“What did you say?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Cui Xuan, who had been worried about it, the first to can’t help it, jumping up like a person who has been torn open with a scar.

She pointed at Lu Shaoqing and shouted, “Are you blackmailing our Cui family?

“Damn it, I definitely won’t let you go.”

What is my Cui family?

Is it a big deal?

No matter how rich my Cui family is, they will not be such a grudge.

The other Cui family members also gritted their teeth and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, if they could, they wouldn’t mind rushing up and slashing Lu Shaoqing to death.

Thirty million spirit stones were originally the pain of the Cui family, and they hadn’t thought about how to take revenge on Lu Shaoqing yet.

On the contrary, Lu Shaoqing dared to come to the door and blackmail nakedly.

“Good, good,” Cui Zhangming said hatefully, “Very good, you are the first person who dares to blackmail the Cui family.” He

was like a beast, his eyes were red, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly, and he was ready to kill people at any time.

Tan Ling’s side is also calm.

I can’t calm my heart.

He actually used his master as a shield to blackmail the Cui family.

Aren’t you afraid that my master will come and kill you?”

“You shut up for me.” Tan Ling shouted, “Talk less about my master.”

Tanling’s face was a little unnatural, and it could even be said that he had an embarrassed expression.

Although she is the apprentice of the second elder, she will not run amok here in the Holy Land under the banner of her master, and she will not easily move out of her master’s backer to suppress people.

Whatever you encounter is solved by yourself.

Lu Shaoqing, under the banner of her master, is more skilled than her apprentice.

It made Tanling even wonder if his master had concealed that he had accepted Lu Shaoqing as an apprentice.

Otherwise, where does this righteous confidence come from?

When Lu Shaoqing didn’t hear Tan Ling’s words, he said to Cui Zhangming, “Hurry up and hand over the spirit stones, otherwise when the second elder comes to the door, it will not be something that a million spirit stones can solve.”

Tan Ling turned her head and left, quickly leaving Lu Shaoqing’s side, she said to Cui Zhangming, “This time the matter has nothing to do with my master.

“He is also not my master’s person, and has nothing to do with my master.”

The meaning is obvious, you Cui Zhangming will do it if you want to do it, it is best to kill him quickly.

Lu Shaoqing froze and shouted, “Where are you?”

“I’m helping you out, what are you doing?” When a backstabbing man? ”

You provoked the matter this time, you can solve it yourself.” Tan

Ling had a feeling in his heart that Lu Shaoqing was planning something on purpose.

In order to be safe, she didn’t let Lu Shaoqing sell herself, so she really sold Lu Shaoqing first to see what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Seeing this, Cui Zhangming couldn’t help but laugh.

I’ve seen countless infighting, but this is the first time like Tan Ling.

Cui Zhangming saw Tan Ling walk away, and without saying a word, he immediately shot at Lu Shaoqing.

He has long hated Lu Shaoqing to the bone, and it is difficult to dissipate his anger without killing.

In order to prevent Lu Shaoqing from running to Tan Ling’s side like just now, he first blocked the space around Lu Shaoqing when he started.

“Haha,” Cui Zhangming laughed proudly, “Now see where you are fleeing?” ”

Without talking, he can start without scruples.

The first shot is an all-out attack.

The dark clouds in the sky swirled, like the palm of the heavenly god shooting towards Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

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Cui Zhangming’s expression was hideous, and his face was filled with a thick killing intent, wanting to shoot Lu Shaoqing to death like a fly.

Tan Ling stood in the distance and calmly watched Cui Zhangming strike at Lu Shaoqing.

“Exactly, you can also take the opportunity to see how strong you really are.” Tan Ling whispered to herself.

When they met for the first time, Tan Ling learned Lu Shaoqing’s powerful divine sense.

Until now, Tan Ling still feels a little pain in his head from time to time.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense is strong, coupled with a sudden sneak attack, so that Tan Ling has not been able to know Lu Shaoqing’s true strength until now.

Now Cui Zhangming, the elder of the outer gate of the Holy Land, the strength of the seven-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period, can definitely force Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

However, Tan Ling believes that even if Lu Shaoqing is stronger, he will not be stronger than Ji Yan, and he will not be Cui Zhangming’s opponent.

It’s going to be a hard hit.

Tan Ling thought proudly.

These days, she was so angry that Lu Shaoqing itched her teeth, but she had no choice, she wished Lu Shaoqing suffered a little more.

Tan Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing expectantly, wanting to see Lu Shaoqing’s next embarrassed appearance.

Thinking that Lu Shaoqing would endure all the hardships and look embarrassed, Tanling couldn’t help but show a smile from the bottom of his heart.

However, soon, the faint smile on Tan Ling’s face disappeared, and finally he simply jumped up and cursed, “Bastard, bastard…”

Cui Zhangming’s attack was huge, and the powerful coercion made the surrounding spectators feel great pressure.

In other words, it is someone else, who has long been strictly waiting for the battle, and the means have come out to deal with it.

But Lu Shaoqing didn’t, he stood in place, the whole person was very relaxed, and Yun looked at Cui Zhangming lightly.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand, holding a token in his hand.

Seeing this token, Tanling was so angry that he scolded Lu Shaoqing as a bastard.

And Cui Zhangming’s face changed drastically, his palm was crooked, and the powerful attack grazed Lu Shaoqing’s side and hit the distant peak.


A powerful attack can break a mountain in normal times, and on the sacred mountain, it only causes that mountain to explode and knock out a piece of the mountain.

Cui Zhangming looked at the token in Lu Shaoqing’s hand in amazement, gritting his teeth, “You, you…”

This token he knew, the token of the second elder Rui, represented the second elder.

With such a token, it can run amok here in the Holy Land without hindrance.

At the same time, it also represents Elder Rui’s presence.

“Do you know?” Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, his teeth shining in the sun, he looked like a sunshine boy, handsome and handsome, “Do you want to check the authenticity?” ”


Who has made a fake of this token?

Cui Zhangming cursed Lu Shaoqing in his heart, can he die if he takes out this token earlier?

If he knew that Lu Shaoqing had Elder Rui’s token in his hand, he would not make an easy move.

At the same time, he looked angrily at the chatter in the distance.


Did you deliberately trick me into making a move, thinking of letting Elder Rui clean me up?

Tan Ling noticed Cui Zhangming’s gaze, she was depressed.

The baby is bitter in his heart, and the baby can’t say it.

Cui Zhangming said coldly, “It’s so despicable.

Cui Xuan also broke his mouth and cursed, “Despicable villain, shameless!” ”

Tanling wanted to cry.

Shut me up.

Lu Shaoqing stood up for the conversation again and pointed at Cui Zhangming, “What are you scolding people for?” Believe it or not, I’ll clean up you petty….”

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