Everyone froze, not understanding why Mu Yong did this.

Mu Yong glanced at Yan Shuya and the three coldly, “Even if you are still a little self-aware.” Then

the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Mu Yong appeared to disappear, no more than ten breaths.

But he cleaned up Luan Xi and destroyed Luan Xi’s token.

It means that Luan Xi is out this time.

Luan Xi got up, his body full of anger, making him let out a low roar, like a wild beast.

“Damn, damn it, I definitely won’t spare you…” Yan

Shuya looked at Luan Xi, who had almost lost her sanity, shook her head, and turned to leave.

She suddenly felt that it was an unwise decision for her to cooperate with someone like Luan Xi.

I hope I didn’t provoke Lord Ji Yan because of this.

Yan Shuya prayed secretly in her heart.

Ou Hu and Torture Zhi looked at each other, and also left silently.

Luan Xi was eliminated, the two of them are still eligible, continue to stay with Luan Xi, maybe they will provoke Mu Yong and let Mu Yong attack them.

“Damn, damn it, you guys, damn it…” The

competition continued, although there were still about ten people to be eliminated.

But the rest were cautious and did not dare to strike easily.

It wasn’t until dawn that the elders of the Holy Land announced the end of the competition.

The number of persons actually granted a quota is forty-nine.

When the last person eliminated knew that the quota was forty-nine people, he pounded the ground with remorse.

And to everyone’s surprise, the two holy disciples, Jian Yi and Luan Xi, were eliminated.

“Mu Yong shot?”

“What is Mu Yong-sama going to do? Only against the Sword Master and Lord Luan Xi to eliminate them.

“Who knows, who can guess Muyong-sama’s thoughts?”

“Alas, Lord Jian and Lord Luan Xi are really miserable…”

“Yes, pit goods sword one, return my spirit stone…”

On the periphery of the competition venue, many cultivators who had arrived from the Holy Land had already gathered.

They wanted to see the victorious players up close.

Among them, the people of the sword family rushed in at the first time to look for Jian Yi.

Jian Yi was too miserable this time.

Not to mention being defeated by Ji Yan, he will finally be cleaned up by Mu Yong.

Some people worship Kenichi, and some people hate Kenichi.

Many people who are not used to Jian Yi are also secretly snickering.

Of course, everyone was curious about the plan to defeat Kenichi.

They craned their necks and widened their eyes, looking for traces of Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s performance this time was too good, and he quickly captured a group of fans.

Defeated Kenichi and snatched Kenichi from many fans.

When Ji Yan’s figure appeared, the people around him were silent at first, and then immediately cheered.

“It’s Ji Yan!”

“Lord Ji Yan!”

“It’s Lord Ji Yan, Lord Ji Yan who defeated the Sword Master, it’s too powerful…”

“I, I don’t marry Lord Ji Yan in my life!”

“Sanba, you don’t look in the mirror either? Come on, just now we haven’t divided the winner and the loser, continue, whoever wins is the person who plans to be the master of Ji Yan…”

The sound was rolling and deafening.

The newly appeared Ji Yan subconsciously became vigilant and guarded.

The eyes of the people below were burning, and many people saw him as if they saw a peerless beauty, and their burning eyes seemed to swallow him into their stomachs.

Almost everyone’s eyes fell on Ji Yan.

Seeing Ji Yan’s grim expression, his eyes were like swords, and he was dressed in white, like a white-clothed sword god, majestic.

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“Lord Ji Yan is really handsome!”

Most of the people on the Demon Race side are burly, and many people dislike the small body of the Terrans.

However, the current plan made many female cultivators of the Demon Race shine in their eyes, and they couldn’t wait to grab it back to warm the bed.

“Lord Ji Yan is really terrible, after the round battle, his breath is not the slightest weak.”

“yes, it’s terrible.”

More people are concerned about the state of Jiyan.

Now seeing that Ji Yan’s state was intact, as if there was nothing at all, made them more and more in awe.

Some people wanted to come up and try to please and win him over, but they were so intimidated by Ji Yan that they did not dare to approach.

Ji Yan ignored the others, looked around, and slowly came to a place.

Many people saw a blue-shirted young man lying on a branch under a tree, and two people stood under the tree.

Some people recognized the standing under the tree, just like the people under the conversation and Shi Liao, which surprised them again.

“I’ll go, who is that blueshirt?”

“Lord Tan Ling and Lord Shi Liao actually stood to protect him?”

“Wouldn’t it be the First Holy Son?”

“Dream, even the First Holy Son does not have this treatment.”

“Who is he? Did Lord Ji Yan go for him?

Then, under everyone’s gaze, Ji Yan, who came to the trees, suddenly changed his breath.

The face quickly turned pale, the blood receded, and the whole person seemed to be sick, revealing a weakness inside and out.

The crowd reacted.

“Lord Ji Yan, he was injured and has been holding on hard just now.”

“It’s really powerful, he actually tricked everyone…”

“But who is that blue-shirted man?” Let be able to make Lord Ji Yan relax? Everyone

was talking about it, looking at Ji Yan’s state, the injury was very serious.

In other words, as an ordinary person, he has long been unable to carry the coma.

But Ji Yan not only holds, but also deceives everyone.

People think that Ji Yan is not injured and dare not act rashly.

Lu Shaoqing sat up, his face was unhappy, “Can’t you go back and show you like a bear again?” ”

It’s empty so quickly, it’s easy for people to get into trouble.”

Ji Yan snorted, “Verbose! Then he

summoned the flying boat, sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat, and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Entrust everything to Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing this, Tanling couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, and even complained.

Do you believe so much in your junior brother?

Everyone was even more curious about Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

Being able to make Ji Yan trust so much and entrust himself to him without reservation.

Lu Shaoqing scolded, “I definitely owe you in my previous life.

Then he said to Shi Liao, “Will you sail?” ”

Driving a flying boat is very simple, and Shi Liao can’t ask for it.

Only Tan Ling saw Shi Liao’s fart going upside down, and he hated that iron was not steel.

Is it okay to have a little backbone?

So many people watch, you are such a dogleg, it’s a shame.

Tan Ling regretted following.

The flying boat soared into the air, did not enter the sky, Tanling stood on the flying boat, and when he was depressed, Lu Shaoqing said to Tanling, “Little chick, look at it.”

“Someone might sneak up and help block it.”

Tan Ling was stunned and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “What do you take me for?” ”

Summoning beast or little brother?

What do you ask me to do, and I have to listen to you?

I’m not Shi Ji, I’m not Shi Liao, I’m not that doglegged.

“Don’t be verbose, I’ll charge you less interest then…”

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