Tan Ling’s face was thick with guard, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

Lu Shaoqing will be a big bad wolf with a big tail in her eyes.

Although Shi Ji is older than Lu Shaoqing, in the eyes of Tanling, Shi Ji is a harmless little white rabbit.

It is easy to be swallowed by Lu Shaoqing, the big bad wolf.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Who are you?” I have something to say with her, and you don’t give it either? ”

Her mother doesn’t manage it so strictly, does she?”

Her mother?

Are you cursing, or what?

Pun on me?

Tanling huffed, “Is there anything you can’t say to your face?” ”

Am I an outsider?

No matter what, Shi Ji and I are much closer than you.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately became angry and showed an embarrassed look, “This is a secret, I can’t tell you.” The

more Lu Shaoqing was like this, the more curious Tanling became, and the more certain Lu Shaoqing was ill-intentioned.

Said to Shi Ji, “Shi Ji, be careful, this guy is shameless.” ”

Maybe you want to take advantage of Shiji.

Shi Ji shook her head and said to Tanling, “No, Master Zhang Zheng won’t be that kind of person.” Then he

asked Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “Master Zhang Zheng, do you have anything to explain to me?” Shi

Ji trusted Lu Shaoqing very much.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Tan Ling vigilantly, and after seeing that Tan Ling wanted to hit someone, he said to Shi Ji, “Come, let’s go into the house and say.” ”

Lying groove, what are you bringing people into the house for?

Tan Ling said to Shi Ji, “Shi Ji be careful.

Shi Ji’s face was red, but she did not refuse, she said to the conversation, “Sister Ling, don’t worry.”

Then, without a trace of hesitation, he followed Lu Shaoqing into the house, and then closed the door himself.

And Tan Ling can only wait outside.

This wait, another half an hour has passed.

The more you wait, the more anxious you become.

Stomping in place, the ground has been stomped off one floor.

For so long, you can do anything in it.

Shouldn’t even have made baby monkeys?

If so, how can I explain to Elder Fu?

You can’t run to Elder Fu and say, Elder Fu congratulations, you have become a teacher.

Lie in the groove, when the time comes, the elder will slap me to death.

The more Tan Ling thought about it, the more terrifying she felt, and she gritted her teeth in displeasure, “Abominable bastard, what the hell are you doing inside?”

“Wouldn’t play tricks on little girls, would it?”

Although Shi Ji was already in her twenties, she had been living in the tribe before she was discovered by Elder Fu and had never been outside.

Elder Fu found out that after coming to the Holy Land, he had not been outside to wander.

People are intelligent, but they seem innocent in certain things.

Tan Ling was worried that Shi Ji was deceived by Lu Shaoqing and was taken advantage of.

She was afraid that she would not be able to explain to Fuyun.

Seeing that so much time has passed, Tan Ling can’t bear it anymore, and something will happen if he waits any longer.

Just as Tan Ling was thinking about kicking the door open, the door inside opened.

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Lu Shaoqing walked out first, saw the talker here at the door, stunned for a moment, and then pointed at the talker in disbelief and shouted, “I wipe, what quality do you have?”

“Actually learned to eavesdrop on a corner? Didn’t your master take a moral lesson with you?

“You shut up for me.” Tanling drank angrily, “Who eavesdropped?” What about Shiji? What did you do to her?

Shi Ji came out of it and said with a smile, “Sister Ling, I’m here.” Tan

Ling pulled Shi Ji to look up and down, and found that there was no problem, and he was relieved in his heart.

Then he wondered, “What are you doing in there?” ”

Half an hour, do anything.

But looking at the two of them, it was not what she imagined.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Take her to see the goldfish, do you believe it or not?” ”

Talk Ling hehe smile, you don’t say, Shi Ji won’t say?

She looked at Shi Ji, but Shi Ji shook her head, “Sister Ling, I promised Master Zhang Zheng, I can’t say, at least, I can’t say it now.”

Tan Ling was not angry, and said generously, “No problem, you will tell me when you go back.”

At the same time, he proudly gave Lu Shaoqing a provocative look.

When I went back, Shiji told me that you didn’t know either.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ji still shook her head, “Sister Ling, I swore an oath.” Tanling

was speechless for a moment, and then nameless anger came out.

As for?

“Okay, go back,” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand at Tanling, “I’ll go catch up on sleep.”

Tan Ling gritted his teeth and huffed, “The day after tomorrow will start the competition, if you dare to oversleep, I will finish with you.”

“It’s okay if I overslept, not me anyway.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words almost choked Tanling, and finally pulled Shi Ji out of here in a huff.

After Tan Ling and Shi Ji left, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and the surrounding formation opened again, and the fog once again shrouded the place.

Then, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and two behemoths appeared.

“Boom!” The two sounds, solid smashed on the ground, smashing out a puff of smoke.

What appeared in the clearing were two hills, and if placed in the yard, it was a rockery.

This is the rockery that Lu Shaoqing built with Xun Demon Stone, and the two hills are about fifty meters high and gray-white.

In order to pile these Xun Demon stones together, it took him more than half a month.

It looks unremarkable, and randomly thrown in the mountains and forests just makes people feel like ordinary stones piled together.

In Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, these are two huge bombs.

This almost used up all the Xun Demon Stones on his body.

If you enter a little spiritual power at this time, it will explode in an instant.

As for how powerful it was, Lu Shaoqing was not

sure, but what he could be sure of was that even if he was a god, so close, he would have to be abolished if he didn’t die.

“Hey, hey!” Lu Shaoqing observed with satisfaction and was very satisfied.

At this time, Ji Yan also came here, he looked at the two hills, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

“What are you going to do?” Ji Yan was very curious.

“Let’s dig a hole, and see if anyone is fooled when the time comes.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say much, he had a plan in his heart, but he didn’t know what would happen then.

He instructed, “When the time comes, you will fight Kenichi and him well, but don’t beat him to death.” ”

Good villain is also the young master of the sword family, the hope of the future.

In case they were killed, the swordsman would definitely do their best to kill their two brothers.

Ji Yan had a bit of anticipation on his face, “I hope he doesn’t let me down…”

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