Tan Ling pinched the knife of the Cui family and was furious.

Guys who don’t have long eyes, damn it.

The people of the Cui family finally recognized that it was Tan Ling, and they were immediately shocked in their hearts, “Talk, Tanling Master!”

The Cui family who made the move also hurriedly bowed their heads to make amends, “I offended Lord Tanling, and I hope that the adult will forgive him.” ”

Tanling’s identity is much more noble than theirs.

Lu Shaoqing shouted at the right time, “A group of brainless and eyeless guys, kneel down, apologize to Lord Tan Ling, and compensate another hundred and eighty thousand spirit stones.

“If you don’t apologize, let the second elder come and chat with the third elder.”

Several Cui family members looked at each other and felt chills in their hearts, who is this guy?

The tone is so big.

Could it be who is the Second Elder?

Talk about the big hatred, what is this bastard going to do?

She turned back to Lu Shaoqing and said, “Shut up, don’t mention my master.” ”

That’s my master, not your master, less porcelain here.”

Lu Shaoqing straightened his chest and said arrogantly, “What are you afraid of?”

“Isn’t it just a few Cui family members? Killing them, daring to offend the respected Lord Tanling, that is, offending the Second Elder, absolutely killing them. Otherwise, what face does the second elder have? When

several Cui family members heard this, they became even more frightened.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

They did not dare to delay, and hurriedly and quietly sent a signal to inform the people in the family.

They’re just small shrimp that have to be handled by the people above.

Tan Ling was angry and shouted at Lu Shaoqing, “Shut up, shut up, there is no part for you to talk here.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked and looked at Tan Ling in disbelief, “No, are you going to betray the division?”

“They’re hitting your master in the face, you don’t kill them, what are you going to do?”

Tan Ling couldn’t help it, took out the long qin, and drank angrily, “I’ll kill you first, believe it or not?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately became well-behaved, “Okay, okay, what’s up to you.” ”

Talk about hatred to the point that your teeth are almost crushed, this abominable bastard.

“Now, leave immediately.” Tan Ling gave orders to Lu Shaoqing.

The people of the Cui family sent a signal, and when the Cui family’s large army came, it would be even more difficult.

The two sides were already wrong, and when the time came, things were easy to get out of hand.

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “If you leave like this, will people think that you are not courageous?” ”

Are you here specifically to trouble the Cui family?” ”

When they came here, they were stopped by the perimeter of Cui’s house, and they just took a detour.

No one will say anything.

Several Cui family members next to them immediately became vigilant.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No, you think too much, how can I cause you trouble?”

Tan Ling stared at Lu Shaoqing fiercely, “Don’t cause me trouble, leave immediately.” ”

Definitely watch this bastard and not give him a chance to cause trouble for himself.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing did not resist and nodded obediently, “Everything is up to you, who makes you the boss.”

Tan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as he turned around, he noticed fluctuations around him.

When he turned around, he found that Lu Shaoqing had knocked those Cui family members unconscious and fell heavily on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Tan Ling was shocked, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing said solemnly, “Just now they scolded you and attacked you again. I’ll teach them a lesson, you don’t have to thank me. Tan

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Ling was half-convinced in his heart, secretly guessing whether Lu Shaoqing’s words were true or false.

If it’s true, this bastard is still a little conscientious.

Tanling’s side was puzzled, and several powerful auras appeared in the distance, including one that Tanling was very familiar with.

Cui Shu, dressed in tight spirit armor, appeared with several Cui family disciples.

After seeing Lu Shaoqing and Tanling, the anger in Cui Yuan’s heart immediately rushed to his brain, gritting his teeth angrily.

“Zhang Zheng!”


Cui Shu gritted his teeth, his deep voice was full of anger, and his angry eyes couldn’t wait to crush Lu Shaoqing and Tanling’s corpse.

Especially Lu Shaoqing, who scolded the Cui family fiercely, and the Cui family’s hair was about to be wiped out.

Thirty million spirit stones, how much time does it take for the Cui family to earn it back?

For this reason, she was scolded by her parents, the head of the family, and the elders, and she was scolded for ten days and a half month.

Scolding doubts life, exhaustion.

After coming to the top of the sacred mountain, he was still scolded by the elders on the sacred mountain and accused by the clansmen.

As a member of the Yan clan, he was not allowed to practice like the other clansmen, but was punished for coming here to take charge of security.

It’s sad to think about.

And all this is thanks to the two people in front of you, no, the abominable man.

“Ouch, acquaintance,” Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed and thanked Cui Xuan, “Thank you for your spirit stone.” ”

Which pot doesn’t mention which pot, Cui Xuan’s anger was completely ignited, “Bastard, bastard, I, I’m going to kill you.” Cui

Yuan’s body trembled, and the halberd appeared in his hand, and he was about to strike.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “What for? Want to fight?

“How big is it?” It’s okay to be mature, don’t shout and kill at every turn.

Cui Wei took a few deep breaths and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “What are you doing here?” ”

Can you come here and see what to do?” This is the place of your Cui family? This is the sacred mountain, the common property of the Holy Family. ”

Lu Shaoqing is righteous, this is only some distance from the cultivation place where the third elder is.

It is indeed not a place controlled by the Cui family.

Cui Xuan didn’t have anything to say for a while, but at this time, someone noticed that something was wrong.

“Miss, look!”

In the woods below, several unconscious Cui family members lay on the ground.

Cui Xu was furious, “Damn, are you provoking our Cui family?

Lu Shaoqing immediately took a step back and pointed at Tan Ling, “It’s none of my business, she did it.” ”


Talk about vomiting blood.

Talk is crazy, what is this bastard guy going to do?

Tan Ling snorted, and in her heart she also wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, and she said to Cui Yuan, “It has nothing to do with me, it was his hand.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “I strike? What am I doing here? I like the Cui family the most, how can I make a move on them.

“You want revenge, you look for her, don’t look for me, I didn’t do anything.”

Tan Ling’s breath stuck in her throat, making her dizzy.

She kind of knew why Lu Shaoqing suddenly attacked those Cui family members.

It is fake to be angry for her, and it is true to plant blame.

No matter who Cui Yuan shot, in her opinion, these two people are in a gang.

She pointed at Tan Ling with a halberd, “Tan Ling, today I will fight with you…”

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