Cui Zhangming was pointed at by Lu Shaoqing and scolded, and he was annoyed in his heart, “Okay, come and fight me.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, still refusing, “No.”

Cui Zhangming used the Agitation Method again, “You are very good for Elder Rui’s person, and if you refuse, you are embarrassing Elder Rui.”

“I believe that Elder Rui will definitely not spare you lightly after he finds out.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned and looked at Tan Ling, “Elder Rui won’t be so bad, right?” ”

If Tan Ling wants to tickle Lu Shaoqing to death, will he speak? Who is bad?

She said coldly, “After I go back, I will ask Master to take back the token in your hand.”

Only then did she realize that it was a mistake for Master to give Lu Shaoqing this token.

Elder Rui gave Lu Shaoqing a token so that Lu Shaoqing could go around on the sacred mountain, but now Lu Shaoqing used it to make trouble.

In the face of the challenge, he did not dare to fight, and smeared Elder Rui’s face.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he put away the token without saying a word, lest Tanling would snatch it back.

“You can’t do such an unkind thing, where can I not stop you?”

Tan Ling sneered, and secretly said in his heart, you can’t help me a lot of things.

I estimate that my Shouyuan is much less angry with you.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “It’s boring.”

He explained to Tanling, “I was afraid that if I fought, I would kill him, and I had a good heart, so I refused his challenge.” ”


Cui Xuan was the first to stand it after listening to it, and screamed, “What kind of kind-hearted are you? ”

If you have a good heart, the world is full of good people.

Tan Ling also secretly despised and agreed with the words of debt collection.

Cui Zhangming was amused, the first time he saw such a shameless guy

, “Boy, do you dare to fight with me?”

Cui Zhangming didn’t care about Lu Shaoqing’s real strength, he just wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Such a guy dangled in front of his eyes, making him think that the world was so bad.

Lu Shaoqing deliberately showed embarrassment and looked at Tanling, “Can I refuse?”

Tan Ling snorted, “You can try.” ”

Well,” Lu Shaoqing seemed very helpless, looking up to the sky and sighing, “I was forced to helpless.”

Then he said to Cui Zhang, “Come, old fellow, since you are looking for death, I will reluctantly satisfy you.”

Cui Zhangming’s nose was crooked, “What a big breath, come, let me properly understand your strength.”

“This time, life or death, dare or not?”

He looked at Tanling, mainly fearing the second elder’s apprentice.

Tan Ling’s reaction to this was flat, and she turned to the side, “This is your business, it has nothing to do with me.” Lu

Shaoqing had the token in his hand, and Cui Zhangming did not dare to kill Lu Shaoqing easily.

At most, with his strength, he fiercely cleaned up Lu Shaoqing.

And this is also what Tan Ling is willing to see, let Lu Shaoqing suffer a little, it is best to be beaten out of bed, and there is no need to make trouble for her everywhere.

Seeing that Tan Ling did not object, Cui Zhangming was overjoyed in his heart, and this time he could clean up Lu Shaoqing.

He laughed, “Boy, suffer death!” ”

Still a palm slap, as before, the strong pressure instantly pressed down, the ground hit a huge roar, and a huge palm print appeared.

It’s just that for a while, the palm of the spiritual power transformation has already slapped Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

And Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to react, so he was shot.

Cui Xuan, who was watching the battle from afar, couldn’t help but be overjoyed, “Haha, death is certain.” Tan

Ling also frowned, and couldn’t help but muttered in his heart.

Is this bastard just so vulnerable?

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Is his real strength very ordinary and unable to deal with Cui Zhangming’s attack?

Shouldn’t you be killed all of a sudden?

Cui Zhangming’s face was full of pride, and he laughed, “Vulnerable.” ”

I thought how powerful it was, but it was just a bragging guy.

But slapping him to death is too cheap for him.

When Cui Zhangming was sighing here, his face suddenly changed.

A powerful force rebounded, and the power was so great that it was like a monstrous wave.

Cui Zhangming was shocked and hurriedly used his spiritual power to dissolve.

Before Cui Zhangming could breathe a sigh of relief, he only felt that his eyes were dark.

Looking up, Lu Shaoqing had quietly appeared in front of him.

It’s like a night thug haunting silently in the dark, which is unguardable.

Cui Zhangming was horrified, how could it be so fast?

Lu Shaoqing grinned at Cui Zhangming and threw out a punch.

He wanted to see how powerful he really was.

Therefore, without any reservations, he threw a punch with all his might.

This punch was like a fist of gods and demons, and small black lightning flashed out around it, carrying monstrous power towards Cui Zhangming’s chest.

In a hurry, Cui Zhangming could only block his right hand in front of his chest and resist Lu Shaoqing’s punch as much as possible.


A loud bang, deafening.

Cui Zhangming felt the force break his hand bones and hit him his chest.


Cui Zhangming squirted a mouthful of blood, flew upside down for several miles, and smashed heavily on the ground.

This scene also stunned the onlookers Tan Ling, Cui Shu and others.

This bastard, is it so fierce?

Tan Ling was a little skeptical of what he saw.

It’s so fake.

Cui Shu and her clan also stood in place, this is the elder of the Cui family, an uncle, who has been famous for a long time.

Was it taken away by someone and replaced by someone?

Lu Shaoqing was also a little surprised, closed his fists, looked at the embarrassed Cui Zhangming, and muttered, “Parallel goods? ”

Elder of the Seventh Layer Realm of the Yuan Infant, Elder of the Outer Gate of the Holy Land, Elder Cui, and the younger brother of the first person of the Yuan Infant, it should be very powerful to hang these titles.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing did not dare to be careless, after all, he had just entered the sixth layer of the Yuan Infant now, which was a small realm lower than Cui Zhangming.

But under this punch, Cui Zhangming was knocked away.

It’s not parallel goods, it’s about the same, right?

It’s a bit difficult.

Lu Shaoqing scratched his head in his heart, which was not conducive to his plan.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing shouted at Cui Zhangming, “The villain is also the second person in the Yuan baby, can you take out some strength?”

“Don’t look at me when I release water when I’m young, it’s not a good habit, when you get to the battlefield, it’s easy to be killed.”

“Come on, show your true strength, don’t let me underestimate you.”

Cui Zhangming was punched by Lu Shaoqing here, and this punch made him feel like a holy mountain fell on him, and he almost fainted.

He bit his mouth desperately, trying not to let himself scream in pain or let himself pass out.

If he was knocked unconscious by a punch, he found a place to dig a hole and buried himself.

His side finally eased his breath, and Lu Shaoqing’s words came one after another, which was more lethal than the punch just now.

Cui Zhangming’s eyes instantly turned red…

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