Ji Yan’s answer was still indifferent and calm, “Got it.” ”

Thanks for informing.”

Faced with the few words, Yan Shuya didn’t know how to respond for a while.

In her opinion, Ji Yan should be taken seriously.

After all, the forty and nine people who came to the sacred mountain were all proud sons of heaven without exception, with extraordinary talent and strong strength.

Whoever has few moves in their hands will definitely not be able to come here.

Together, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Yan Shuya was also pulled to a meeting, thinking of involving her and joining forces to deal with Ji Yan.

But she had other ideas, from the Yan family, but she was from the Punchi clan.

Without the attention of the family, she got to this point, more on her own.

This is a great opportunity for her, she has seen Ji Yan’s performance with her own eyes, and if she can take this opportunity to make friends with Ji Yan, it will be of great benefit to her.

But Ji Yan’s reaction made her a little uncertain.

Ji Yan was indifferent to the intelligence information she brought, and only had a word of thanks to him.

He is very cold and has an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Seeing that Ji Yan didn’t seem to continue to speak, Yan Shuya gritted her teeth and said her true purpose for coming here.

“Master Ji Yan, I will join forces with you and deal with those people together when the time comes.”

Yan Shuya wanted to gamble.

Join forces to deal with other opponents, further deepen the relationship between the two sides, and step by step, the worst will become friends in the future.

Having a person like Jiyan as a friend will do her no harm.

“No need.”

Ji Yan answered simply and directly, and the two words disappointed Yan Shuya in her heart.

She opened her mouth, and all the words she had thought of before coming were useless in front of these two words.

Yan Shuya couldn’t figure out whether Ji Yan was confident or arrogant, not putting everyone in her eyes.

His purpose could not be achieved, and he didn’t know what to say at the moment, Yan Shuya didn’t know whether to stay or turn around and leave for a while.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Just when Yan Shuya was in a dilemma, Ji Yan spoke, and he said to Yan Shuya, “Girl Yan, there is something I want to ask.”

Lu Shaoqing, who was hiding in the room, couldn’t help but scold her mother in a low voice, “I’ll go, don’t be so direct, Wozhi…”

Yan Shuya was worried that there was no topic to talk about, and when she heard this, her spirit was immediately shocked, and she hurriedly spoke, “Lord Ji Yan, please say.”

“If I can do it, I will definitely go to the soup.”

Ji Yan spoke directly, “Where is the Absolute Rift Abyss?” ”

I’ll go!

Lu Shaoqing twisted his thighs in anger inside.

Yan Shuya’s face changed and she was shocked, “Lord Ji Yan, you, what are you asking this for?”

She thought about it a lot, and she didn’t expect Ji Yan to ask about this.

The origin of Ji Yan is unknown, it seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and there are already many rumors about Ji Yan here in the Holy Land.

Now Ji Yan asked about the Absolute Rift Abyss, which is one of the forbidden places in the Holy Land, and now the Saint Lady candidates are fiercely competing for the position of the Holy Lady inside.

At this time, asking about the location of the Peerless Abyss, all kinds of associations made Yan Shuya think of a lot at once.

Her eyes immediately showed suspicion, and she looked at Ji Yan warily.

Even, her body was like a taut bow and arrow, ready to move at any time.

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Ji Yan didn’t care about Yan Shuya’s actions, he said, “I want to know where it is.”

“Lord Ji Yan, please forgive me for not being able to tell.”

Yan Shuya became more and more vigilant in her heart, and she also had a bad premonition, and she decisively left, “Since there is nothing to do, I will not disturb Master Ji Yan.”


As soon as Yan Shuya finished speaking, the door of the wooden house suddenly opened, and a black shadow jumped out from the door.

Yan Shuya instantly became vigilant and almost made a move.

However, when she saw that it was a small ape in front of her, she was subconsciously relieved.

A little beast that startled me.

However, the next moment, a sense of danger came to my mind.

A figure burst out of the house, Yan Shuya was covered in sweat, and she didn’t have time to see what it was.

The spiritual power in her body was running wildly, and the powerful spiritual power exploded, and the foot instantly exploded.

She pulled back, trying to flee quickly.

But all this is already late.

A powerful divine consciousness enveloped him.

In Yan Shuya’s perception, heaven and earth are trembling, the firmament is being torn apart, and the earth is crumbling.

The strong sense of oppression overwhelmed her, and the strong pressure made the spiritual power in her body feel like she had encountered a cold winter, and it was difficult to move.

Divine consciousness entered her body like a poisonous snake and attacked towards her sea of knowledge.

Under this pressure, Yan Shuya resisted with difficulty, gritting her teeth desperately, desperately resisting.

Suddenly, a voice sounded and entered her ears.

“Hey, chick, look here!”

The voice was lazy and evil, with a bit of attraction, which made Yan Shuya look subconsciously.

A blue-shirted youth appeared in front of her, and the two almost kissed, and the young man looked at her with an evil smile.

Before Yan Shuya could react, the blue-shirted young man’s head suddenly slammed down.


Caught off guard, Yan Shuya ate a head mallet firmly.

The huge force made Yan Shuya feel as if her brain door was smashed by a ten-pin divine hammer.

A strong sense of dizziness surged up, constantly impacting Yan Shuya’s consciousness, making her feel uncomfortable and wanting to vomit.

She was no longer able to control herself, screamed, and the will to resist quickly collapsed.

Divine consciousness took advantage of the void and flooded into her mind to give her a hard blow.

Clamped inside and outside, the pain doubled, Yan Shuya couldn’t support it, rolled her eyes, and passed out directly.

Watching Yan Shuya pass out, Lu Shaoqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his brain, and cried, “It hurts to death, it hurts to death…”

While shouting, he skillfully forbade Yan Shuya.

After a busy time, Lu Shaoqing sat on the ground and took out a mirror to look at his head carefully.

“It’s okay, it’s not injured, Grandma Li, it’s hurting to death.”

“The bones of the demon people are really hard.”

Thanks to Lu Shaoqing, he practiced, otherwise this time, he would be the first to faint.

Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, who was rubbing his forehead, “You are indeed the sixth-layer realm of the Yuan Infant.” ”

Ji Yan is still a five-layer realm, one realm behind Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have the heart to discuss this with Ji Yan, and he scolded Ji Yan, “Did your brain fall under the mountain….”

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