Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed when he heard this, “With the words of the three holy sons, I am relieved.” Looking

at Lu Shaoqing and Yu talking and laughing, Cui Xuan, Luan Xingyue, and Jian Lan gritted their teeth with hatred.

Is this to hold the thigh of the three holy sons?

It’s despicable.

At the same time, the three of them were helpless.

At the beginning, He’s attitude towards Lu Shaoqing was flat, but now Ji Yan defeated Jian Yi and showed his strength, and Chan’s attitude towards Lu Shaoqing changed greatly.

He changed his previous bland attitude and became enthusiastic, talking and laughing, like an old friend for many years.

This is the reality, with strength, everyone will look up at you.

For a while, in the entire room, only Ji Yan and Hehe were talking, and the others could only watch from the side.

Everyone’s eyes continue to fall on the picture.

Ji Yan defeated Jian Yi and the others, and at the same time simply killed the two sneak attackers.

Fiercely shocked everyone.

Now for the time being, no one dares to continue to be the first bird to find trouble with Ji Yan.

Of course, this is also about the number of people.

The competition has just begun, and the day has not yet passed, and most of the contestants have not come to the middle area.

More contestants are elsewhere, holding on as long as they can, waiting for time to pass.

The more time passes, the more people are eliminated, and the longer they survive, the greater the chance of staying.

For the time being, no one came to provoke Ji Yan, and the picture switched to other people.

The people participating in this competition are not only Ji Yan and Jianyi.

Many disciples of the Holy Land also participated in the competition.

“The kid of the criminal family has performed well, although it is the Jiedan period, he has already defeated several opponents in the Jiedan period in a row.”

“He seems to be called Torturer, and it is said that he is a member of the Torturer’s clan.”

“However, it’s a pity that it is said that she was suppressed by the current family lineage, so

there is no way to enter the Yuan infancy period…” “The daughter of the Yan family is also good, the three-layer realm of the Yuan baby, killed several people, and now no one dares to provoke her…” ”

With the relationship between the Yan family and the Holy Lord, Yan Shuya’s little girl’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and there should be one of her for the fifty places this time.”

“Yan Shuya, she is only a sideline, she is talented, it is said that she has not been cultivated by the family, and she can get to this day all thanks to her own efforts.”

“And the Ou Hu of the District Clan is also good, I didn’t expect that in addition to the pair of genius siblings, there is actually a genius…”

“Hey, Lord Luan Xi actually recovered so quickly?”

During this period, it was discovered that Luan Xi, who was defeated by Ji Yan, seemed to have recovered.

A sword kills the opponent, and the end is extremely fierce.

“How did he exit the middle zone?”

“No way, Lord Ji Yan is too powerful.”

“Oh, it turned out to be afraid of Lord Ji Yan. But Lord Ji Yan didn’t take him seriously.

“This is even worse than killing him…”

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Luan Xi was indeed very uncomfortable, and the resentment in his heart was constantly corroding his heart like poison, making him extremely painful.

As a genius of the Luan family, he was placed in high hopes by the Luan family, hoping that he could continue to bring greater glory to the Luan family.

However, here he was defeated by a sword from a man who appeared out of nowhere.

Although he said that he was careless, but defeat is defeat, and everything he said is quibbles.

Through that sword, he clearly knew the power of Ji Yan.

Therefore, even if he still had the power of a battle, he did not dare to venture to find trouble with Ji Yan.

Taking advantage of the big battle between Ji Yan and the sword, he slipped away.

Seeing that Ji Yan defeated Jian Yi, Luan Xi left the central area for the first time.

Despite this, Luan Xi did not give up the idea of revenge.

Everyone was defeated by Ji Yan’s sword in front of their eyes, and they didn’t want to take revenge, and this face couldn’t be wanted.

Therefore, Luan Xi was looking for an opponent while thinking about how to take revenge.

“Luan Xi!” Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded, and a purple-shirted girl appeared in front of Luan Xi, murderous.

“Yan Shuya!” When Luan Xi saw the person coming, his face couldn’t help but look a little ugly.

Here, even acquaintances are opponents.

Fifty places, the competition is too big.

If it was usual, Luan Xi was not afraid of Yan Shuya, after all, he was a little stronger than Yan Shuya in the four-layer realm.

However, he was rewarded with a sword by Ji Yan today, and his strength was damaged, and he really didn’t have the confidence to beat Yan Shuya.

“You’re going to challenge me?” Luan Xi’s face was gloomy, and he hated Ji Yan even more in his heart.

Yan Shuya’s expression was cold, like a cold queen, looking at Luan Xi condescendingly, “That’s right, I want to see how strong you really are.”

“Everyone says that you are a genius of the Luan family, and I want to test whether you are as famous today.”

Luan Xi looked at Yan Shuya, his heart moved, and a thought appeared in his mind.

He said, “You and I are equal in strength, and if we lose both, we will only cheapen others for nothing, but I have an idea.”

“What idea?” Yan Shuya’s expression did not change in the slightest, standing proudly, like a proud purple flower.

“We join forces,” Luan Xi said his thoughts, his eyes jumping, hiding strange thoughts, “we are all disciples of the Holy Land, we should form an alliance to deal with others, and the fifty places must be won by those of us, and we must not let outsiders take them.” Yan

Shuya’s origin made her silent when she heard this, revealing a bit of intention.

She has been able to get to this day, and the family has not helped her much.

Going to the Holy Mountain, she is determined to get it, cultivating on the Holy Mountain for three years, with sufficient spiritual energy and sufficient resources, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her.

If you miss this opportunity, you may not have it in the future.

After weighing it up, she quickly made a decision, “Okay, I promise.”

“In the end, if there are not enough places, don’t blame me for making a move on you.”

“Each other, each other.” Luan Xi bowed his head and smiled even more happily, “Our Holy Land disciples should unite and unite with the outside world, not everyone can go up to the Holy Mountain.”

“Well said.” Suddenly, a voice sounded, and a young man dressed in black spirit armor strolled out of the forest.

The young man was burly and majestic, and smiled at the two, “How about counting me too?”

Luan Xi and Yan Shuya were not surprised by the appearance of the youth, Yan Shuya snorted, very disgusted, “Torture, you are a person in the Jiedan period, what qualifications do you have to join us?” ”

One more person, one more strength,” Luan Xi did not have the usual arrogance and arrogance, very modest, “The torturer is an acquaintance, everyone should unite and help each other, and when the time comes, we should deal with the enemy together…”

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