

The instrument spirit was confused, and he was spanked?

A wave of shame welled up in his heart, and anger rushed to his brain.

“But, damn it, damn humans, I’m going to make you pay.”

The instrument spirit shouted angrily, his body lit up with a light, and countless tiny vortices appeared in the surrounding space, approaching Lu Shaoqing.

Suspended in the void, it spins and makes a sizzling sound, as if cutting the void.

Lu Shaoqing felt threatened, these vortices were like rotating cutters, once touched, the body would definitely be cut to pieces.

Still, that sentence.

These attacks of the spirit were too small and threatening for him, but they could not cause him any harm.

Lu Shaoqing carried the instrument spirit and took a step across, as if teleporting, spanning a distance, easily avoiding the attack of the instrument spirit.

At the same time, another slap on its ass.

Just like the elder brother teaching the younger brother, “Against you, you dare to make a move?”

“Ah…” the

instrument screamed angrily, his hands and feet flying, constantly struggling, but there was no way to break free from Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

“Let go of me!” The spirit shouted.

It is also a six-rank magic weapon spirit, when has someone spanked like this?

Deep shame, endless anger, made its white and tender face turn red and red.

“You said let it go?” Lu Shaoqing was unceremonious, nor did he have the slightest pity.

Although the current appearance of the instrument spirit is in the shape of a child, he is actually older than him, I don’t know how much.

There is no one thousand years old, there are two or three hundred years old, and it is not too much to call it an old monster.

“Snap, snap…” Lu

Shaoqing slapped it on the butt several times in a row.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t spare any strength, and hit the instrument spirit and shouted.

Ji Ling kind of wanted to cry.

It is also a six-rank magic weapon spirit, when has it been treated like this?

Even the previous owner, Liu Chi was polite to it and treated it as a peer.

Today, being taught a lesson by a brat who has not dried up is a lifetime shame.

Moreover, hitting yourself on the ass, it still hurts.

It and Lu Shaoqing are in a state of spiritual awareness, and in this state, the pain is doubled.

The spirit was beaten and shouted, “But, damn it, I, I will not spare you.” ”

Won’t spare me?” Lu Shaoqing was even more angry, “You rebellious little fellow, you should clean up well.” ”

There is a period of rebellion?

Then I will beat you up to the period of rebellion.

Let you know who is the boss.

Another slap after slap, and the crisp slap echoed in the white space.

It was crisp and loud, with the cry of the instrument spirit, and it spread far away.

More than a hundred slaps down, Lu Shaoqing also felt a little dizzy, lack of oxygen, consumption a little big.

Lu Shaoqing decided to rest for a while, raised the instrument spirit and asked, “Do you want to obey?” The

Instrument Spirit stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, but it already had tears in its eyes.

Lu Shaoqing is very satisfied, after beating for so long, it makes my head dizzy, if you don’t cry, where will I put this face?

“Abominable human, don’t think I submit.” At this time, the instrument spirit wanted to cry very much, but it was still very hard, and it looked like it would rather die unyielding.

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After all, as a six-rank instrument spirit, if you don’t have a little pride, can you still be called a six-rank instrument spirit?

Ji Ling’s somewhat fat face was full of disbelief, “If you have a kind, let me go and let me clean you up.” During

the spanking by Lu Shaoqing, it kept fighting back, but it had no effect at all.

The instrument spirit is very puzzled, it is also a six-grade instrument spirit, not good at fighting, but it is not so weak.

In the infant period, I still can’t figure it out, and I was beaten by press.

Heavenly sense.

Something must have gone wrong.

Lu Shaoqing stared at it and smiled, his little face was a little cute, and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze it.

“Hey, it’s like a real person, it’s fun.”

“Abominable!” The spirit of the instrument is angry, and he only hates that he can’t crush the corpse of the person in front of him into scum.

What did you take me for?

Be a child?

When I was born with a succum, you didn’t know where it was.

“Damn, don’t touch me, or I’m not done with you!” The instrument spirit pointed at Lu Shaoqing and drank angrily, seeing that Lu Shaoqing did not listen, and actually dared to stretch out his hand, it was anxious.

In a hurry, open your mouth and bite.

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing withdrew his hand and held it closer, “Are you a dog?”

The spirit opened his teeth and claws, like a kitten, and cried angrily, “Damn humans, I am at odds with you.” ”

Don’t call,” Lu Shaoqing seemed to think of something, he raised the instrument spirit a little higher, and also turned in a circle, and then asked the instrument spirit, “Are you male or female?” ”

Rao is an instrument spirit, and it is also a little blinded.

This question, how does it answer?

It is an instrument, not a real human being.

Are there also men and women?

The instrument spirit immediately despised Lu Shaoqing deeply, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with the gaze of looking at an idiot, “Stupid guy.” Looking

at Lu Shaoqing sneered, since he couldn’t defeat Lu Shaoqing, he despised him.

Stupid human, unseen.

Uninformed people still want to be my master?

“Instrument spirits have no gender, don’t understand, stupid guy!”

Unexpectedly, after it finished speaking, Lu Shaoqing also looked at it.

“What do you see? Stupid guys!

Lu Shaoqing asked tentatively, “Are you really a six-rank instrument spirit?” The

chest of the instrument spirit stood up, and the pride of the six-rank instrument spirit gushed out, “Nonsense, like a fake bag.” ”

Fake,” Lu Shaoqing decided, “You fake, you don’t know that the spirit is divided between men and women.”

Then he grabbed it and put it in front of him, stared at it with both eyes, and said viciously, “Say, where did you hide the little treasure of the Boundary Piercing Disc Spirit?” Say it, or I’ll beat you to death.” ”

What kind of joke,” the instrument spirit didn’t believe it, as if hearing a big joke, “the instrument spirit is still divided into men and women?”

“Have you ever seen the Spirit of the Instrument?” Ignorant humans. The instrument spirit once again deeply despised Lu Shaoqing.

Play, the instrument spirit is originally neutral, divided into fart men and women.

“I didn’t see it, you must be a fake, return the real thing to me.” Lu Shaoqing fiercely threatened the spirit of the weapon, “Otherwise, I will rip off your pants.” The

spirit was furious, “You dare? ”

Although there is no distinction between men and women, there is still shame.

“What’s not to dare?” Lu Shaoqing immediately pulled its pants.

“I’d rather see if you’re lying.”

The spirit was frightened, it had never seen such a shameless human being, and it screamed, “Slow, slow, there is, there is something to say…”

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