The instrument spirit was frightened, it did not expect the person in front of it to be so shameless.

Ripping your pants can do it.

It was the first time since it was born to meet such a shameless person.

It tries to stop it, but struggles in vain.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing had already grabbed his pants, it screamed again, “You dare to take off my pants, I will die with you.”

It tugged at his trousers with both hands, looking slightly alarmed.

Having been stripped of his pants, can this face still be wanted?

Although everyone is in a spirit state, no one else has seen it.

But the shame of being stripped of your pants won’t go away.

Lu Shaoqing saw that the breath on the instrument spirit was wrong, slowed down, and pinched his face again, “You said that you are regardless of gender, let me see that you can’t die again.” ”

If you can’t die, you will live better than die.”

“Make, dream!” The instrument spirit first showed a firm expression, swearing to die unyielding

, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that Lu Shaoqing would really pull its pants, its expression slowed down, and its tone slowed down, trying to convince Lu Shaoqing, “The instrument spirit does not distinguish between gender, there can be no distinction between men and women.” ”

Lu Shaoqing doesn’t believe it at all, if that’s the case, what do Wuqiu and Mojun say?

Both of them are male, and Mojun’s younger brother has played it.

The so-called six-rank instrument spirit will not be parallel goods, right?

According to the grade, the Spirit of the Boundary Piercing Plate was one grade higher than that of Wuqiu and Mojun.

And so old, how well informed should you be.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s unpleasant gaze again, Ji Ling said coldly, “What kind of gaze are you?”

“Looking at the gaze of parallel goods, I think you should be a parallel goods, fakes, where is the real piercing plate spirit?”

Ji Ling laughed and laughed angrily, “You don’t believe my words?

Lu Shaoqing said honestly, “I’ve seen artifacts with genders, so I think you’re lying.”

“I don’t believe it, you let it come and show me.” The instrument spirit does not believe it, it has lived for so long, and it has not seen the instrument spirit divided into men and women.

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, “It’s not here, go play.” Ji

Ling sneered, his little face was full of contempt, like a classmate who despised the scum, “You have to find a decent one to lie, less bragging here.” Humans, guys full of bad roots.

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “How about this, I’ll make a bet with you, and when I go out, I let you see the instrument spirit with gender, how about you recognize me as the Lord?”

“No, I’ll let you go and get you free.”

The spirit was moved, but he was afraid that there would be some conspiracy.

Seeing it hesitate, Lu Shaoqing added a fire, “I’m giving you a lot of face, if you don’t know how to be funny again, I’ll take off your pants first, and then if you don’t agree, I’ll kill you and change the spirit again.” ”

Full of threat, seeing that Lu Shaoqing doesn’t want to laugh.

The spirit finally agreed.

“Well, I promise, if you don’t have a spirit that divides men and women, you will have to keep your promise and return me to freedom.”

“Of course, who am I Lu Shaoqing? In a word, come on, you swear, otherwise

I don’t worry…” “Why do I swear, you don’t swear?”

“You’re not a big husband…

..,” Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness returned to his body, his face smiled, and he patted the boundary piercing disk in his hand, “Wait first,” the boundary

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crossing disk swore that he couldn’t run away.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was excited, and he closed the boundary plate, and he was more confident here.

Hmph, when the time comes, you can’t beat it, as soon as the boundary plate opens, you will run away.

Think about it.

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh and was satisfied, “Find the stupid junior sister, open the boundary plate, go home and lie down, the fairy days are waiting for me.” ”

Next, what Lu Shaoqing has to do is to improve his realm first.

“In five years, you can sleep to the sixth-layer realm, right?”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and then began to cultivate.

As Lu Shaoqing closed his eyes and cultivated, the surrounding spiritual power gathered, and the rich spiritual power turned into a white cloud, shrouding Lu Shaoqing in it.

After Lu Shaoqing completely fell into a state of cultivation, the figure of a woman appeared on the coffin again.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing and stretched out her hand.

The piercing plate that was put away by Lu Shaoqing fell on the jade table.

After the piercing disk, which was originally larger than Lu Shaoqing’s face, landed on the jade table, it became smaller than a coffin.

Staring at the boundary piercing disk, the woman stretched out her hand again, and the little boy who passed through the boundary plate appeared.

It glanced around in confusion and subconsciously said, “Didn’t you say you have to wait?” But

it quickly realized something was wrong, and looked up, and a woman was hanging from the coffin, staring straight at it.

Ji Ling wanted to speak, but only met the woman’s gaze.

It seems to see the beginning of heaven and earth, the birth of all things, and the collision of countless stars, the fall of gods and demons, the destruction of countless worlds, and the silence of all things.

Just for a moment, the spirit felt as if countless centuries had passed.

After it came back to its senses, it snorted, and it couldn’t even maintain its own form.

It knelt on the boundary piercing plate, not daring to look up at the woman more, it stammered, “Senior, senior…”

Killed by this terrifying being in front of you?

I deserve it, but I’m also tragic.

Falling into the hands of such an existence, it is impossible to resist.

The woman’s gaze fell on the instrument spirit, and the instrument spirit’s body trembled even more.

It feels as if there is a mountain pressing on its body, which will be crushed into meatloaf at any moment.

“From now on, I will be your master.” The woman’s voice is ethereal and hollow, like an immortal.

The spirit raised his head, wouldn’t it, such a big guy would look at a small role like me?

However, it only took one look and did not dare to look at it a second time.

The coercion on the woman is too strong, take a look at it more, it will collapse.

Although I don’t understand why the big guy fancy himself, for it, it has no choice.

It did not dare to say no, obediently gave its origin, thinking of signing a contract with a woman.

At the same time, there is also a faint expectation and excitement in my heart.

It is definitely a good thing to be able to follow such a powerful existence.

But the woman did not put a mark on it. Just said lightly, “You recognize him as Lord, but you must obey the orders I give you.” ”

Voices that cannot be placed echo…

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