“Dead, dead!”

Lu Shaoqing scolded her mother, this time she was dead.

He didn’t care about anything, so he flew directly into the sky and rushed down.

The sudden change made everyone in the Holy Land sluggish.

“Ji, Ji Yan is a Terran?”

“No, it can’t be…” ”

Would the Terrans have such powerful people?”

“Our Holy Race is actually inferior to the Terrans?”

It was difficult for countless people in the Holy Land to accept such an outcome.

There are even quite a few people who collapse because of this.

“Are the Terrans so strong? We holy families are inferior to him?

“Whew, I still want to marry him…”

“They turned out to be Terran traitors?” Jian Yi gritted his teeth and hated to madness.

It was a great shame to lose at the hands of the Terrans.

“I’m going to kill you.” Jian Yi coldly left the Jian family and went straight to the Holy Mountain.

Jian Lan, Cui Xu, and the others were equally stunned.

But then a deep shame came to them, and they were bet with a Terran and actually lost to the Terrans, stomping their faces to the ground.

Especially Cui Xuan, she hated to vomit blood, and Lu Shaoqing, a Terran, also swept away the Cui family’s 30 million spirit stones.

It can even be said that this is a capital enemy.

Cui Zhangming was also remorseful, shouting, “I already knew that he was a Terran traitor, and I should have killed him at that time.”

Cui Zhangming stood up, and his angry voice echoed in the air and reached the ears of every Cui family, “Except for the protectors of the Dharma, people above the Jiedan period and below the Yuan Infancy stage followed me to kill the Terran traitors.” ”

So many people dispatched, and the main thing was the Cui family’s 30 million spirit stones.

The Sword Family, the Cui Family, the Luan Family and other major families took action one after another, and they all sent clan masters to rush to the Holy Mountain to find the Terran traitors.

Tan Ling looked up at the portrait of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, and his mind was blank.

No matter how she was, she couldn’t imagine that these two guys were actually Terrans.

The day I went out that day was really not a good day.

She was hunted down and killed, and she also met the Terrans, and she brought the Terrans back to take them in her home.

Big trouble.

Tan Ling couldn’t care about healing, she rushed outside, looking at the foggy cover of the place where Lu Shaoqing lived, and she didn’t dare to break in rashly.

“Lu Shaoqing, come out!”

Until now, Tan Ling couldn’t care about anything, and called out Lu Shaoqing’s real name.

But no matter how much Talker shouted, there was no movement inside.

“Do you want spirit stones?”

Even if Tan Ling took out the spirit stone, there was no movement in it.

Shouldn’t it be injured and have no way of knowing what is going on outside?

Tan Ling couldn’t help but worry in her heart, her mood was extremely complicated now.

I wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, and I thought about him leaving here quickly.

For a moment, she didn’t know how to be good.

The formation in front of her, she didn’t dare to break in, gritted her teeth, and turned around and left here, at this time she could only go to the master.

As soon as he came to Master, he met Fu Yun and Shi Ji and Shi Liao.

“Help Elder!”

Fu Yun nodded, “Let’s go in and say.” ”

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Fu Yun and Elder Rui are a faction, and the two sides can be regarded as allies.

He came here this time also for Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s affairs.

The two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao were not very interested, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

The two admired Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan very much, and finally knew that these two people were Terrans, and their hearts were complicated, which can be imagined.

It’s not much different from beeping a dog.

After they came in, they found Elder Rui standing by the stream, with his back to them.

After everyone saluted, Tan Ling couldn’t wait to ask, “Master, what should I do now?” Elder

Rui turned around, his expression indifferent, “What’s the hurry?”

“At this time, do you want to protect him?”

Fu Yun said, “Second Elder, the little disciple has something to hand over to you. ”

Elder Rui and Tanling were stunned, there is something to give, as for this time?

Shi Ji was also a little nervous, she flipped her wrist, and a Xun Demon Stone with a prohibition on the surface, about a hundred catties, no smaller than Shi Ji’s body, appeared in her hand, and there was also a jade talisman.

“Sundemon Stone?” Fu Yun suddenly Elder Rui recognized what this was.

Shi Ji swallowed a mouthful of spit and handed the jade talisman to Tan Ling, “Lord Zhang Zheng said that if he disappeared for three months or something major happened related to him, he would give this jade talisman to you and let you give this Xun Demon Stone to the second elder. Tan

Ling took the jade talisman and looked at the information inside for the first time.

After reading it, Tanling’s face was strange.

Tan Ling pointed to the Xun Demon Stone in Shi Ji’s hand to the curious people, “That guy said, give this Xun Demon Stone to Master, let Master pay attention when he sees it, and then he can clear my suspicions.” ”

Suspect?” Shi Ji and Shi Liao looked at each other, and the two did not understand what the use of this stone was.

Elder Rui was interested, stretched out his hand, and the Xun Demon Stone fell into his hand.

She held the Xun Demon Stone lightly, and a hint of surprise flashed on her face, “Such a large Xun Demon Stone is rare.

Fu Yun nodded in agreement, “I don’t know what he has to do with the indigenous wildlings.

Tan Ling looked worried, and suggested, “Master, should you take some precautions?” ”

Lu Shaoqing’s feeling for Tanling is really bad.

Despicable and shameless fellow, maybe there is really something waiting for her master.

Elder Rui shook his head and said confidently, “What else can this stone do to me?” ”

She is also in the late stage of the Transformation God, and she has few opponents in the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing was just a Yuan Infancy, even if others were here as Elder Rui, they couldn’t cause the slightest harm, not to mention that he just sent a stone.

Even if the stone is special.

One sentence makes her like a big enemy, this face is not good-looking.

Tan Ling was still very worried, “Master, he is very cunning…”

Elder Rui laughed confidently, “Good you girl, can’t you even trust your master?”

“He’s just a little Terran guy, don’t worry about what kind of storm he can make.”

“Well said!”

A voice sounded, and then Mu Yong’s figure appeared in the courtyard.


Fu Yun frowned, “Mu Yong, what is your intention in trespassing into the Second Elder’s retreat?” ”

Mu Yong’s origin is mysterious, even Fuyun these Holy Land elders don’t know its origin.

However, Elder Rui had a very good attitude towards Mu Yong, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and a smile appeared, like flowers blooming, “You are here.” ”

It’s as if Mu Yong is an old friend he hasn’t seen for years.

Tan Ling was curious, Master’s smile, she was still the first time to see it.

Mu Yong nodded and looked at the Xun Demon Stone in her hand, “That kid gave you the Xun Demon Stone, what do you want to do?” Elder

Rui’s jade hand flicked gently, and the prohibition on the Xun Demon Stone was instantly erased, “Just take a look?”

After the prohibition was erased, the true appearance of the Xun Demon Stone was revealed, and everyone saw that there were several words engraved on it, “Don’t inject spiritual power….”

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