Cui Zhangming led the people of the Cui family to see a huge explosion happening here in Elder Rui halfway.

Everyone in the Cui family was huge, at least forty-five people, and after coming here, they were all stunned when they saw the huge explosion marks.

After Cui Zhangming saw this, he was also secretly shocked in his heart.

Such a terrifying explosion, he was on the road, and he could see the mushroom cloud rising from far away, and the shock wave generated by the explosion made them feel it halfway.

You know, this is on the sacred mountain, causing such a huge momentum, the Yuan Baby will never be able to do it.

His gaze fell on Elder Rui and Elder Fu Yun, secretly guessing in his heart.

Could it be that these two avatars made an unpleasant fight and got into a fight?

Before Cui Zhangming could ask more, another group of people arrived.

A thin old man with white hair and a thin body appeared with Jian Lan and other sword disciples.

His face was old, but the aura contained in his body was as vast as the sun, and the whole person was like a sharp sword, straight towards others.

“Jian Five, are you here to join in the fun?” Cui Zhangming’s face showed displeasure, but there was jealousy hidden in his eyes.

Sword Fifth, Yuan Infant Ninth Layer, the former genius of the Sword Family, a generation older than Cui Zhangming.

Jian Wu’s face was dry, his cheekbones were high, and it seemed that only skin covered his bones, without a trace of flesh.

It looks like an old ghost, which is very scary.

He was also very curious about the explosion here, and after saluting Elder Rui, his voice was dry and ugly, “Second Elder, what happened to you here?” Elder

Rui’s tone was cold, “What happened to me here, do I need to explain it to you?” When

Jian Wu heard this, he hurriedly bowed his head, “Don’t dare!”

Cui Zhangming also bowed his head slightly.

Although they came from the Sword Family and the Cui Family, their own ancestors were also on an equal footing with Elder Rui.

But Elder Rui’s authority in the Holy Land was not something that these people could offend.

Seeing that Elder Rui seemed unwilling to say, Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming did not dare to continue asking.

Jian Wu pressed the curiosity in his heart, and he saluted Elder Rui again, respectfully and modestly, “Elder Rui, I came here this time to ask Elder Rui for someone.

Cui Zhangming reacted, Jian Wu and his purpose were the same.

He also hurriedly said, “Elder Rui, where is Zhang Zheng?” He, a traitor of the Terrans, must be arrested and tortured. ”

Tan Ling understood that the people from the Jian family and the Cui family came here for Lu Shaoqing.

Very angry in her heart, she exclaimed, “He doesn’t know where he died.” The

junior spoke, and the other juniors dared to follow suit.

Cui Wei said coldly, “Tanling, it’s all at this time, you still want to protect him?”

“You’re inseparable from him, and you won’t know where he is?”

Talk is angry, who is inseparable from him?

I wish I was 108,000 miles away from him.

Jian Lan, whose face was covered with rouge powder, spoke, “Tanling, you don’t pretend to understand here, Zhang Zheng and Ji Yan are the people you brought back, maybe you colluded with them to disadvantage the Holy Land.” ”

Cui Shu can be regarded as a tactful speak, but gladioli is different.

Jian Lan directly buttoned the hat of the holy traitor on Tan Ling’s head, and as soon as he spoke, Tan Ling colluded with Lu Shaoqing.

Tan Ling’s heart was even more angry, not only did Qi Jianlan speak so badly, but also buttoned such a big hat for himself.

It’s more of Qi Lu Shaoqing, angry that he caused her such a big trouble.

The Holy Lord’s attitude towards the Terrans was very disgusting, and if her holy traitor hat was put on, her trouble would be great, very big.

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Even her master may not be able to keep her.

Tan Ling’s heart suddenly gave birth to a little panic.

Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming’s gazes also fell on Tan Ling, with disgust and disdain, “Tan Ling, I hope you know each other, don’t be obsessed.”

“The Terrans are not worthy of this.”

Tan Ling gritted his teeth and was just about to speak.

Shi Liao suddenly interjected, “Lord Tan Ling really doesn’t know where Zhang Zheng went.

“And before Zhang Zheng left, he also left a vicious magic weapon, wanting to use Lord Tanling’s trust in him to assassinate Elder Rui, but fortunately, Elder Rui reacted in a timely manner, so that Zhang Zheng’s treachery did not succeed.”

Shi Liao’s words not only stunned the people of the Jian family and the Cui family.

Even Tan Ling and Shi Ji were stunned.

Suddenly, Tan Ling remembered the message left to her by Lu Shaoqing, which could help her clear her suspicions.

Is this it?

She was a little dazed and looked up at her master.

Elder Rui’s expression was still calm and indifferent, and his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

But Tan Ling could see a hint of satisfaction in her master’s eyes.

I don’t know if it’s Satisfied, Shi Liao’s cleverness, or something else.

After Jian Wu, Cui Zhangming and the others listened, they were stunned and couldn’t believe their ears.

It turns out that the explosion here was caused by the magic weapon left by that guy?

Jian Lan was also stunned for a long time, and then exclaimed, “Impossible, how is it possible?”

“Shi Liao, do you think you can fool us like this? Think this will help Talker clear his suspicions?

Cui Shu also said coldly, “That’s right, until now, it’s useless to quibble, let’s admit it obediently.”

Fu Yun spoke, and he said, “My apprentice is right, do you have any opinions?” ”

Fu Yun is an elder of the Holy Land, and his status is higher than that of the elders of the outer gate such as Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming.

He spoke, but Cui Xuan, Jian Lan and the others could only shut up.

Jian Wu was not afraid to support an elder, and he said, “Elder Fu, if that is the case, can anyone prove it?” Elder

Rui finally spoke, “What about me? Can my words prove it? ”

A long purple dress shining in the sun, shining purple, noble, Elder Rui is like a fairy king and female emperor, sacred and inviolable.

Jian Wu secretly complained in his heart, in fact, it can’t be proven, everyone knows that you and Fu Yun are a gang, maybe those two Terran traitors were deliberately put in by you.

However, Jian Wu still did not dare to refute after all.

Elder Rui is no better than Fu Yun, her status is equal to that of the ancestor of the sword family, her strength is strong, and she is an absolute real power figure.

The power in your hands is extremely powerful.

Except for the ancestor of the Jian family and the ancestor of the Cui family, no one dared to mess with her.

Cui Zhangming did not dare to speak, although he really wanted to make a fuss about the Terran rape.

However, these juniors are not qualified unless their ancestors personally come out.

Being stared at by Elder Rui, Jian Wu, Cui Zhangming and the others felt great pressure in their hearts.

“,” Elder Rui said coldly, “The others have disappeared, want to find him, go find it yourself.” ”

Yes!” Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming did not dare to talk nonsense, and obediently left with people.

Watching Jian Wu and them leave, Fu Yun suddenly let out a long sigh, “That kid, he also has a heart….”

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