The race to the sacred mountain soon arrived.

There are only fifty people who have cultivated on the sacred mountain this time, and the time is as long as three years.

With such a small number of people and such a long cultivation time, it was the first time, and many people secretly speculated about what big moves the Holy Land was going to make.

Being able to cultivate on the Holy Mountain for three years was definitely something that every Saint Clan person dreamed of.

Therefore, many people who have registered this time will have a more intense struggle.

The competition field is a large area where all participants enter the competition at the same time.

At the same time, over time, the jousting field will become smaller and smaller.

At the beginning, it will be a radius of 100,000 li, and in the end, it will be a hundred li.

Those who are defeated, or who have left the area specified in the competition, are considered eliminated.

After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing unexpectedly felt familiar, isn’t it a bit like some kind of game in the previous life?

Tan Ling suggested to Ji Yan, “Lord Ji, because there are too many people and the competition is fierce, in order to prevent being besieged, the adult can temporarily avoid the edge and wait until the right time to strike, so as not to become the target of everyone.” ”

There are people who enter the competition together, and the strength is from refining qi to Yuan baby, and the strength is uneven.

In order to win, the people inside will use all kinds of means and methods.

Join forces to resist the enemy, secretly poison, and there will be a surprise attack behind the back.

Tan Ling knew that Ji Yan was very strong, but she didn’t think that Ji Yan could fight everyone in it alone.

In her opinion, the best way is to keep a low profile first, not to be too aggressive, become a public enemy, and provoke yourself to the disadvantage.

Hearing this, Ji Yan nodded, “I know how to do it.”

Then Ji Yan entered with the token in hand, waiting for the competition to begin.

Tan Ling was strange, and glared at Lu Shaoqing next to him, “Your senior brother is on the field, you haven’t said anything at all?” ”

No matter how good it is, you have to say a word of cheer, right?

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he raised his hand, waved it weakly, and shouted to Ji Yan, “Don’t be beaten to death.” ”

Talk about being angry, is there such a talk?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze turned around, they were now outside the competition venue, in a wasteland, a little away from the Holy Land.

Although it is a desolate place, it is already full of countless people, densely packed with no end in sight.

Lu Shaoqing asked Tan Ling, “Is there a place to bet here?”

Tan Ling subconsciously became vigilant, “What are you going to do?”

Then seeing Lu Shaoqing looking at her gaze like an idiot, she knew that she had overreacted.

Breathless, she simply didn’t look over, “I don’t know.”

“There is no such place.”

“Petty,” Lu Shaoqing disdained, and then guessed, “With such a moody personality, your master must have a very good temper, right?”

“If you had a bad temper, I guess I would have killed you a long time ago.”

“Bastard.” Tan Ling secretly said in his heart, my master has a good temper.

“Say, let’s go bet together and earn him a fortune.” Lu Shaoqing encouraged next to him, “You’ve been very tight lately, haven’t you?” If you don’t take the opportunity to earn something, you can’t even afford to invite me to a meal when you go out. ”

Talking is even more angry, and he is already gritting his teeth.

Today, I was in a good mood, but now I don’t have it at all.

Tan Ling wanted to pounce and bite Lu Shaoqing to death, and she said word by word, “You know very well the reason why I have a tight hand.”

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Lu Shaoqing nodded, indicating that he knew, “Clear, isn’t it just five million spirit stones?”

“So, now is definitely a good opportunity to turn over, the time will not come, miss this opportunity, you cry.”

Tan Ling sneered, “Are you sure that Lord Ji Yan will definitely win?” What if you lose? When the time comes, it will kill you.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked and looked at Tanling in disbelief.

“Are you so ruthless? My senior brother lost, I may lose some spirit stones, but you have lost face.” She

was speechless for a while, and then she snorted coldly, “Of course I want him to win.” ”

But Kenichi is powerful, you don’t know yet.

“That’s not okay. Come, take me to find a place to bet, I want official, not private, I’m afraid private can’t catch it. ”

Don’t bring it!” Tan Ling turned his face away, “Master said that gambling is harmful to health. ”

Petty!” Lu Shaoqing despised fiercely, and then tilted his head slightly, thinking about how to find a place to bet.

However, he is not familiar with this place, and he has not talked about this local snake, which is not easy to handle.


“Lord Ling! Master Zhang Zheng!

Shi Liao arrived, and after he looked around, “Hey, has Lord Ji Yan entered?”

Shi Liao held his head high, his breath was pressing, and his face was full of confidence.

He had completely consolidated his realm cultivation and became a true Yuan Infancy cultivator.

“What about Shiji?” Tan Ling asked.

Shi Liao replied, “My sister’s breakthrough is imminent, and Master won’t let her come out.” Tan

Ling nodded, she had already seen Shi Ji’s state, Tan Ling

asked Shi Liao, “Aren’t you going in?”

Shi Liao shook his head, “Master said, this time we will not be allowed to go to the Holy Mountain.” ”

In fact, the apprentices of these elders can sometimes pretend to be public and private, and secretly follow the master to stay on it for a period of time, and no one will say anything.

Shi Liao came to Lu Shaoqing and saluted Lu Shaoqing respectfully, “Thank you Master Zhang Zheng for your guidance.”

“In the future, Lord Zhang Zheng has a need, although I open my mouth, I will definitely go to the soup and do whatever I want.”

Lu Shaoqing put his hands behind his back, put on the appearance of a senior, and said slowly, “Yes, there is something I need your help with now.”

Shi Liao was more respectful, “Yes, my lord despite the order.” Tan

Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing, this bastard, really underwhelmed.

Lu Shaoqing said his current needs, and when Shi Liao heard it, he immediately said, “Cui family, whenever there is such a thing, the Cui family will accept a lot of bets and earn a lot of spirit stones. ”

The Cui family is the most accumulated wealth among the three families.

It depends on doing business in Sanctuary and opening casinos.

“Ouch,” Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, “it’s really official enough, take me there.”

However, Lu Shaoqing was a little worried, “Will the people of the Cui family not admit it if they lose at that time?”

Tanling didn’t want to talk anymore.

The Cui family wants to face, the Cui family dares to turn their faces and not admit it, ignorant of the spirit stone, even if they are strong, they will not be able to mix here in the Holy Land.

Shi Liao’s face was also flushed, “No, let’s go, Master Zhang Zheng, I’ll take you.”

Tan Ling didn’t want to go, but Lu Shaoqing said to her, “Don’t you dare not come?” ”


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