Don’t inject spiritual power?

Six words, making everyone look puzzled.

I don’t understand what Lu Shaoqing is doing.

After Elder Rui saw it, he subconsciously injected spiritual power into it.

These six words are equivalent to a temptation, very easy to arouse people’s rebellious psychology

, but Mu Yong had a bad premonition in his heart, he hurriedly shouted, “Slow, slow…” but

it was too late.

Elder Rui easily injected spiritual power into the Xun Demon Stone in front of him.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, the Xun Demon Stone lit up, and a powerful energy burst out.


The Xun Demon Stone exploded instantly, and the powerful and majestic energy swept away instantly, the spiritual power was frantically vented, and the hut behind Elder Rui changed into ashes in an instant.

A powerful explosion, the sky shattered, and the flames rose into the sky, as if the world was burning.

The explosion rumbled, causing a strong earthquake to occur in a radius of more than ten miles, and the buildings close to the vicinity were also reduced to pieces in an instant of energy diffusion.

The powerful explosion generated a terrifying mushroom cloud that soared into the air, extremely shocking.

When the explosion subsided, everything gradually settled.

The figures of Elder Rui and the others appeared in the sky.

Everyone’s faces turned pale, including Elder Rui and Fu Yun, two masters of the Transformation God Stage.

They looked at the ground in disbelief, and everything was razed to the ground for more than a hundred miles.

At the center of the explosion was a huge crater hundreds of meters deep and miles wide.

You know, how strong the sacred mountain is, but being able to blow up such a deep pit shows how powerful the explosion is.

“The power of one blow in the Transformation God Period!” Fu Yun’s face turned pale, and he swallowed a mouthful of spit, saying how powerful this explosion was.

The ground is full of cracks in a radius of thousands of miles, and the closer to the center of the explosion, the larger the cracks become.

Not only was Elder Rui’s hut gone, but even the nearby buildings were destroyed in the explosion, turning into rubble.

Shi Ji and Shi Liao’s faces turned pale, and their hearts palpitated, just now Fu Yun protected them for the first time, otherwise under the impact of this explosion, the two would definitely not be spared.

Elder Rui also had palpitations, even if she was in the late stage of Transformation God, she was directly hit by such a blow, she was not comfortable.

Fortunately, her strength gave her enough time to react, and she was able to bring Tan Ling out so that her apprentice would not be killed.

Really, Elder Rui couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart, and he was almost overshadowed by a little guy.

Tan Ling’s side was so angry that his body was shaking.

Such an explosion is comparable to a blow in the Avatar Period, what a horror.

If she accidentally detonated, she would even have her soul blown up into slag, and she wouldn’t even be able to reincarnate and reincarnate, right?

This bastard actually wanted to use it against her master, if it weren’t for the master’s strength, he would have to be seriously injured if he didn’t die.

“Damn bastard, I, I can’t spare him, I must kill him.”

Tan Ling’s heart was full of killing intent, and he couldn’t wait to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces now.

Shi Ji still had trust in Lu Shaoqing, and she hesitantly spoke, “Didn’t Master Zhang Zheng say that?” Can help Sister Ling clear her suspicions…”

Wash off a fart.” Tan Ling didn’t believe it at all.

It is definitely a wolf ambition that deliberately wants to harm her master.

She shouted angrily, “Fart, his name is not Zhang Zheng, his name is Lu Shaoqing.” ”

What?” Shi Ji and Shi Liao were stunned.

And there was also a person next to him who was stunned, it was Mu Yong, Mu Yong’s expression was complicated, there was anger and consternation, he asked Tan Ling, “His name is Lu Shaoqing?”

Elder Rui answered Mu Yong’s question, “That’s right, his real name is indeed Lu Shaoqing, I personally confirmed it.” Then

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tell everyone how she let Lu Shaoqing say those words.

After Mu Yong listened, his face was strange, and he asked Elder Rui, “Are you sure?” Elder

Rui nodded, his tone proud, “My Tianyin Lost Soul, don’t you know?”

Mu Yong nodded and showed a wry smile, “I’m sure he lied to you, and he lied to me.” ”

Given his oath, Mu will never be able to say anything about the Absolute Abyss.

Elder Rui didn’t believe it, “I personally made him swear that he couldn’t lie to me. ”

All swear by Daoxin, no one dares to joke about this kind of thing.

Mu Yongya said, “He also swore to me, and he said something another way to me. Tan

Ling was strange, “Mu Yong-sama, when will you see him?” Until

now, Tan Ling could pat his chest to affirm that Lu Shaoqing would not be able to see Mu Yong, “I have been following him.”

Mu Yong said lightly, “Just a day ago.

Mu Yong’s statement was even more unacceptable, “It’s impossible, you’re deceiving people.” ”

He’s injured and still healing.”

Mu Yong’s heart moved, and a mountain-like Xun Demon Stone appeared.

Seeing the Xun Demon Stone that was like a hill, everyone’s faces changed wildly in fright.

Fu Yun protected his two apprentices and took two steps back.

The Xun Demon Stone just now was comparable to a blow from a cultivator of the Transformation God Stage.

How many Avatar Phases are combined to strike here?

Elder Rui also had a numb scalp and cold hair standing on end.

Mu Yong said lightly, “This is what he gave me, saying that I should go back and study it properly.” ”

The tone is flat, without the slightest mood swing.

But Mu Yong wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

Such a large Xun Demon Stone, once it exploded, he would not be much better.

Too cunning.

However, thinking of the situation that Lu Shaoqing was about to encounter, Mu Yong couldn’t help but smile on his face.

Put away the Xun Magic Stone, it may still be useful in the future.

Maybe he can really figure out how to explode, and it’s not useless for him.

As long as it doesn’t inject spiritual power.

Mu Yong, who put away the Xun Demon Stone, heard Tan Ling shouting, “No, it’s impossible, he is obviously injured and is healing.” Remembering

Lu Shaoqing’s fierceness in attacking him, Mu Yong corrected Tan Ling’s words again, “He was not injured, but jumped alive.

“Otherwise, why do you think the Holy Lord would order the Holy Lord to hunt him down?”

Elder Rui gave Lu Shaoqing a token, she felt it, pointed to it, and said, “He is on it now.” ”

Talk is silly, she is being played around.

She understood, so angry that she stomped her foot repeatedly, “Damn bastard, blame has to dare to come to see Master, it turns out that the injury is fake, and it’s real to get rid of me.”

“Damn, damn it, I can’t spare him, I’m going to kill him.”

Tanling was so angry that his heart was full of anger and murderousness.

For the first time, there was an urge to kill a person.

“Master, go and capture him, I’m going to kill him.” The angry talker asked the master to intervene.

Elder Rui shook his head, “The Holy Lord has an order, you can’t make a move above the Transformation God Period, the Holy Lord means to let the two of them become grindstones…”

As soon as Elder Rui’s voice fell, someone laughed, “Second Elder, what’s wrong with you here?” ”

In the distance, Cui Zhangming appeared with Cui Yuan and many other Cui family disciples…

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