There was not much smile on Tan Ling’s face, but anger was hidden in her eyes.

Although I want to laugh at Lu Shaoqing, if Lu Shaoqing’s real name is Guan Daniu, it must be a good joke.

However, even the name Guan Da Niu is fake.

This made Tan Ling feel the urge to hit someone.

This bastard actually has to deceive people with fake names, and it is still two fake names.

If it weren’t for her master’s move and set Lu Shaoqing’s truth, she would definitely be deceived.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t call out Lu Shaoqing’s real name, otherwise it would definitely make Lu Shaoqing suspicious.

Therefore, she thinks it is better to call it a bastard.

After all, in her eyes, Lu Shaoqing was a real bastard.

Lu Shaoqing continued, “Don’t call you a bastard, you are prejudiced, you can change your name.”

“There’s no other name, I’ll just call you an asshole, what else can you do?” Tan Ling deliberately provoked, “Didn’t you say that you were going to my master to file a complaint?”

“My master is still there, you go.”

Lu Shaoqing was completely relieved in his heart, it seems that his performance just now is realistic and can win the award.

It should have deceived Tan Ling and her master.

Lu Shaoqing shrank his head, “Elder, she is so busy, I won’t bother her.”

Tan Ling, like a victorious general, became proud and snorted arrogantly.

Lu Shaoqing, who was relieved, also temporarily relaxed his heart, and he said to Tanling, “Okay, little chick, you arrange a place for me to live, and then you go and busy yourself.” Tan

Ling became even more proud, and even laughed, “My master said that during your time in the Holy Mountain, I have to keep an eye on you in case you do something bad.”

Lu Shaoqing froze, he now felt as if the holy mountain had collapsed and buried him.

He cursed in his heart.


I was wondering how the token couldn’t find a problem.

It turned out that a mobile camera was sent to stare at him, and it was still in high definition.

As for?

Lu Shaoqing despised Elder Rui fiercely in his heart.

He had reason to believe that Elder Rui must be looking at him as a handsome man, so he had to guard against him like this.

He gave himself a token, saying that he could pass unimpeded on the sacred mountain and could shop here on the sacred mountain.

As a result, he sent his own apprentices to follow him and monitor him.

Isn’t this what should be done and stand?

Despise ah, great contempt.

Lu Shaoqing was indignant in his heart.

However, he could not do anything about it.

He only dared to greet Elder Rui in his heart now, and he didn’t even dare to say a word.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Tanling resentfully, and complained fiercely, “As for?” Where do you see me like a bad guy and need to stare at me like this? ”

I see you look like a bad person everywhere, you look like a bad person everywhere, and you even breathe evil.”

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, very disappointed, “I thought we were already friends, but I didn’t expect your opinion of me to be like this.”

“It’s so disappointing.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and let out a long sigh, “That’s it, that’s it, don’t pass it here.”

“You and I have nothing to do with each other, I’m leaving.”

Seeing Lu Shaoqing turn around and leave, Tanling was stunned.

What is this?

Break up?

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Bah, I haven’t pulled my hand, why break up?

“Where are you going?” Tan Ling asked subconsciously.

“Go, what am I staying here for? Continue to be seen as a bad person by you? I don’t have the slightest trust in me, and my heart is cold. Lu Shaoqing’s voice was full of sadness, “I’ll go down the mountain now, find a place to treat my heartache, don’t follow me.”

“I have nothing to do with you anymore.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s back and listening to Lu Shaoqing’s sad tone, Tanling felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Could it be that what he said was too hurtful, making him sad like this?

Tan Ling followed and asked cautiously, “Are you really going down the mountain?”

“Nonsense, I don’t want to see you anymore, don’t follow me.” Lu Shaoqing quickened his pace, seemingly disgusted with talking.

Tan Ling felt even more guilty in his heart, did he hurt him? She said in a guilty tone, “Okay, you go down, you can get better on your own in the Holy Land.”

“However, you have to return my master’s token to me.”

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing became even more sad and indignant, “You even want to take this back?” Are you still human? ”

Tokens are not allowed to be taken down the mountain.”

Lu Shaoqing’s expression immediately changed, and the expression of sadness and indignation just now suddenly disappeared, and he said to Tanling, “You arrange a place for me to live.”

Tan Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, and she understood.

Angrily rushed to the brain, “Bastard, you just wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of me?

Lu Shaoqing smiled and denied, “Whatever, don’t be sentimental.” Seeing

that Tan Ling was trembling with anger, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly reminded, “Don’t mess around, this is your master’s place, you demolished it, how do you explain it to your master?” Tan

Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was smiling very cheaply, and she was very impulsive to take out the long piano to kill Lu Shaoqing.

But Lu Shaoqing is also right, the power of the sixth-rank long qin is too great, and if it fights here, the surrounding buildings will definitely suffer.

It will be her master who will be disgraced.

Tan Ling resisted the urge to kill with great difficulty, gritted his teeth coldly, and took Lu Shaoqing to the most humble and remote place.

Originally, I wanted to humiliate Lu Shaoqing, but I didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be very satisfied with this.

It was a long way from Elder Rui, which was very convenient for his movements.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing ran to the bed without the slightest disgust and lay down, Tan Ling also had no temper.

She wanted to create some trouble for Lu Shaoqing, it was difficult.

She simply turned around and left, she found a place to live nearby, not far away, she was confident, when Lu Shaoqing was a little windy, she could detect it.

After Tan Ling left, Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and sighed, “Trouble.” ”

With Tan Ling around, he has more trouble doing things.

Counting the time, the Saint Ann selection will be over in a month or two.

He had to enter the Abyss once during this time.

The selection of the demon race is never a point-to-point end, there is no friendship first, competition second.

The selection of the demon race is bloody, and those who lose have to pay with their lives.

Xiao Yi’s life Jane is not a problem now.

However, as time passes, the competition will become more and more intense, and only the Xiao Yi in the foundation building period will become more and more dangerous.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Shaoqing kicked the little ape lying next to him, “Go aside.” Then

he went outside the house and began to check the surroundings and arrange the formation.

On the sacred mountain, Lu Shaoqing did not let the little apes go wild in the forest.

As a result, the little ape was very bored, and just saw Lu Shaoqing arranging the formation, and it was idle, so he followed and looked.

After watching for a while, it felt a chill in its spine and raised its head to meet Lu Shaoqing’s gaze.

“Want to learn?”

The little ape shook his head.

“No, I think you want to learn, come, this is the basic general tip of the formation, you start learning for me now, if I can’t learn it, I will castrate you…”

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