Little ape dumbfounded, what do you take me for?

I am a monkey, a silly monkey in your mouth, a beast in someone else’s mouth.

You let me learn formations, do you look like a learned monkey?

The little ape collapsed a little, the owner ran to cultivate and threw it to this big devil, this peaceful day was like this in a few days?

The little ape looked at a book handed over by Lu Shaoqing, hurriedly shook his head, and squeaked, indicating that he couldn’t understand the text on it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, he had already thought about it.

As soon as the hand turned over, the boundary piercing disk appeared in the hand, and the boundary piercing disk said, “Break the plate, teach it to read, and learn the things on it.” ”

Piercing the boundary plate is also a six-rank instrument spirit, and being a teacher is more than enough.

The spirit world is also dumbfounded, what is going on?

Good to teach an ape to read?

Is this treating it as a son?

“Master, this…”

“Just teach it,” Lu Shaoqing took out Mojun by the way, “Follow me, learn more things, don’t be laughed at as illiterate and lose my face.”

“You are the big brother, teach it, break the sword you stare, stupid monkey dares to be lazy and cut it.”

The little ape suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, his eyes were black, and he fell straight to the ground.

Monkeys are bleak and the future is hopeless.

Lu Shaoqing smiled straight, ignoring the little ape’s pleas.

Anyway, idle is idle, find something for the little ape to do, and don’t let it go out and wander.

This is a sacred mountain, it is very dangerous, you can’t let it go out and mess around, so as not to cause trouble for yourself.

Next, Lu Shaoqing continued to arrange the formation next to him, and soon a thick white fog rose around him, covering the place where he lived.

Next to Tan Ling, she saw the white mist rising here from a distance in Lu Shaoqing, and she muttered, “Coward.”

After Lu Shaoqing arranged the formation, he clapped his hands and looked at his formation with satisfaction, and then waved his big hand, and the formation was closed.

Then leaving here, Tan Ling found Lu Shaoqing’s traces and immediately rushed over like the wind.

“Where are you going?”

“Go shopping, do you want to stay at home and sleep?”

Lu Shaoqing walked around with Tanling to familiarize himself with the environment of the sacred mountain.

After a few days, Lu Shaoqing stopped strolling around, and after coming out, he went in the left-hand direction.

The sacred mountain is huge, and at this height, even the circumference is tens of thousands of li long.

Therefore, the cultivation retreat places of the First Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder were at the same height, and there was also a large distance between them.

Along the way, there are places that are lush and wooded, and there are all kinds of wild beasts and fierce beasts inside, and there are places where miasma is pervasive, poisonous insects are rampant, or there is a desert, yellow sand.

And there are some places where you are not allowed to go without permission.

Although Lu Shaoqing was curious about what these places were for, he did not break in because of his curiosity.

Lu Shaoqing asked Tan Ling what these places were doing.

But Tanling kept silent and didn’t tell him.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing could guess the reason why Tan Ling was reluctant to tell him.

It must have been the reason for his words that made Tan Ling feel that his purpose for coming here was impure and thus more wary of him.

Soon, a building appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s line of sight.

And, from a distance, he could feel that there were many people.

There are many people with a strong breath.

Compared to Elder Rui’s secluded side, this side is more vibrant and lively.

Lu Shaoqing swept his senses and found that there were many people.

The strength is strong, the strength is weak.

Tan Ling could see the group on Lu Shaoqing’s face, and she explained lightly, “This is where

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the third elder is…” Because the third elder retreated to seek a breakthrough.

In order to prevent being interfered with, the elite of the Cui family stationed here to prevent someone from misbehaving.

After all, the ancestor of the Cui family is the Optimus Prime of the Cui family, and if Optimus Prime falls, the Cui family will soon sink and decay.

At the same time, the clansmen of the Cui family also took the opportunity to send a group of Cui family disciples to cultivate here.

When Tan Ling said this, his tone was disdainful, “The Cui family’s practice is shameless. ”

Neither the Sword Family nor the Luan Family are like this.”

Under the pretext of protecting the old ancestor, he ran up to cultivate.

Lu Shaoqing did not despise it, but he agreed with this approach, “It’s just stupid to have the opportunity not to use it.” ”

The Cui family’s approach is much smarter than that of the Jian family and the Luan family.”

Although it will be talked about, it is cheap and does not take advantage, it is simply a bastard.

If he were one of the three elders, he would definitely let his people eat, drink, and lasa on the sacred mountain.

As for the rest, leave it alone, as long as its own strength increases.

Tan Ling shook his head, “This is different, this is about fighting the ancestral star…”

Lu Shaoqing pricked up his ears, but Tanling quickly reacted and immediately stopped talking.

Lu Shaoqing secretly said in his heart that it was a pity that he did not open his mouth to ask to avoid showing his horse’s feet.

Anyway, it is not his turn to care about the Ancestral Star, whether it is here in Cold Star or on the thirteenth state, the sky is falling and there are tall people on top.

Tan Ling watched as she was getting closer and closer to the Third Elder’s cultivation place, and she said to Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s go, let’s not get too close.”

“The Cui family here is not so easy to talk to.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, but he pointed to the front, “I’m afraid it’s late.” Several

streamers appeared in front, and they crossed like meteors and appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing and Tan Ling.

“Who’s coming?”

“I don’t know if this is the Cui family’s forbidden place?”

“Trespassers, die!”

Lu Shaoqing frowned and asked Tanling, “Are the people of the Cui family so brainless?” ”

This is also a holy mountain, can the identity of a person who can go up to the holy mountain be simple?

The tone is so smelly at first, and you are not afraid of offending people?

Tan Ling frowned, and Lu Shaoqing said, “The ancestor of the Cui family is also the third elder, and there are many other elders here in the Holy Mountain, although they are powerful, they cannot be compared with the Cui family.

Lu Shaoqing understood.

Dogs fight people.

When the people of the Cui family heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, they were furious, “What a bold son, where did the things come from?”

“Dare to humiliate my Cui family?”


After speaking, he actually shot directly, and a long knife came directly to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing secretly shook his head, and like Cui Xuan, he also started without saying a word.

Did you really think that the Cui family had a third elder who dared to be so arrogant?

Lu Shaoqing did not resist, but stood behind Tanling, and said concisely, “Protect me!” Tan

Ling’s breath was disordered, and he didn’t follow in one breath, and he almost had an air accident and fell.

Bastard, are you okay?

Hello, you are also in the meta-infancy period, right?

The guy in front of you is just a foundation building period, and you are afraid of a hair.

Also, you’re standing behind a woman, are you embarrassed?

Although she really wanted to turn around and kill Lu Shaoqing, she still made a move and blocked the Cui family’s attack.

Tanling drank, “Bastard, don’t you know who I am?” ”

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