The people who saw this scene lost their voices again, their necks seemed to be choked, and they couldn’t make a sound.

“This, this…” ”

It’s also the Yuan Infant Period, no matter how wasted, no matter how water, the two of them are still Yuan Baby.”

The strength is countless times stronger than the existence of the Jiedan period.

In the Holy Family, it is the existence that is called the adult.

Some tribes and families can have a meta-infancy period, which is enough to make their clan or family prosperous.

Now what do they see?

Ji Yan didn’t even have to look back, and a flying sword slaughtered two Yuan Infancy masters.

And it’s the complete kind, you can’t even escape.

Many people were frightened, which was even more terrifying than Ji Yan defeating Jian Yi.

Especially among the many cultivators at the scene, many people were frightened and retreated as soon as possible and fled far away.

This scene also made Cui Wei and the others’ faces change greatly.

By this time, he still maintained such combat effectiveness, and this guy’s strength was bottomless.

Even if it was Xun, his face changed slightly, and his heart was even more jealous.

Among the few people present, perhaps only two did not change their faces.

One is Lu Shaoqing, and the other is Tanling.

When they first met, Tan Ling witnessed Ji Yan cut three yuan babies with one sword.

Tanling’s gaze even carried pride, his head was slightly raised, and he was surprised, I had seen it a long time ago.

Watching Ji Yan find a place to sit down and rest, Wuqiu Jian was like a faithful guard guarding the side.

Let all people be jealous and dare not act rashly.

Yu couldn’t help but sigh, “Good means.”

His gaze flickered, hiding deep jealousy and vigilance.

Ji Yan’s performance was too strong, making him feel a crisis.

This time I went down the mountain, originally I wanted to see how far Jian Yi’s strength had improved.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected joy, and a plan that was stronger than Jian Yi appeared.

Yu looked at Ji Yan in the picture, and was silent for a moment before he smiled and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Brother Zhang, what are you and your senior brother’s plans next?” Jian

Yi was no longer worried, Ji Yan was the one he had to pay attention to.

Ji Yan’s current performance made him even more worried.

Not only powerful, but also strategic.

One blow kills the two Yuan Infant masters who dare to strike at him, fiercely shocking others, making others dare not act rashly, and buying him more time to recover.

Such a person, if it is his opponent, is undoubtedly an extremely headache.

He had no intention of continuing to watch the play now, he just wanted to find out the origin of the brothers Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan and the reason for coming to the Holy Land.

His attitude became very polite, and his title for Lu Shaoqing had changed to Brother Zhang.

Lu Shaoqing pretended not to understand, he grinned, “We just want to come to the Holy Land to admire the Holy Land in our hearts.”

“I want to go up to the sacred mountain to see, and I can brag about it when I return to the family in the future, after all, many people have not come out.”

Many people speculate that Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing are from the hidden world, of course, Lu Shaoqing will not deny it, he wishes everyone thought so.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of those present changed a lot.

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Especially the three women Cui Shu, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze a little more jealous.

No matter how strong the soil bun is, it is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is a big force behind it.

The Holy Land rules the Cold Star, but there are also many hidden families, and they are also a powerful force.

Powerful as a holy place can only be fought for, and dare not offend easily.

Lu Shaoqing’s words undoubtedly admitted that he was from the hidden world.

After hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, Yu felt relieved in his heart.

The hidden clan is not rare in the position of the Holy Son, they have their own heritage.

Don’t worry about competing with yourself for the position of the Son, it’s great.

The smile on Chan’s face was a little more sincere, but he didn’t believe it so easily, “Then, why is Ji Yan Gongzi…” If it

was from the Hidden World Clan, why did he run to the Holy Mountain to cultivate?

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “My senior brother likes challenges, and he went to participate in the competition, mainly thinking of fighting with various masters. This

made sense, but Yu didn’t quite believe it.

Are there such people?

Going to participate in the competition is very dangerous, prone to accidental rollover, and it is not surprising to be killed.

Seeing Chen’s expression, Lu Shaoqing seemed to guess what Hyun was thinking, and he sighed deliberately, “Alas, there is no way, my senior brother is such a person.”

“If I have to participate, I can’t persuade me.” At the beginning, my suggestion was to go directly to your holy son to challenge it, but unfortunately he didn’t listen, what a headache Senior Brother. ”

I’ll go!

Hyun was taken aback.

Your sister, challenge your sister.

Yu’s city mansion was very deep, but at this moment, he couldn’t help but change his face slightly, and then greeted Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

He was confident that his strength was stronger than Kenichi, but he was not strong enough to crush Kenichi.

At least, he couldn’t do anything like Ji Yan, and it didn’t look hurt at all on the surface.

Moreover, after defeating Jian Yi, he was able to easily kill two cultivators in the early Yuan Infant period.

Such a plan to pick him, he really has no confidence to fight.

Holy Land disciples, in the face of challenges, absolutely cannot easily retreat.

He lost to Ji Yan, and he didn’t want to raise his head in this life, and the position of the third holy son could not sit firmly.

After greeting Lu Shaoqing in his heart, he laughed, “If I have the opportunity, I also want to have a discussion with Ji Yangongzi.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he said deliberately, “Okay, when he comes back, I’ll let him find you, how?” ”

Your sister!

Yu wants to hammer Lu Shaoqing, can’t you understand people’s words?

Do you understand polite words?

You want me to fight with your senior brother and wait until I become a god.”

However, Lu Shaoqing sighed again, “It’s a pity, he is injured now, and it will take a long time to get better.”

Chan’s smile widened, and he even said, “No hurry, there are opportunities.” Rather than fighting, I hope to have a discussion with Ji Yangongzi.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up again, “Is it?” That’s the best thing, and I’ll introduce you to you when the time comes.

“Moreover, when the time comes to the holy mountain, I hope that the three holy sons will take more care, I am afraid of being blacked out.”

The gaze fell on the three of Jianlan, and the meaning was self-evident.

Chan’s gaze was meaningful, and he smiled, “Don’t worry, no one on the Holy Mountain will dare to disadvantage you…”

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