Lu Shaoqing came to the place where Ji Yan was arranged, a small courtyard with a stronger aura.

A simple wooden house with a small garden in front of the steps with a small pool and a spring under the pool with flowing water.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the pool, as if he wanted to see the situation underground.

This pool is the eye of a formation, providing a steady stream of spiritual energy here.

And the aura follows the spring water from below the ground.

Below is actually a spiritual vein.

Standing here, even if you don’t have to deliberately cultivate, the rich aura can make people progress rapidly.

Rich aura, superior environment, even in the thirteen states, this kind of environment is rare.

After coming here, Lu Shaoqing felt it and praised, “Our sect can be regarded as rich in spiritual energy in Qizhou, but there is no place comparable to here, right?” Ji

Yan nodded, “Indeed, no. ”

This is the center of the entire Cold Star, and it’s not surprising that there is such a place.

Although the Lingxiao Sect is good, there is still a huge gap compared to the Holy Land.

It’s like the gap between a super sect and a third-rate small sect, or even bigger.

Lu Shaoqing became envious, “To provide such a good cultivation place for all of you, what about those god transformation powers?” What about the Holy Lord?

“What will happen to their cultivation ground?”

Ji Yan also thought for a while, and finally shook his head, he couldn’t think of what it would be like.

Lu Shaoqing guessed, “In that kind of place, the normal air is gone, it’s all aura.” I don’t know if it will be Reiki poisoning.

Lu Shaoqing understood why the other Demon Clan people did not hesitate to fight for their lives in order to get to the place of the Holy Mountain.

In this kind of place, a pig can also cultivate into a demon pig, become a peerless power, and become an immortal.

Lu Shaoqing’s saliva began to flow out, he took out a shovel and said to Ji Yan, “Why don’t you dig down to see if there are any spirit stones underneath?” Ji

Yan looked at him coldly, “You can try, do you see if it will alarm others?” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he took back the shovel and was very disappointed, “Alas, if only a spirit stone vein could be dug up. ”

With such an abundance of spiritual energy, there are definitely spirit stone veins below.

Even, the saint above and below are all spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing wiped his saliva, “Wait, when my strength is strong, I will come back and dig up all the sacred mountains.”

Then Lu Shaoqing circled around a few times, very puzzled, “Strange, there is no such thing as surveillance here?”

After determining that there was no monitoring formation or something, Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, very satisfied with the Holy Land’s approach, “The heart is really big, but I like it.” Ji

Yan had already sat down to heal his injuries, and Lu Shaoqing saw Ji Yan hanging high, planning not to ask anything, so he couldn’t get angry.

Coming to Ji Yan and sitting face to face with Ji Yan, he said, “What are you going to do?” Be a hand-shaking eunuch? The

reason given by Ji Yan was simple, “I want to heal my wounds, you deal with the rest, find that place, and we will go.”

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “I’ll find a hair.”

“I’m a black family now, I can’t see anyone, where do I go to find it?” I went to ask the Holy Lord if he was okay? Ji

Yan smiled and said, “Okay, there you go.”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, “I’m talking to you about business.” So

angry that he wanted to beat Ji Yan, and he was still laughing at this time?

Do you have to rely on me as a junior brother for everything?

Lu Shaoqing turned his eyes and saw that the little ape was next to him, without saying a word, he stretched out his hand.

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The little ape, caught off guard, was caught in his hands.

The little ape screamed in shock, struggling desperately, but to no avail.

Lying on the roof, Mo Jun smiled proudly, “Xiaobai is really pitiful, not conspicuous at all.”

Wuqiu’s voice was immature, and he shook his head, “I have suffered so many losses, and I don’t have a long memory, and I deserve it.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan while cleaning up the little ape, “You hurry up and ask where Clear Fang is.” Ji

Yan asked rhetorically, “How to ask?” ”

Everyone is in the well water does not violate the river water, they are all in the process of submarine, and they rush to the door, afraid that they will not fight.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about this, he was quite unreasonable, “I don’t care about you, you can go up and come hard, or a beautiful man, let me ask.” At

the same time, he touched the little ape’s head, making the little ape scream in fright.

Is this plucking?

I don’t want to be a bald ape, what sudden less the stronger, it’s all fake.

Ji Yan ignored the little ape’s call for help, and he should not have heard it at this time.

Ji Yan was about to speak, when suddenly someone outside heard a voice.

“Lord Ji Yan, Yan Shuya of the Yan family asks for a meeting.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, “Okay, you came here to get the hang of it?” Ji

Yan was not angry, “Get out!”

He ignored Yan Shuya outside, so he shouldn’t have heard it.

Outside, Yan Shuya did not hear Ji Yan speak, and continued to speak, “Master Ji Yan, Yan Shuya asks for a meeting, and asks for advice.”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “What are you going to do?” Quickly let her in, use your beautiful male trick, and ask where the Absolute Split Abyss is.

“Time is running out, hurry.”

Ji Yan was not happy, “You don’t ask yourself?”

“I asked Mao!” Lu Shaoqing got up and got into the log cabin, while imitating Ji Yan’s voice, “Come in!” When

Yan Shuya outside heard this, her eyes lit up, and she immediately said, “Master Xie Jiyan.” Seeing

Yan Shuya appear, Ji Yan had no choice but to face it, he put on a normal appearance and looked at Yan Shuya faintly.

After Yan Shuya came in, facing Ji Yan’s indifferent gaze, the pressure in her heart instantly increased.

She saluted respectfully, “Lord Ji Yan.”

Ji Yan said lightly, “What did you come to me for?”

Yan Shuya was entangled, and finally gritted her teeth and said, “Master Ji Yan, in the competition in two months, someone wants to target you.” ”

Ji Yan is too strong, two months is enough for Ji Yan to recover.

At that time, the test calculation will still be the first.

The Holy Land has already said that rewards will be based on the rank of the competition.

The reward for first place is the best without thinking.

Everyone wants to be first, but there are plans, and others don’t have the confidence to get first.

Kill Ji Yan and let Ji Yan out, and others will have a chance to compete for the first place.

Ji Yan’s face remained unchanged when he heard this, he would not be afraid of this kind of thing, but had a bit of fighting intent.

Ji Yan asked, “You are here to talk about this?” Yan

Shuya saw that Ji Yan was silent, and did not seem to take this matter to heart, she muttered in her heart, which was a little different from what she imagined.

She said again, “Lord Ji Yan, they have joined forces, their strength is very strong, Lord Ji Yan, you are weak, I’m afraid…”

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