed? Or did the Holy Lord die?

Tan Ling was already crossed at the waist, and she was so angry that her heart ached.

Shi Ji explained the matter in general.

After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing pouted and despised it very much, “What a big deal, I don’t know, I thought you came to the great aunt.” ”

Bastard, stinky rascal.”

A cultivator, there is a fart aunt.

Tan Ling pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “Solve it for me immediately, otherwise I will go to my master.”

“When will your personality change?” Don’t call parents without moving, it’s a shame, do you know? Lu Shaoqing persuaded Tanling in a serious voice, “This matter is very easy to solve, anyway, when the time comes, just kill that sword.”

“Defeat him, and everything will soon be solved?”

The truth is this, but, “What if you can’t beat it?” ”

Tan Ling is mainly worried about this, but if he can’t beat it, it’s all over.

“Can’t beat it?” Lu Shaoqing smiled, revealing a powerless look, “If you can’t beat it, then you’re finished.”

“There’s nothing I can do about it.”

This answer made Tan Ling’s heart rise with anger, and he really wanted to beat this bastard to death.

“Okay, if you’re okay, go back first, by the way, Shi Ji chick, are you free?” Come, I have something to ask you.

Shi Ji was overjoyed, “Is it? ”

Can I be alone with Lord Zhang Zheng?

Tan Ling’s eyes widened, and he immediately drank, “What for?” Are you going to play hooligans? ”

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