Ji Yan knew that Mu Yong was not dead and planned to continue to strike.

Mu Yong is strong and a good opponent.

Just as Ji Yan was about to continue to strike, he suddenly stopped.

In the distance, someone came from afar.

A young man with an aura of arrogance all over his body came with a sword.

After Luan Xingyue saw the person in the picture, her face changed greatly, and she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Luan Xi, don’t be impulsive.”

Luan Xingyue only hated that his voice could not penetrate the formation and reach Luan Xi’s ears.

If Luan Xingyue had contempt for Ji Yan before and thought that Ji Yan was a fool, then after the battle between Ji Yan and Mu Yong, Luan Xingyue knew how powerful Ji Yan was.

Mu Yong disappeared, I don’t know if I am dead or alive, and I still don’t see anyone.

It was enough to see that Ji Yan’s strength was strong, comparable to the most powerful genius among the Saint Clan disciples.

The boy from afar in the picture is the genius of the Luan family, Luan Xi.

is also her nephew of Luan Xingyue.

Luan Xi is a genius, and compared to the son of the Holy Lord, Luan Huang is stronger and more talented.

But Luan Xi is still too young, and now he is only in the four-layer realm of the Yuan Baby, and Luan Xingyue has already affirmed that Luan Xi is not Ji Yan’s opponent.

Luan Xingyue hopes that Jiyan will fail, but she definitely does not want her nephew to run to provoke Jiyan.

Even less hopeful, Luan Xi can defeat Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s strength is so strong, if you are not careful, you will die.

And in the competition, even if you lose and die, you can’t use this as an excuse to seek revenge on the other party.

This is the rule of the Holy Land, and even the people of the Holy Lord’s clan dare not violate it.

Jian Lan comforted Luan Xingyue next to her, “Don’t worry, sister Xingyue, Luan Xi will be fine.”

“That plan is just the Yuan Infant Five-Layer Realm.”

Jian Lan’s eyes flashed with a strange light, and the white rouge on her face hid her true thoughts from no one to see.

Jian Lan had already inquired about the strength of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength is unknown, but she has inquired about the realm of Ji Yan.

It is precisely because of this that she has such confidence that her brother can kill Ji Yan.

However, Ji Yan’s performance just now made Jian Lan’s confidence no longer exist.

In case the sword loses its front hoof and is defeated by Ji Yan here, the blow to the swordsman will be great.

Now Jian Lan is desperate for someone to deal with Ji Yan.

And Luan Xi, who is on the fourth layer of the Yuan Baby, is naturally a very suitable candidate.

Even if you can’t beat Ji Yan, as long as you consume Ji Yan’s state, it is best to let Ji Yan suffer a little injury.

Kenichi’s win rate will increase greatly.

Therefore, Jian Lan couldn’t wait to fly to Luan Xi’s side, personally cheer him on, and let him deal with Ji Yan.

Here, she pretended to comfort Luan Xingyue, so that Luan Xingyue did not have to worry.

Lu Shaoqing sniffed his nose and said to Tanling, “Do you smell anything?”

Tanling subconsciously asked, “What taste?” ”

The smell of shit, do you smell it?” Someone is shit out. Lu Shaoqing rubbed his nose.

Those rouge smells on gladioli’s body, he smells uncomfortable.

Tan Ling looked at Jian Lan.

Jian Lan’s body was trembling again.

“Bastard, bastard,” Jian Lan couldn’t help it, and forgot to pretend to be a lady in front of Chan, she stood up and roared at Lu Shaoqing, “Who are you talking about?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “What are you impulsively for?” Whoever reacts big is whom, I didn’t name it. Jian

Lan was so angry that she wanted to kill, but she couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

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She could only look at the picture and gritted her teeth, “Wait, there is a time when you cry.” ”

Luan Xi, as a genius of the Luan family, has high hopes from the Luan family.

Got the key cultivation of the Luan family, and the strength increased rapidly.

The Yuan Infant Four-Layer Realm is even stronger than Tan Ling, and it belongs to one of the outstanding geniuses among the disciples of the Holy Land.

At a young age, he already had such a high realm and cultivation.

To say that you are not proud is false.

Luan Xi is this kind of character.

Born in the Luan family, a son of a big clan, the Holy Lord is his uncle, and his strength is so strong.

Luan Xi usually walks with her head held high and her nostrils facing the sky.

Usually walking, even if a dog dares to look at him more, he will kick him twice.

Luan Xi, who has developed such a personality, naturally wants to come to Ji Yan to try.

After entering, he was looking for Ji Yan, and just came to the middle area, and saw a fierce battle happening here from a distance.

Without saying a word, go straight here.

After coming here, he saw Ji Yan standing with a sword and an amazing breath.

He was not afraid, and the traces of the battle around him did not make him flinch.

After looking his plans up and down, he sneered and asked, “You just threaten to challenge the plans of the sword master?”

“Who are you?” Ji Yan asked lightly.

Luan Xi raised his head proudly, his chin raised, “My name is Luan Xi.”

This was the first time Ji Yan heard Luan Xi’s name, his face expressionless, and his expression did not fluctuate.

Seeing this, Luan Xi was dissatisfied, he didn’t believe that Ji Yan had not heard of his name.

Ji Yan’s indifferent appearance made the proud Luan Xi think that Ji Yan was deliberately humiliating him.

Luan Xi instantly became angry, pointing at Ji Yan and angrily reprimanding, “Something that doesn’t have eyes, just because you dare to humiliate me?”

“Find death!”

After speaking, he pointed at the words with a long sword in his hand and shouted angrily, “I’ll let you strike first, so as not to wait for you to die.” The

aura on his body skyrocketed, and a storm of spiritual power was set off around him.

The spiritual power gathered and circled, and the smoke and dust rose with it, which seemed to be huge.

Luan Xi’s heart was full of arrogance, and he had the feeling of being in the world with a long sword in his hand.

Ji Yan felt Luan Xi’s breath and shook his head, “You are too weak, not my opponent, let’s go.” ”

For opponents who are too weak, Ji Yan is not interested.

Even if Luan Xi was only a realm lower than him, Ji Yan was not interested.

Playing against strong opponents is progressive, bullying the weak is not interesting.

He is not Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan was telling the truth, but this made Luan Xi’s eyes explode directly.

“You, damn it!” Luan Xi roared angrily.

No longer humble, he directly attacked Ji Yan.

Angry, he used almost all his strength.

A sword swung out, with all his anger, to kill Ji Yan.

A huge flame behemoth appeared, still in the form of sword intent.

After Ji Yan saw this, his eyes showed disappointment.

Although it is the same sword intent form, there is a huge gap between the giant beast transformed by Luan Xi’s sword intent and the giant whale transformed by Mu Yong just now.

In a word, Luan Xi’s strength is weak.

Such an opponent is really not interesting to fight.

Facing Luan Xi’s attack, Ji Yan lightly stabbed out with a sword…

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