The battle between Ji Yan and Mu Yong made everyone look at it, and gradually changed the evaluation of Ji Yan’s strength.

I think that Ji Yan does have some strength.

But many people feel that Mu Yong took the initiative to retreat and did not want to continue to entangle with Ji Yan.

This is Kinaga’s style.

However, Ji Yan and Luan Xi’s words made many Saint Clan people feel that Ji Yan was too arrogant.

“No, he doesn’t think he really defeated Lord Kinaga, does he?”

“I didn’t expect him to be such a person, so that he could be proud and arrogant.”

“Who is Lord Luan Xi? The geniuses of the Luan family are also the most powerful group of disciples in the Holy Land.

“It’s just, he doesn’t just think he can do it, does he?”

The people of the Holy Land talked one after another, and looked at Ji Yan’s gaze with contempt again.

“Arrogant fellow, really think that the disciples of the Holy Land are easy to bully?”

“I don’t know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, Lord Luan Xi will not stop like Lord Muyong.”

“Death is certain…”

Luan Xi and Ji Yan’s conversation, Luan Xingyue could also hear it clearly.

Luan Xingyue gritted her teeth and humiliated Luan Xi, which was to humiliate the Luan family.

She stared angrily at Ji Yan in the picture, and said hatefully, “Find death.”

Finally, he stared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Are you junior brothers so arrogant? ”

Dare to insult my Luan family?”

Lu Shaoqing said truthfully, “You think too much, my senior brother is telling the truth.” ”

Ji Yan will not humiliate people, he has always said that you are weak is weak, and if you say no, you can’t do it.”

Humiliating people is such a thing as disdainful of words.

Of course, for Ji Yan’s behavior, Lu Shaoqing, as a junior disciple, despised it very much.

When he goes to the battlefield, he confronts the enemy, whether it is anger or a shady person, he should be killed by all available means.

Jian Lan was very satisfied with what Ji Yan said, this was a naked humiliation, and she was not afraid that Luan Xi would not fuck him.

She refuted Lu Shaoqing’s words, “Luan Xi is also a Yuan Infant Fourth-Layer realm, what qualifications does your senior brother have to say that Luan Xi is weak?”

Cui Wei also said coldly, “It is not an opponent, and Mu Yong does not dare to say such a thing in the face of Luan Xi.” As

soon as Cui Xuan’s words were finished, Luan Xi in the picture had already erupted and launched an attack on Ji Yan.

The giant beast in the form of sword intent was majestic, majestic, and murderous, and Ji Yan only lightly stabbed a sword.

Seeing Ji Yan’s actions, Luan Xingyue was relieved in her heart.

It seems that this guy named Ji Yan is really arrogant and arrogant.

In this way, Luan Xi’s chances of defeating him will be greater.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but show a sneer on her face.

Jian Lan even laughed, “I said wrong, he is not arrogant, but stupid…”

But before her words were finished, there was a sudden change in the picture.

Ji Yan stabbed out a sword, seemingly plain sword.

After colliding with Luan Xi’s sword-intent behemoth, it erupted into earth-shattering power.

A terrifying sword intent suddenly erupted, like a monstrous rainstorm in the clear sky, instantly submerging the earth.

The sword intent was like a large net that caught the behemoth, tightened it, and finally cut it into countless pieces.

With just a blink of an eye, the behemoth let out a wail and collapsed.

Luan Xi was in disbelief, but before he could do anything, the surging sword intent enveloped him and swallowed him.


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Luan Xi’s mouth sprayed blood, countless wounds appeared on his body, blood splashed, scattered all over the sky, Luan Xi was like a bird that had lost its wings, falling from the sky.

The power of a sword, terrifying and terrifying.

Everyone who saw this scene froze.

Ji Yan put away his sword and stood, glanced at Luan Xi, who landed on the ground, then left, and found a place to sit down again.

“This, this…” ”

I, I’m not dazzled, am I? One, one sword, one sword defeated Lord Luan Xi?

“Too, so powerful, this…” ”

How did he do it?”

“Fake, fake, huh?”

“Haha, I bought Lord Ji Yan, as long as this time Lord Ji Yan wins a big sword person, one loses three, haha, sent it, sent it…”

“He is definitely not the opponent of the sword master, he, he lost.”

“Maybe, he really has the strength to beat a big man with a sword.”

“After thinking about it more, he fought with Lord Muyong, and he fought with Lord Luan Xi, it must be a lot of consumption, and he is definitely not the opponent of Lord Jian.”

“Let’s go and see, the sword master will definitely kill him…” Everyone

here in the Holy Land was in an uproar.

The appearance was menacing, the momentum was amazing, and Luan Xi, who was full of confidence, was defeated by Ji Yan’s sword.

Combined with what he said before, it looked extremely humiliating.

On Lu Shaoqing’s side, everyone’s expressions were also very wonderful.

Gladioli opened her mouth wide, and her purple lips could not be closed.

Luan Xingyue was stunned and couldn’t believe what she saw.

This is the genius of the Luan family.

Even if you are not an opponent, it is not a shame to be defeated in a few hundred rounds after a fierce battle.

Now it was defeated by a sword, and the face of the Luan family was thrown from the Holy Land to the West Pole.

Shi Liao and Tanling’s spirit was shocked, and Ji Yan’s performance was even stronger than they thought.

Lu Shaoqing asked Shi Liao, “Powerful, right?”

Shi Liao nodded and looked at Ji Yan in the picture with adoration, “Lord Ji Yan is really powerful.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be teaching Shi Liao, “Speak according to your own strength, and say whatever strength you have.”

“Don’t be weak enough, just brag there, and in the end you will be defeated and you can only cry your nose there.”

Refers to mulberry scolding locust.

Luan Xingyue, Jian Lan, and Cui Xingyue’s faces were difficult to see the extreme.

But the three couldn’t argue with it.

Just said that Ji Yan is arrogant and arrogant, and judging from the current results, it is self-evident who is arrogant and arrogant.

This is the reality, there is enough strength to shut up countless people.

Tan Ling couldn’t help but sigh, “Master Ji Yan, it’s really powerful.”

I couldn’t help but give birth to hope in my heart, secretly looking forward to it, maybe I could really defeat Kenichi.

Ji Yan defeated Jian Yi, and she could stand up her chest and speak loudly in front of Jian Lan at that time.


Jian Lan couldn’t see Lu Shaoqing being so arrogant and proud.

She gritted her teeth and said coldly, “Don’t be proud, my brother hasn’t made a move yet.” As

if in line with Jian Lan’s words, in the picture, Jian Yi’s figure appeared.

In an instant, Jian Yi became the focus of everyone’s eyes.

Although they were far apart, Ji Yan and Jian Yi could feel each other, and their eyes collided violently in the air…

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