Lu Shaoqing waited for a few days, and after Tan Ling also fell into cultivation, he began to act.

Taking advantage of the dark, Lu Shaoqing left quietly.

The Great Chi Escape Technique was cast, did not move the wind, and left quietly.

Lu Shaoqing has become familiar with the surrounding terrain these days.

The light car is familiar with the road and goes up.

A black shadow streaked like lightning, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye, and Lu Shaoqing’s figure shuttled through the ground.

There were no obstacles along the way, and after a few hours, we came to the halfway point of the mountain.

In front is the upper part of the sacred mountain, which is shrouded in formations.

The formation shone, the clouds lingered, and under the light of the red moon, the clouds and mist turned red, adding a bit of enchantment.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness spread lightly and quietly observed.

Since the above is covered by formations, it must not be simple.

At the back of the formation, there may be traps.

After checking it, he found that the formation here was just an ordinary formation, and with his means, he could easily enter without destroying it.

Isn’t that too simple?

Lu Shaoqing felt that it was still unreliable in his heart, just in case.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and the yin and yang pattern appeared in his eyes again.

The light of the world turned into two kinds of light in his eyes again.

Black and white.

And only the black and white light showed that the formation in front of him was within the scope of his solution.

There is no existence beyond his strength.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing began to enter slowly.

The process went unexpectedly smoothly, Lu Shaoqing came in as if he had returned to his own home, and directly opened the door and entered.

Stepping on the land of the sacred mountain, he stomped a few feet hard.

Feeling the solid ground, Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart, is there no serial array? Isn’t there another trick?

Looking back at the formation behind him, this is just a four-rank formation, starting to block it.

It seems to be bluffing, but it is like paper paste in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing despised the person who arranged the formation.

To engage in such a formation, it is better not to engage in it.

Is it used to bluff?


However, Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the demon race here in the Holy Land respected the sacred mountain.

Not to mention the random arrangement of formations, even if there is none, even if a line is drawn and announced that it is not allowed to cross the line, the demon people do not dare to make a mistake.

If so, that’s just right, cheap me.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but shake his head gently, and said proudly, “The moon is dark and the wind is high, it is when the chicken steals and touches the dog.”

Lu Shaoqing looked up at the surroundings, it was a forest, thickly wooded and overgrown with weeds.

Because of the block of the formation outside, the moonlight cannot be projected here, and the surrounding area is black, and five fingers are missing.

In the rich black, there seems to be something terrifying lurking.

A cold wind blows in the jungle, whistling, and in the darkness, it is like a dark wind blowing from hell.

It was cold and piercing, as if it could freeze the soul.

Even the most daring person who comes here will be scared into a coward.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s perception told him that there was no danger in the darkness, and his consciousness was pervasive, slowly feeling everything in the darkness around him.

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One zhang, three zhang, ten zhang, hundred zhang, thousand zhang…

The size of this dark area was beyond Lu Shaoqing’s imagination.

According to the range of his divine sense, the area shrouded in darkness has long exceeded thousands of miles, and there is no end in sight.

Lu Shaoqing wondered, was this really the place above the sacred mountain?

Could it be that the places above are all shrouded in darkness?

Just when Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, his expression moved, and his divine sense felt something special.

Or rather, he felt the presence of man.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and his divine sense was immediately retracted, lest he alarm the people here.

He opened his eyes, discerned his direction, and went straight to where he found it.

Like a leopard walking through the darkness, he left one tree after another and quietly came to the edge of a cliff.

It was still dark here, but the light from below the cliff broke the darkness.

Lu Shaoqing carefully came to the side and poked his head out.

At this look, Lu Shaoqing was stunned, and there was actually a military camp below.

The barracks were lined with banners, the tents stretched for hundreds of miles, and each tent was separated by a hundred meters, and the light inside lit up, and when viewed from Lu Shaoqing’s position, it was like countless glowing covers.

Inside the tent, there were black-armored cultivators cultivating, and the ones on their bodies exuded a faint light, like breathing, one light and one dark.

On the school field, a pair of black-armored friars fought in formation.

Like mortal soldiers, they formed their own formations and attacked back and forth.

As if they were really fighting, they held long-handled short knives and collided with each other in the flesh without mercy.

With every collision, blood splashed, and even broken leg stump was thrown.

These monks were extremely tall, dressed in black armor, and fought like wild beasts in the most primitive way.

They are cruel to their opponents, and they are even more ruthless to themselves.

Every collision, even if the body is covered in blood and scarred, it will never say a word.

A violent, tyrannical aura swept through.

Even when Lu Shaoqing encountered these breaths, he couldn’t help but change his face.

These breaths can directly affect people’s state of mind.

People with unstable moods are immediately scared into fools when they encounter these breaths.

With Lu Shaoqing’s understanding of the cultivators of the Thirty States, ordinary cultivators could be slaughtered when they encountered these army-style demon cultivators below.

The following hundreds of people gathered into a team, all of them were able to kill a parallel cargo baby.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it for a while and quietly retracted his head.

Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with, slipped away, slipped away.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to stay here longer.

No matter how confident he was in his strength, he did not dare to provoke the people below.

Once he discovers that he is besieged by the people below, he also has to kneel here.

As for going down to inquire about intelligence or something, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even think about it.

Even if the Demon Race successfully invaded the Thirteen States now, he would not bother.

He is just a small monk, and his ideal on weekdays is to eat and wait for death.

The life and death of the thirteen states was not his turn to worry about.

Still that sentence, the sky fell, naturally there were tall people on top.

Lu Shaoqing left quietly, even in a big circle, far away from here, and then continued to go up.

Along the way, Lu Shaoqing came across several such camps, and saw no less than 100,000 demon cultivators.

Such a huge force scared Lu Shaoqing to act more carefully.

But as he went up, the light around him gradually became brighter, and finally, when he stepped out of the woods, the sun shone on him…

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