Tan Ling hurriedly stepped forward, although she wanted to let Cui Zhangming beat Lu Shaoqing to death, but when she really got to this step, she still made a move.

She held Lu Shaoqing in vain, and Lu Shaoqing’s face was extremely pale, and her breath was sluggish.

The whole person is like suffering a serious illness, and he will die at any time.

Tan Ling couldn’t help but care, “Are you okay?”

Lu Shaoqing said to Tanling, “Go and call Elder Rui here, help me avenge him, and kill him.”

“Just help me avenge it, and I promise to warm your bed with my body.”

When Ling heard this, he had the urge to throw Lu Shaoqing to death.

It’s all like this, and it’s still cheap.

Cui Zhangming returned to his usual arrogance, and pretended to be a master, “Junior, count you lucky.” ”

The one who can still stand after being hit by the Soul Thorn, you are the first.”

Having said that, he also had to be surprised by Lu Shaoqing’s demon in his heart.

Although the Soul Thorn is a five-rank magic weapon, its special attack method makes many people defenseless, or unable to resist.

He used the Soul Thorn quite a few times, but the people whose realm strength was lower than him all passed out, and none of them were able to stay awake like Lu Shaoqing.

The Lu Shaoqing in front of him is a special case.


Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was holding up the conversation, he secretly thought in his heart that if he didn’t have something special, he would not be able to enter Elder Rui’s magic eye and get Elder Rui’s token.

Thinking of Elder Rui’s token, Cui Zhangming had no intention of continuing to strike.

Give Elder Rui a face.

Spare this kid’s life, but he is also wasted.

Lu Shaoqing shouted at Cui Zhangming, “Don’t be arrogant, when Elder Rui comes, you can cry.”

Tan Ling took Lu Shaoqing and turned around and left.

Let Lu Shaoqing continue to shout, I am afraid that she will have to suffer at that time.

Cui Shu shouted triumphantly in the back, “Walk slowly, haha…”

Tanling’s face was very ugly, staring at Lu Shaoqing, full of resentment, very impulsive to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t move, comfortably letting Tan Ling fly.

Tan Ling walked in front of her, and Lu Shaoqing, who had weak spiritual power, was behind her.

Lu Shaoqing lay down, while nagging behind Tanling, “What are you afraid of?”

“A cloud-piercing arrow, Elder Rui came to meet and sent a signal for Elder Rui to come and kill them.”

“Shut up!” Tan Ling couldn’t help but turn around and shout angrily, “If you talk nonsense, I’ll leave you here.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “My temper is not very good, I have to change it.” Tan

Ling simply did not speak, and after returning with Lu Shaoqing, he went to the side of the complex.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “You, what are you going to do?”

Without replying, he said, “Take you to see Master.”

Lu Shaoqing almost jumped up.

Go to your master, do these things I did still have meaning?

By then, it will all be exposed.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped, “No need, what are you taking me to find your master for?”

“You are injured, see if Master can save you.”

I need to save a fart, Lu Shaoqing is not going to appreciate it.

He said, “You quickly take me back to the place where I live, I know my injuries, give me half a year, I can get better.” When

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Tanling heard this, he stopped and looked at Lu Shaoqing.

“Are you sure?”

“Nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing said angrily, “Hurry, delay time, can you afford it?”

“You’re so attached to me, are you in love with me?” Tell you, you’re not my thing, and I won’t cheapen you. Tan

Ling greeted Cui Zhangming fiercely in his heart at this moment.

Why didn’t you kill this bastard?

Let him continue to come and block me.

“I’ll make you alive or dead.” Talking, he huffed and threw Lu Shaoqing back to his place of residence.

She also has to go back to heal her injuries, all of which were harmed by this bastard.

Watching Tan Ling leave, Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, the formation operated, and the vague white mist isolated all the sounds of the outside world.


Lu Shaoqing exhaled, his pale face returned to rosy, and he became energetic again, without the slightest hint of weakness.

“I hope I can hide this chick.” Lu Shaoqing said to himself.

Tan Ling’s moving HD camera followed, and he even had to be careful to pee.

Walking around, Tan Ling will not care about him, but if she wants to go up, Tan Ling will definitely not allow it, and even tell her master.

Neither Elder Rui nor Tan Ling allowed the interests of the Holy Land to be damaged.

Lu Shaoqing could only think of the method of pretending to be injured.

“Cui Yuan is not strong, there is no way to hurt the chick, only I can be injured, alas…”

Lu Shaoqing slowly entered the room with his hands behind his back.

Inside the room, the boundary floated above the boundary plate, seriously calling the little ape to read.

The little ape had a bitter face, scratching his head from time to time, fidgeting.

Let it learn is unbearable to die and be active.

After seeing Lu Shaoqing come back, he immediately pounced and shouted not to study.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, and he looked vicious, “If you don’t study well, I will castrate you and make you a mother monkey.” The

little ape was cold in his lower body, and hurriedly clamped his thighs to continue studying.

Mo Jun’s sword was inserted by the window, and Mo Jun sat on the hilt of the sword, looking out the window sadly, ignoring the things behind.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and flicked the Mojun sword into his hand, “What for?” Playing the Prince of Melancholy?

“Boss, I want to have no hill.”

“Bah,” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “You really think of yourself as a small one?

He stared at Mo Jun’s lower body with a bad face, making Mo Jun feel cold and smiling.

Hurriedly changed his mouth, “Boss, I mean it’s so stuffy here, you should take me with you when you go out.”

“What are you bringing with you?” I didn’t plan to cut people.

Lu Shaoqing threw the Mo Junjian to the side, lay down on the bed, and said, “I’ll take you out in two days.” Without

saying a word, the little ape immediately came over, squeaking, and wanted to go out with Lu Shaoqing.

It doesn’t want to stay here anymore.

Not to mention how stuffy it is here, just saying that it wants it to read and learn formations is almost crazy.

The world was also curious and leaned over, “Master, where are you going to do something bad?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, slapped the boundary piercing disc into the air, and scolded, “Can you speak?” Am I like someone who can do bad things?

Mo Jun immediately patted the horse’s butt, “That’s right, the master is handsome and dashing, how can he do bad things?”

“Master, are you going to cut whom?”

“Don’t cut people, go find people …”

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