The Cui family has been closed because of the ancestor over the years, but when they ask about external affairs, the power is sidelined, although the Cui family lags behind the Luan family and the Jian family.

But the Cui family has been proud of the mall over the years and has made a lot of money.

The spirit stones earned by the Cui family over the years made the other big families here in the Holy Land blush.

In this competition, the Cui family also opened a market and accepted the bets of the monks.

After Lu Shaoqing came here, he found that this place was also surrounded by water.

Now that the contest is about to begin, everyone is betting on the players they are optimistic about in order to make a fortune.

The hall here has dozens of windows, and one window after another is crowded with people.

“I’m optimistic about the sword master, and I bet a thousand spirit stones.”

“Fool, the sword is a big favorite, the odds are very low, it is better to find someone else to bet.”

“Hey, did Mu Yong sign up too? I’ll buy him.

“Me too, Mu Yong is also a master, can win every time

…” “I buy…”

Seeing so many people, Lu Shaoqing frowned, he didn’t want to squeeze in.

Besides, he didn’t come here just to bet a thousand and hundreds of spirit stones.

“Don’t you have a VIP room?” Lu Shaoqing asked Shi Liao.

Shi Liao was stunned, not understanding what this meant.

I go, no VIP private rooms? Lu Shaoqing deeply despised, “What business?”

“I’m a big customer, don’t I have special treatment?”

Shi Liao didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do, and he knew it with the talker next to him.

She coldly pointed to the second floor, “Above, you can go to the second floor if you bet more than 100,000, but…”

Tan Ling’s voice was very long, “Are you willing to do it?” ”

Tan Ling already has a general understanding of Lu Shaoqing’s character.

Other things, it can be said that there is no discussion on the matter of the spirit stone.

In the treatment of spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing is definitely the most stingy person he has ever seen, and he can be said to praise him without a penny.

Not to mention taking out a spirit stone from his pocket, even if you touch it.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately turned to the second floor, took Shi Liao and talked, like a gentleman, arrogantly came to the second floor, and shouted loudly, “Let the master here come out to see me.” ”

Tan Ling wants to roll over and go downstairs, it’s too humiliating.

Raised on his toes, like an upstart, without any manners.

It was a shame to follow behind him.

There was someone here on the second floor to greet him, but Lu Shaoqing looked at him and said arrogantly, “Let the people of the Cui family come to see me.” ”

The person who received Lu Shaoqing saw Lu Shaoqing like this, and he couldn’t get Lu Shaoqing’s identity for a while, and went to call the steward.

After the steward came out, Lu Shaoqing saw him and said with some doubt, “Hey, I think you’re a little familiar, have we seen it?” The

steward was a middle-aged man, and his squinted eyes flashed a trace of essence from time to time. Shows his shrewdness.

He gritted his teeth and replied, “Sir, have you forgotten? Before you ate at Cui’s Restaurant, we met. ”

The steward is the steward who worked in the Cui Family Restaurant before, but Cui Yuan, who was pitted by Lu Shaoqing, went back and spilled his anger on him.

The upper floor of the Cui family transferred him from the restaurant to here.

Before, in the restaurant, he was in charge of everything in the restaurant, and the big and small affairs of the restaurant were decided by him, and the oil and water were very large.

After being transferred here, he is just a small steward here, and there is a leader on it.

The position and treatment are like clouds of mud and before, as for oil and water, there are very little.

Therefore, the steward’s attitude towards Lu Shaoqing was not good.

If he hadn’t tried his best to restrain himself, he would have wanted to hit someone.

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“Sir, is there anything I can do to help you?” The steward suppresses the anger in his heart and does his part well.

“I’m going to bet, can you catch it?” Lu Shaoqing asked.

When the steward heard this, he sneered in his heart, you guy who doesn’t even have spirit stones to eat, how much can you bet?

With a straight face, he said coldly, “Sir, the second floor only accepts guests who bet more than 100,000 spirit stones, I don’t know how much the adult plans to bet?”

“If it is below 100,000, adults can line up below.”

Lu Shaoqing criticized him and said, “Hey, your service attitude is not good.”

“Treat any guest without dog’s eyes, do you see me like a poor person?”

I don’t know if you’re poor, but I know you don’t have money for food, and you make me degraded.

The steward asked again, “Dare to ask how much the adult plans to bet?”

Lu Shaoqing thought for a moment and stretched out five fingers, “Five million.” ”

This amount shocked everyone.

Tan Ling’s hands shook, she wanted to tickle someone.

I gave you these five million, right?

That’s right, it must be.

This bastard, really trying to tickle him to death, is so abominable.

Thinking of her five million spirit stones, she went crazy.

The steward was shocked, five million spirit stones?

After reacting, his spirit trembled, and his whole body became excited, as if all the cells in his body were dancing.

If he took this amount of spirit stone, he would be able to get a commission of three thousandths afterwards.

This is an absolute big customer.

However, he had to ask first, “Sir, I don’t know who you want to buy to win?” Is it a sword man? ”

If you buy Jian One, the odds of Jian Yi, which is a big favorite, are pitiful.

His commission will only be less.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, his face full of disdain, “Who will buy him?” ”

Didn’t you buy Kenichi?

These five million iron will definitely be lost.

The steward’s eyes became more and more radiant, and these five million would become the Cui family’s.

His commission is only a little more.

However, he was happy for a while, and he couldn’t help but doubt, “Sir, you, do you really have five million spirit stones to bet on?” ”

The guy who can’t afford to eat, will there be so many spirit stones?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Tan Ling and Shi Liao, “You don’t know the two of them? You ask both of them, do I have any? ”

One is the apprentice of the second elder, and the other is the apprentice of the Fu elder.

The steward believed it, and he immediately invited the three of them respectfully into a room.

And then I left in a hurry, ran to the third floor, and found it on the third floor.

Cui Shu, Jian Lan and the others gathered on the third floor.

This is a large house with a real-time transmission of portraits, and you can see the picture of the competition.

In addition to Cui Shu and Jian Lan here, there was a man and a woman in the room.

The man leaned his back on a beast-skin sofa, he was slender, but not burly, inclined to the figure of the Terrans, the breath on his body was calm, and there was a shallow smile on the corner of his lips, giving people an approachable feeling.

He also seemed to be the focus of the room, and the eyes of the three women fell on him most of the time.

Especially gladioli, her makeup is thicker than usual today, and there is a strong smell of perfume in the room.

Her gaze was burning, as if she was going to swallow him into her stomach.

At this time, the steward also knocked on the door and came in, saluting the people in the room respectfully, “Three Holy Sons, Miss, Lord Jianlan, Lord Xingyue…”

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