After Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan and said such words, he smiled slightly in his heart.

He stood up and said to Cui Xingyue, Jian Lan, and Luan Xingyue, “Within three days, the three of you remember to send my spirit stones, otherwise I will let the three holy sons find you to settle the account.”

Tanling struggled for a moment, and added, “And mine.” ”

This bastard is so nasty, can you take me to death? They also lost my spirit stones.

Zen didn’t want to talk.

Say I’m like your little brother, you said let me go to them to settle the score, I will go?

You are very different from your senior brother.

He asked Lu Shaoqing, “Brother Zhang, where are you going?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan in the picture and said with a smile, “Go and see.”

After Ji Yan said those words, Lu Shaoqing knew that the competition would end soon.

He’s going to pick it up.

So as not to be attacked by someone after the plan comes out.

Although he was killed in the competition, his family and friends must not use this as an excuse to take revenge.

But this is only a rule, and people’s hearts are unpredictable.

And here in the competition, everyone looked stupidly at the plan above the sky, and they didn’t know how to complain for a while.

In this situation, who remembers the quota thing?

But they reacted quickly.

Ma De, he came here not to besiege Ji Yan, but to fight for a place on the sacred mountain.

At present, there are more than sixty people left, and if ten or so people are eliminated, it will be enough for fifty people.

In an instant, everyone’s minds turned sharply, and the smart person immediately escaped into the darkness and quickly left here.

And the rest of the people also put themselves on guard, and in the dark night, they once again hid the murderous intention.

No one is going to provoke Ji Yan anymore.

Just now, there were so many people that they couldn’t help it, let alone mention it now.

Right now, victory is in sight, and no one wants to be eliminated themselves.

When Mu Yong heard Ji Yan’s words, he immediately changed the situation in the field and showed his admiring eyes.

“Good boy!”

There is strength not to say, the brain is still smart.

It’s much better than Kenichi’s cleverness.

Mu Yong looked at Jian Yi not far away, and felt more and more that Jian Yi was not pleasing to the eye.

He shouted to Jian Yi, “Quit.” The

sword returned to his senses, his expression fierce.

Why, he couldn’t figure out how Ji Yan could be safe under the siege of more than a dozen people.

Is he really that powerful?

“Why?” Jian Yi pointed at Ji Yan and asked Mu Yong, “How did he do it?” He

lost at the hands of Ji Yan, and originally felt that everyone’s strength should not be much worse.

Jian Yi felt that as long as he worked hard, he would still be able to defeat Ji Yan in the future.

But right now, Ji Yan can actually do this.

And it looks unscathed, it’s terrible.

If this question is not clear, the sword will not close his eyes as soon as he sleeps.

Looking at Jian Yi’s hideous expression, Mu Yong knew that Jian Yi’s heart was already stunned.

If you don’t dredge, your achievements won’t be high in the future.

It is even possible to go crazy because of this.

Mu Yong snorted, “He just resisted a few attacks in front of him, and the rest were all dodged.” ”

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Dodged, dodged?” Jian Yi couldn’t believe it, “What are you kidding…” The

attack of more than ten people, heaven and earth, every space around Ji Yan was blocked.

There is no escape at all, how to avoid it?

Mu Yong said coldly, “Think about your last attack.”

Jian’s face changed, and his last move, the Fallen Spirit Sword, could be called a great killing move.

The same realm couldn’t bear it, but he couldn’t help Ji Yan, but was counterattacked by Ji Yan and injured him.

“Go back and think more about it yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to catch up with him for the rest of your life.”

Mu Yong said coldly, and then waved his hand, and a spiritual power gushed out.

The sword was caught off guard, and the powerful coercive blood spurted straight out, and he passed out.

Mu Yong stretched out his hand again, and the sword hanging on his waist fell into his hand.

“Hmph!” Mu Yong snorted coldly, and the token turned into pieces, representing that Mu Yong was disqualified.

Mu Yong looked at Ji Yan above the sky, and then cast his gaze in another direction.

“They also have to teach a lesson, otherwise it would be too dangerous to go up the holy mountain and provoke him…” Then

Mu Yong’s figure flashed and appeared in front of Luan Xi and several people.

The four of Luan Xi were hiding far away, thinking of sitting and watching the mountain tiger fight, waiting to pick up the bargain.

But they didn’t expect Ji Yan’s performance, which stunned the jaws of the four of them.

This is also too fierce.

Under the siege of more than a dozen people, not only did they not die, but they looked unscathed.

Luan Xi’s fists clenched, and his heart was extremely disappointed and angry.

You waste should have gone up together.

Yan Shuya’s face was scared, and her heart was cold, “This adult, he is really too strong.” ”

Ou Hu and Punishment Zhi also have a heart, expressing a hundred approvals.

More than ten masters joined forces to attack together, and they couldn’t help it.

Luan Xi’s heart was full of killing intent, and the murderous aura was pervasive, staring at Ji Yan in the distance.

Yan Shuya sensed Luan Xi’s murderous aura, she took two steps back and said to Luan Xi seriously, “Luan Xi, what are you going to do?”

“You want to provoke Lord Jiyan, go yourself, don’t drag us down.”

Luan Xi looked at Yan Shuya and snorted, “His existence is a mountain that is difficult for us to cross, are you willing to be pressed by him forever?” When

Yan Shuya heard this, she simply turned around and planned to leave, “I said, I won’t provoke Lord Jiyan, our union will end here.” ”

Yan Shuya is very realistic, she is not from the Yan family, and her background is not good.

Being able to cultivate to this realm today depends on oneself.

In addition to their own talents, there is also the knowledge of advancing and retreating.

Ji Yan is so terrible, she has no confidence to fight.

Ou Hu and Torturer also had similar expressions, and the two also took two steps back and opened the distance.

When Luan Xi saw everyone like this, he whispered, “If you let him know that we are behind the ghost, do you say he will let us go?”

As soon as his words fell, Mu Yong appeared.

After appearing, Mu Yong seemed very angry when he heard this.

Without saying a word, with a wave of his hand, the powerful spiritual power was like a big hand fanning Luan Xi.

Mu Yong then took the token from Luan Xi’s waist in the air, grabbed it fiercely, and turned it into pieces and fell.

This scene shocked everyone, Luan Xi was beaten to the point that blood spurted straight out, and he couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

However, whether it was Yan Shuya, Ou Hu, and Torture, the three of them did not intend to make a move.

They were guarded and looked at Mu Yong warily.

Mu Yong looked at Luan Xi coldly, “Idiot! ”

Go back and reflect well…”

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